What is your suggestion?: New Revenate Cave Rewards
Is this in OSRS?: Yes [ New Update ]
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No
How would this benefit Alora?: New Items are always a benefit :)
Craw's bow
Craw's bow is a tradeable 2-handed bow that can deal additional damage to Wilderness NPCs. It has the same stats as the Magic shortbow (i) and requires 60 Ranged to equip. When charged with a minimum of 1000 Revenant ether, an additional 50% Ranged accuracy and 50% Ranged damage boost is activated vs any Wilderness NPC. This effect will stack with either a Slayer helmet or a Salve amulet equipped, but does not allow the effects of both the Slayer helmet and Salve amulet to stack. This includes imbued versions of both the Slayer helmet and the Salve amulet.
The bow does not use any ammo, much like the Crystal bow. Instead, it relies on the use of the Revenant ether stored within it. One Revenant ether is used per hit, even if a hit misses. Any Revenant ether stored within the bow is always dropped on death when inside the Wilderness.

Thammaron's sceptre
Thammaron's sceptre is a tradeable 1-handed magic weapon that can deal additional damage to Wilderness NPCs. It has the same stats as the Master wand and requires 60 Magic to equip. When charged with a minimum of 1000 Revenant ether, an additional 100% Magic accuracy and 25% Magic damage boost is activated vs any Wilderness NPC. This effect will stack with either a Slayer helmet or a Salve amulet equipped, but does not allow the effects of both the Slayer helmet and Salve amulet to stack. This includes imbued versions of both the Slayer helmet and the Salve amulet.
The sceptre can be used much like the Master wand, though it cannot autocast ancient spells. Each spell that is cast using the sceptre uses one Revenant ether, regardless of the spell hitting or not, alongside the standard runes required.

Viggora's chainmace
Viggora's chainmace is a tradeable 1-handed flail that can deal additional damage to Wilderness NPCs. It has stats similar to that of a Dragon scimitar and requires 60 Attack to equip. When charged with a minimum of 1000 Revenant ether, an additional 50% Melee accuracy and 50% Melee damage boost is activated vs any Wilderness NPC. This effect will stack with either a Slayer helmet or a Salve amulet equipped, but does not allow the effects of both the Slayer helmet and Salve amulet to stack. This includes imbued versions of both the Slayer helmet and the Salve amulet.
One Revenant ether is used per hit, even if a hit misses. Any Revenant ether stored within the chainmace is always dropped on death when inside the Wilderness.
Amulet of avarice
Within the Revenant Caves are a plethora of NPCs, many of which are killed frequently for Wilderness Slayer tasks. It's no secret that a lot of Wilderness activities are a trade-off between risk and reward. We want to further extend the risk vs reward factor with a new reward from Revenant NPCs - the Amulet of avarice.
The Amulet of avarice provides the same stats as an Amulet of glory, with the added ability of causing all drops within the Revenant Caves to be noted whilst it's worn - this includes the non-Revenant NPCs also in the cave. The downside to this benefit however, is that the player is constantly skulled while wearing the amulet. If removed, a normal 20-minute skull will remain.