Either his sniper mode (Unless someone stands in his melee he just spams range) or all his damage bypassing prayer should be changed.
Make his range proc randomly while meleeing or fix his targeting to stay on the original target like it's intended. All damage bypassing prayer and him randomly switching target are nowhere near osrs like. Broken mechanics being fixed by breaking more mechanics just means you'll have to know what's broken and how to abuse them, it creates a tedious grind that just makes me die a little on the inside.
Sure he'd be easier but has anyone actually entered zammy instance? He literally doesn't attack. Sara doesn't bypass prayer and doesn't do anything but melee, haven't been to arma but kinda assuming his room does less then Steelwill. And even if he gets easier it's still a grind but it's not as frustrating if it's not just rng hoping he doesn't just slam you for 20 every hit.