5 Nov 2019 - Currently Updating the Guide!
Theatre of Blood is the second raid released on Alora, here's a guide to get you started :)
How to get to: Raids 2/ Theatre of Blood. ("Ver Sinhaza")
Option 1: Right click on the "Mysterious Stranger" in the graveyard south of edgeville bank. (see picture)
Option 2: Talk to the "Teleport Wizard" located in central Edgeville by the well (see picture), and choose "Minigames > Raids II: Theatre of Blood"
Option 3: Do the command "::raids2",
Example Setups:
The gear used can of course be changed a bit to suit either you, or the team better. I'll just be providing some example setups, so you'll have a decent idea of what you could bring.
Setup 1 (Standard Setup):
Alternatives; if you're missing items or got better (From good to best):
Bandos Godsword > Dragon Warhammer
Crystal Halberd > Dragon Claws
Blowpipe > Twisted Bow
Dragon Defender > Avernic Defender
Mage's Book > Ancient Wyvern Shield > Arcane Spirit Shield
Trident of the Seas > Trident of the Swamp
Archers' Ring > Archers' Ring (i)
Ava's Accumulator or Accumulator Max Cape > Ava's Assembler or Assembler Max Cape
Fire cape > Infernal Cape
This setup is quite okay all-around, quite newbie friendly aswell. Essentially only helm & weapon switches.
Setup 2 (Optimal Setup):
Alternatives; if you're missing items or got better (From good to best):
Other Useful items:
Salve Amulet (e) > Salve Amulet (ei)
Rune Pouch
Kodai Wand (For duo/trio raids)
Other useful info.
Finding a team:
One of the most common ways to find a team for ToB (Theatre of Blood), is right next to the entrance of the raid.
Simply ask if anyone has a team that you can jump on :) Or create your own!
Another way of finding a team is ask in the Alora Discord if anyone is up for a ToB raid :)
A third way of finding a team is to use the ::yell command in-game.
Loot distribution:
Come to an agreement of how the loot should be shared before a raid commences!
Examples of loot distribution:
* FFA (Free for all) - Meaning that whoever gets the loot keeps it
* Split - Meaning that the drops will be shared between the team members.
* Norm Split & Iron/Classic FFA: - Meaning that those with an account on normal mode will share splits between them, while those on ironman/classic will be doing FFA.
Some people prefer to only split weapons, and not Armour. So make sure to get everyone on the same page before you enter a raid!
The Bosses / Stages.
Theatre of Blood has 6 "stages" with 6 different bosses. After each stage, you'll go through a gate and your hp & prayers will be restored.
A good idea would be to not consume any supplies after a boss has been killed.
After killing the bosses; "Pestilent Bloat" and "Sotetseg", a chest (shop) can be found, where you'll be able to purchase supplies. The amount of points you have are based on how well you did during the most recent boss fight.
- Picture of the supplies chest(shop) -

1. The Maiden of Sugadinti (level-940)
1. Magical Black Storm: Is a magic based attack, thus the reason we use protection prayer for the entire duration of this room.
2. Blood splat:
Sometimes the maiden throws Blood splats towards the players. If the player does not dodge this attack, a "blood spawn" will appear, which in turn will create several blood spots in whatever direction it chooses to go. These Blood spots also deal damage and heal the maiden if a player is standing on it.
3. Nylocas Matomenos:
The maiden spawns 8 "Nylocas Matomenos" aka spiders. Which will walk towards the maiden, once they reach the maiden, they'll heal the maiden for the remainder of their hitpoints. The maiden spawns Nylocas Matemenos at 70%, 50% and 30% hp.
How to complete this room (Maiden of Sugadinti):
Prep: Drink "Super Combat Potion" and or "Bastion Potion", Active Mage Protection Prayer, Piety and or Rigour prayer.
1: Debuff The Maiden
* Start ranging, avoid blood splats
* Freeze the Nylocas Matemenos and kill them off whenever the maiden reaches 70%, 50% and 30% hp.
Here's an example kill:
2. Pestilent Bloat (level-870)
The Perstilent Bloat is arguably one of the easiet bosses in the Theatre of Blood raid.
1. The bloat will begin walk around its room in a square soon after the party has entered the room.
If any player is within the bloats its line of sight, the Bloat's flies will attack them (hurting them with range) until they've left the bloats line of sight.
These flies may also attack players that are nearby Bloats target.
2. Whenever the bloat isn't resting, there'll be hands falling from the sky, if a hand falls on a player, the player will take significant damage.
3. The bloat "rests" at the same spot after a full lap, this is the only time in which players will be able to attack the bloat.
How to complete this room:
*Pray range to reduce potential flies damage
*Attack the bloat whenever he's resting
*Hide from the bloat whenever he's walking
*Avoid the falling hands.
Here's an example kill:
3. Nylocas Vasilias (level-800)
The third encounter in the Theatre of Blood is a two parter.
The beginning sequence is essentially a fight against hordes of little spiders called "Nylocas". These Nylocas appear in 3 different forms(combat styles) and can only be damaged by whatever combat style the spider is using.
Blue (Hagios) = Magic
Green (Toxobolos) = Ranged
Grey (Ischyros) = Melee
The most common way for a team to defeat this horde is to assign specific roles to the team members.
For example, A team of five could have: 1 Ranger(With Blowpipe), 2 Melee, 2 Mages.
The boss has similar mechanics to the "Daganoth Mother". The boss (Nylocas Vasilias) uses all three combat styles, and just like it's minions, it can only be damaged by whatever combat style the boss itself is using. If a player inflicts damage of a combat style other than what the boss is vulnerable to, no damage will be inflicted and the boss will heal from the hit.
The boss always starts off in the Melee form, then switches over to Magic > Ranged and repeats.
If you're fast with your switches, you'll generally be able to get in 3-4 hits with a whip/spell, and 4-5 hits with a blowpipe.
It's recommended to swap prayers slightly before the next form appears (1-2 attacks), as it's quite easy to get slapped with a 70 right off the bat when the boss changes form.
Here's an example kill:
4. Sotetseg (level-995)
Sotetseg is a very teamwork oriented boss, using voice communications during this boss is quite advantageous.
Sotetseg Has 3 primary attacks: 2 of them which are mage based, one ranged.
Both of the Magic attacks are Red, and the Ranged attack is Grey.
If a player has the wrong prayer active during one of Sotetseg's attacks, then the players prayer will be deactivated for 5 seconds, leaving the player very vulnerable to attacks.
At 66% hp, and 33% hp. Sotetseg will randomly choose a player and teleport them to the shadow realm. In the shadow realm, the player will have to follow red trails on the ground in order to finish the maze. After the maze has been finished, the player will have to click on the portal in order to get back into the boss battle.
The players who stayed in the boss battle will have been teleported to the beginning of the boss area and has to complete the maze aswell. The only guidance the players left in the arena will have, is the current locations of the player in the shadow realm. So precision and teamwork is necessary if your team is going to be successful at this stage.
(Check video if this sounded confusing, it's really quite simple.)
** PROTIP, experienced players can easily keep alive without eating any food on this boss, if some damage were to be taken, you can regen hp by using the Blowpipe special attack!**
Sometimes, Sotetseg will launch a powerful Magic attack in the form of a large red ball, this large red ball has a max hit of 115. The damage of this powerful magic attack can be negotiated in two different ways.
"DD". Standing for "Death Dot". Which in practise means that all players should stand ontop of eachother in a single tile. Doing this will spread out the damage recieved by the "powerful red ball magic attack" among your teammates.
It's important to remember to watch your prayers, even in a death dot. If you're in voice communications, it's probably a good idea to remind your teammates about that :)
Here's an example kill:
5. Xarpus (level-960)
Xarpus has 3 phases.
Doing these phases flawlessly will save you from taking any damage whatsoever.
1. Recover
During this phase, Xarpus starts off at 75% hp and builds up towards full hp.
To hinder Xarpus from gaining more hp, the participating players will have to stand on randomly appearing "Exhumed Remains".
If a players does not stand on these "Exhumed Remains", Xarpus will regain 6hp per tick (1 tick = 0.6 seconds).
2. Poison
Durin this phase, Xarpus will launch poison balls towards players. These poison balls will damage players in a 3x3 area from the initial landing spot, and then remain on the ground for the remainder of the raid. If a player is hit by this poison, or for some reason walks over it, then they'll be inflicted with poision, and also will be severely damaged if they do not move away from the poison spot.
Essentially what you'll be doing during this phase is to range from a distance (preferable as far away as possbile), and move 2 tiles whenver a poison ball is thrown your way.
The reason you'll want to stand as far away is possible is because is the next phase, it's popular to melee. And we wouldn't like to eat unnecessarily.
This phase activates when Xarpus reaches ~25% hp.
At this phase, Xarpus will stop throwing poision, and will begin to stare intensely in random directions.
If a player attacks Xarpus while Xarpus is staring their direction, the player will be insta-killed.
The most common way to complete this phase is to bring out your whip, and quickily do 2 whip hits whenever Xarpus is not facing you.
Personally, I'd not recommend moving around Xarpus to attack, due to his hitbox being a giant "#¤% at times.
Once the fight with Xarpus is finished, make sure that one person in your team picks up the "Dawnbringer". This item will be quintessential for the next boss fight.
Here's an example kill:
6. Verzik Vitur (level-1040, final boss)
Verzik Vitur is the final boss of the Theatre of Blood raid. Verzik has 3 Phases:
1. "The Dawnbringer Phase"
Here's where the Dawnbringer staff that was picked up from the last boss battle is going to be used.
This phase is quite different from OSRS, the most common tactic on here is to simply let one player (usually the one with best mage gear) do all of the attacking on Verzik.
**Remember to always pray mage**
The general idea of this phase is to stand behind the pillar (starting from the northwestern one), and let the player with the dawnbringer attack Verzik.
Once the first pillar has crumbled, the whole team moves on to the pillar south of the starting one.
After this pillar has crumbled, one usually moves across the arena to the middle pillar on the eastern side.
If necessary, the northeastern pillar is used aswell.
Once Virzik is about to lose all hp from the first Phase, take one step away from the pillar, as it'll inflict some damage when crumbling.
**PROTIP If you're running something similar to the second setup (with prim boots), take off prim boots for better magic attack bonus**
**PROTIP #2** If you're very good, it's possible to attack verzik 3 times with the dawnbringer. It requires that you start attacking the same tick the balls comes at you! It's not something I would advise doing if you're not an experience raider and/or is going for some sort of record.
Another way of going about the pillar phase would be to have the entire team (except for the person with the dawnbringer) to be standing in one of the far back corners, and simply let the person with the dawnbringer do the entirety of the pillar phase.
Doing this will cut down on the chances of anyone being killed and/or damaged during this phase, seeing as how the players in the corner won't be targeted by Verzik.
Only the player who
2. Mechanics.
*1. Bombs
Verzik will toss out "bombs" towards all present players. If the player does not move from their current tile, they'll get hit by the bomb and significant damage will be dealt.
*2. Blood Balls
Verzik will toss out Blood spell based balls, which will target all present players. This attack is unavoidable.
*3. Nylocas Summon (Melee,Ranged,Mage)
Verzik will sometimes summon 4x Nylocas in the corners around her (see picture). These Nylocas will follow & expode upon contact with targeted player.
There's 3 ways of getting rid of these Nylocas.
* >1: Kill them with appropriate combat style.
* >2 Run around, they'll despawn by themselves after a set amount of time.
*> 3 Bait them to explode (Quite risky).
*4. Nylocas Athanatos Summon
These summons wont attack present players, but will instead focus on healing Verzik.
It's a good idea to take out this foe as soon as possible :)
The general idea/strategy on this phase is to blowpipe Verzik, while simultaneously avoiding the Bombs, aswell as the Nylocas summons.
One should really beware of the corners around Verzik, since that's where the Nylocas will spawn. If you're unlucky, they'll spawn ontop of you and you'll get combo'ed out very quickily.
Sometimes you'll be really unfortunate and have 2 Nylocas on each side of you target you, you'll need great reflexes and try to run asap, and possibly get a freeze/kill in, to make your grand escape :)
3. Spider Form.
This phase is very similar to the previous one, the only difference in attacks is that the Blood attack has been replaced with a Blue attack.
The Blue attack, just like the Blood attack, is unavoidable.
A common strategy during this phase, is to debuff Verzik in her spider form, then proceed to attack her with melee attacks.
Here's an example kill:
Notable Drops/Rewards:
Avernic Defender
Sanguinesti Staff
Ghrazi Rapier
Scythe of Vitur
Justiciar Faceguard
Justiciar Chestguard
Justiciar Legguards
Lil' zik (pet)
Binair For testing if Verzik's blood attack regens hp or not. :)
Iron Zerath For telling about the "::raids2" command.
classic joke
For helping me with updating the guide! (sotetseg running & verzik pillars)
Mafiabae For helping me with updating the guide. (Mainly the gear part)