What is your suggestion?:
My suggestion is to remove the Item overlay of the drops which is ''not'' yours, so Ironmen/UIM/EIM could see if the drops are yours and it won't stack your ingame screen. It was a bit annoying to see drops that I thought it was mine, while it's not.
Is this in OSRS?:\
Not really, but at OSRS just as example the program OSbuddy you could hold ctrl+click on the item to remove the specific overlay.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
I couldn't find a topic about it, so I guess not.
How would this benefit Alora?:
It will benefit the Ironman+ gamemode, because then it would make the game mode a bit easier. Just as example if I see some slayer drops in an open world location, then I will be pretty sure that it's mine.
Possible solution in the future:
A possible solution could be an option in your settings(where you allow ground item overlay) to devide the option in two choices. As example ''Allow your item overlay'' and ''allow others item overlay.''
As for Elite Ironman: Make their partner see the (custom)overlay too.
This could be a solution to all the Ironmen+ who has struggles with the item overlay option.