Welcome to my Thermy Guide.
Thermy is a Slayer Boss that is actually super simple to kill. And seeing as there's still currently no other guides for it, I figured I would go ahead and make one.
You MUST be on a Slayer Task in order to kill Thermy.
Required: 93 Slayer + Smoke Devils Task
1. Notable Drops
2. Gear Setup
TLDR; Slayer Helm, your best melee Slash weapon, either Max Strength or Mage Defense armor. Optional Spec Weapon and Imbued Heart (for extra Mage Defense). Bring more prayer pots if you're not going to prayer flick Piety.
3. Getting There
TLDR; Teleport Wizard > Dungeons > Smoke Devil Dungeon > Run North-West.
4. Strategy
TLDR; Use Piety and Preserve if you have it. Dump specs when you have them. Overhead Prayers have NO effect.
Thank you for taking the time to read my guide! :)
Positive feedback and constructive criticism are highly appreciated.