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Massive suggestion list [More to be added!]

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Posted 10 June 2018 - 08:48 PM #1


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Elite Game mode
The reason behind suggesting such a game mode is to provide more variety between game modes and a harder challenge for those of us who prefer not to be iron man but also prefer not to play Oldschool RuneScape.
Classics can convert to "Elite" using an NPC that evaluates the current experience in each stat and reduces it at this ratio: 5:2. 
For example - a player has 50,000,000 experience in a stat, when the classic player switches to elite mode that stat will have been converted to 20,000,000 experience. 
Brief detail of elites 
⦁ 2x Exp Rates
⦁ Voting provides 20 extra minutes rather than the usual hour
⦁ Same shops and restrictions as classic
⦁ Bonus slayer points (15% more or so)
⦁ Cash or Loyalty points awarded upon achieving level 99, 100M and 200M experience
⦁ Co-exists with classic economy and can trade other classics. Vise versa. 
⦁ A weapon that hits as hard as a rune scimitar, but with faster speed. 
⦁ This weapon can not be used in any PVP circumstance, can not be traded, and on death it will cost 10M coins to buy it back.
Master Ranks 
In order to obtain these ranks, you must complete a series of supreme tasks. These tasks will be extremely challenging, and rewarded to the best of the best Skillers, PvMers, and Pkers. The reason behind the extreme requirements is to limit and showcase those who can achieve them. The requirements will be the same for each mode, this is controversial but the reason behind that is to have equality between modes. 
Yes, it will be easier to obtain Skilling Master on Normal mode or Regular Ironman mode, but it will also showcase UIM, HCIM, EIM, and Classic players. 
There will be NO TITLE AT ALL.
Regardless, no matter what mode you are, it would still be a nice achievement to have. 
Skilling Master
([Skilling Master] or […the Skilling Master]) In-Game OR RANK / Forums rank
2,500,000,000 EXP through non-combat skills.
⦁ 8 Non-Combat skills at 200M EXP 
⦁ 4 Non-Combat skills at or above 150M EXP 
⦁ 3 Non-Combat skills at or above 50M EXP 
(Does NOT count as the first or second part for other requirements)
⦁ All Skilling-related achievements completed
(NOT the few listed below) 
⦁ Boost while skilling in ALL levels of wilderness (not only 25+ and will not stack with 25+)
⦁ A free daily 30 minutes of bonus experience - Claim by using ::dailyxp (Can stack if not claimed)
⦁ Access to the "Skilling Master's Lair" - An unused map or dungeon filled with high level skilling content. (I can customize one)
A "Banker" pet that follows you everywhere except Wilderness [Can't relog and drop it to make it go to safezone] 
Banker pet can not be dropped or spawned at:
⦁ Mage Bank Safezone - Once you teleport using ;;mb, Mage Arena Exchange, or Mage Bank, Banker automatically goes to the Bank. 
⦁ Edgeville Safezone - If you cross the ditch, the Banker automatically goes to your inventory. 
If you die with Banker, he will be available in the "Reclaimable Store" for 25,000,000 coins. 
Other players will not be able to loot "Banker". If inventory is full, Banker will go to the Bank. 
⦁ Edge-PvP Safezone
⦁ Battle Royale zones
⦁ Duel Arena lobby or Arena (;;duel) (to prevent scams)
⦁ ;;event or ;;gamble (to prevent scams)
⦁ KBD Safezone
An example of a Skiller Master's Lair
PvM Master
([PvM Master] or […the PvM Master]) In-Game RANK / Forums rank
⦁ 100,000,000 Slayer XP (Can be discussed)
⦁ [100 to 2500] Kill-Count on the following NPCs: (Can be discussed)
Dragonkin (non-bosses)
⦁ 250 Lava Dragon kills
⦁ 1,000 Runite Dragon kills
⦁ 1,000 Adamant Dragon kills
⦁ 1,000 Mithril Dragon kills
⦁ 1,250 Steel Dragon kills
⦁ 1,500 Iron Dragon kills
⦁ 1,750 Bronze Dragon kills
⦁ 2,000 Black Dragon kills
Slayer Monsters (starting at level 70) 
⦁ 5,000 Kurask kills
⦁ 4,000 Skeletal Wyvern kills
⦁ 3,000 Gargoyle kills
⦁ 2,000 Abyssal Demon kills
⦁ 1,000 Dark Beast kills 
⦁ 750 Smoke Devil kills
⦁ Complete 25 raids
⦁ 50 Skotizo Kills
⦁ 100 Corporeal Beast kills
⦁ 250 Vorkath kills
⦁ 500 kills of each Godwars Dungeon boss ; 500 Kalphite Queen kills
⦁ 1,000 Giant Mole kills
⦁ 1,000 KBD kills
⦁ 1,000 Dagganoth King kills
⦁ 1,250 Kraken kills 
⦁ 1,500 Zulrah kills
⦁ Bonus Slayer points per task
⦁ Bonus damage while doing Slayer tasks
⦁ 3% increased drop rate
⦁ 1% chance to get a double drop
⦁ Prayer drain is 50% slower
⦁ Special restore is 50% faster (Outside of wilderness)
PvP Master
([PvP Master] or […the PvP Master]) In-Game RANK / Forums rank
⦁ 5,000 Kills with a 3.0 KDR 
⦁ 2,500 Kills with a 6.0 KDR 
If Kill-limit is exceeded, a player could obtain the title by:
⦁ 6,000 Kills overall - No KDR Requirement
Alora Master
([Alora Master] or [...Master of Alora]) In-Game RANK / Forums Rank
⦁ At least 2 Mastery titles or achievements
⦁ 1,000 Forum posts
⦁ Completionists Monkey
⦁ 150 days of in-game playtime
⦁ 100 days of Forum time
Fix the equipment boosting sets if the suggestion below gets added.
This means giving them a 15-20% boost to the corresponding skill they were made for
Equipment boosting sets:
⦁ Angler set - Fishing - 12-15% Boost while fishing
⦁ Lumberjack - Woodcutting  - " Boost while woodcutting
⦁ Pyromancer - Firemaking
⦁ Farmer's Outfit - Farming
⦁ Prospector Kit - Mining 
Achievements - Add an extra "Subtab"
⦁ This page will consist of purely player in-game desires / goals and will not be required for Completionist cape.
⦁ Rewards will consist of  various items relating to the achievement. 
⦁ These are basically to add more content in game. 
Here is a list of achievements I have thought of so far 





Add ;;shop NPCs to every location that you can set as your home teleport. As well as teleport wizard and other miscellaneous NPCs.


Mining Guild Expansion
The Mining Guild, below the city of Falador, has increased in size and utility. An exclusive members-only area has been added to the guild. Level 60 Mining is still required to enter the guild.
The members-only area also has two other passive benefits. All rocks in the guild have a halved respawn timer when compared to the same rocks found elsewhere in the game. In addition to this, there is an invisible +7 boost to your Mining level. This will improve your chances at mining ores, but will not allow you to access rocks which require a higher level than you have. 
The expansion brings with it a new mineral to mine. Amethyst is a new high-level mineral to mine with its use found in creating ranged ammunition. 
The crystals can be used to create Ranged ammunition by utilising the Crafting and Fletching skills. Details of the ammunition (as well as the level requirements to make them) are listed below:
Amethyst Bolt Tips can be made with 83 Crafting. 
Chiseling an Amethyst crystal yields 15 Bolt Tips and 60xp. 
Level 76 Fletching is required to add the tips to Broad Bolts and grants 10.6xp per bolt. 
The bolts can be used with Runite crossbows and above, and offer a ranged strength bonus of +115, equivalent to Runite bolts. 
The ability to fletch broad bolts must be unlocked in order to create Amethyst Broad Bolts. 
Amethyst Broad Bolts can only be used if the 65 Slayer requirement is met. 
Amethyst arrowtips can be made with 85 Crafting. 
Chiseling an Amethyst crystal yields 15 arrowheads and 60xp. 
Level 82 Fletching is required to make Amethyst Arrows, and awards 13.5 XP per arrow. 
The arrows can be used with Magic bows and above, and offer a ranged strength bonus of +55. 
Amethyst javelin heads can be made with 87 Crafting. Chiseling an Amethyst crystal yields 5 javelin heads and 60xp. 
Level 84 Fletching is required to make Amethyst javelins, and awards 13.5xp per javelin. 
Amethyst javelins provide a ranged strength bonus of +135.
All Amethyst items are tradeable.
Mining gloves
Mining gloves can be found in two variants: standard and superior. These gloves can be purchased using Unidentified Minerals. Mining any rock within the new area of the guild offers a chance at obtaining these minerals. The effects of the gloves are as detailed below:
The standard gloves require 20 Mining to equip and provide a chance of Silver, Coal, and Gold rocks instantly respawning when worn
The superior gloves require 55 Mining to equip and provide a chance of Mithril, Adamantite, and Runite rocks instantly respawning when worn
Fishing Guild Expansion
The second of our guild expansions is here! A new method of fishing can be found on a newly constructed platform, accessible via the northern-most platform in the Fishing Guild. Along with the new method of fishing there is also an invisible +7 boost to your Fishing level. This boost is present throughout the entire guild, and it will stack with the Dragon harpoon. 
If you head along to the northern-most platform of the Fishing Guild you'll encounter Kylie Minnow. She's having a spot of bother catching the minnows found within the enclosure on the lake. If you offer to help she'll transport you to the new fishing platform where you'll be able to fish for minnows. Fishing for minnows is a new click intensive method of obtaining sharks through the fishing skill. Kylie Minnow will trade raw sharks for minnow at a ratio of 1:40.
Minnow fishing
Minnow fishing, which is possible from the new platform in the Fishing Guild, has the following requirements attached to it:
Level 82 Fishing (you cannot boost to this level)
Full Angler's Outfit (only required once, to unlock access to the platform)
Minnow are caught with a small fishing net at a very fast rate and will stack within your inventory, however the location of the fishing spots move at a fast pace, and there is also the threat of flying fish to contend with. Flying fish will appear randomly within the fishing spots and will consume your minnow at a rate of 16-26 minnow with each jump. 
The Wintertodt
Locked behind the Doors of Dinh for 1,000 years, the Wintertodt has worn away at their strength. With the doors weakened, the Order of the Sacred Flame must prevent the incorporeal cold from sweeping over Great Kourend.
However, the Order's resources are limited. They need all the help they can get. To help in the fight against the Wintertodt, head north of Great Kourend or use the games necklace and talk to Ignisia.
Once you have spoken to Ignisia and you make your way through the Doors of Dinh into the prison, you'll have to use your Agility, Crafting, Farming, Fletching, Firemaking, Herblore and Smithing to help the Order keep the Wintertodt weak. The Wintertodt has an affinity with the cold, so wrapping up warmly will help you ward off some damage from its attacks. 
Warning: The Wintertodt's prison is a dangerous area.
If you die, your items will drop to the ground.
Bruma roots
The key tool at the disposal of those fighting against the Wintertodt is the bruma tree. The bruma tree is able to withstand the brutal chill of the Wintertodt, making it perfect for keeping the flames weakening the spirit lit.
To aid the Order of the Sacred Flame, you can chop the bruma roots found in the prison and use them to keep the large braziers around the howling storm lit. You can also cut the logs down into kindling before using them on the braziers.
Rejuvination potions
The Pyromancers tasked with channeling the power of the flames towards the Wintertodt are constantly in the line of fire. Whether or not they're injured, they must stand by their post.
Help the Pyromancers keep the Wintertodt weak by creating rejuvination potions and using them to heal the mages.
To create the potions, pick the bruma herbs sprouting from the walls of the prison and combine them with the concoction found in the supply crates by the entrance.
Through your activities within the prison of the Wintertodt you will earn a fair amount of experience in the skills you are using. If you really give it your all, the city of Great Kourend may recognise your efforts and reward you further.
Wintertodt rewards
Supply crates are received from the city of Great Kourend to recognise the work you've done to defend the city from the wintery wrath of the Wintertodt. These supply crates can provide you with some some valuable rewards, a number of which are new to Old School.
Tome of Fire
When charged to any level the Tome of Fire is an infinite source of fire runes which can be equipped in the shield slot. 
The Tome of Fire also offers +8 Magic attack and Defence, as well as a 50% damage increase to elemental fire spells. 
It requires level 50 Magic to equip.
To charge the Tome of Fire you must use burnt pages on it. 
These are also received in supply crates when participating in the fight against the Wintertodt.
One burnt page gives the tome 20 charges. 
One charge is consumed whenever an elemental fire spell is cast with the tome equipped. 
When all charges are consumed the Tome of Fire will no longer act as an infinite source of fire runes.
Pyromancer outfit
The Pyromancer outfit provides a small increase to the amount of Firemaking experience you receive for each piece you have equipped.
Pyromancer hat - 3% bonus
Pyromancer top - 3% bonus
Pyromancer legs - 3% bonus
Pyromancer boots - 3% bonus
With the full set equipped you will receive an additional 0.5% experience when training Firemaking.
We've also thrown in a pair of Pyromancer gloves, just to finish off the set. They do not contribute to the experience boosting effect of the set, they just look really cool.
Bruma torch
The bruma torch is an inextinguishable, equippable light source. The torch requires level 50 Firemaking to equip.


Head north of Great Kourend to the icy prison and get involved!

Edited by Emozionante, 21 June 2018 - 04:21 PM.





Posted 11 June 2018 - 06:53 AM #2



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Damn I can tell you put a lot of effort into coming up with all this and this is definitely all interesting. Seeing titles come into the game will be nice to see as well as Elite mode is a cool concept.


I still don't know how I about the banker pet reward even though its locked by a huge amount of requirements if the banker pet is still something you want as part of the reward I feel there should be more restrictions as to what it could do maybe a cool-down between uses? There could be a certain limit as to how many items it could bring out? Maybe you could even make it as a mini bank where you can store food/brews etc. like a pack yak in summoning.


Everything else you suggested is pretty awesome and I would love to see this come into the game. I Support :)

Posted 11 June 2018 - 11:21 AM #3

elite roro
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that a good idea but im a bit against the conver mode its like imma do early lvl on clasic then become an elite clasic and 20 minute of voting book instead of 1h every 12h i think ill make an clasic use it on it then conver in elite  ;) you need to think a bit more about detail but gl

Posted 11 June 2018 - 11:24 AM #4


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that a good idea but im a bit against the conver mode its like imma do early lvl on clasic then become an elite clasic and 20 minute of voting book instead of 1h every 12h i think ill make an clasic use it on it then conver in elite  ;) you need to think a bit more about detail but gl

You need to read more, no offense. I said an extra 20 minutes instead of the standard 60. The conversion is well thought because regardless of what method or training style you decide to do, it will still be a lengthy grind. It's not like you're going to go grind out 32.5M experience on classic and THEN decide to convert to elite classic. 





Posted 11 June 2018 - 11:28 AM #5

elite roro
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You need to read more, no offense. I said an extra 20 minutes instead of the standard 60. The conversion is well thought because regardless of what method or training style you decide to do, it will still be a lengthy grind. It's not like you're going to go grind out 32.5M experience on classic and THEN decide to convert to elite classic. 

5 time the osrs rate still faster than 2 right ?


and yeah my bad for this missread

Posted 11 June 2018 - 06:16 PM #6


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5 time the osrs rate still faster than 2 right ?


and yeah my bad for this missread

Yes 5x Osrs rates is basically Deadman Mode. The x2 provides a challenge for those of us who prefer not to play OSRS or prefer to be an Iron Man.





Posted 11 June 2018 - 06:40 PM #7



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Some of these suggestions are very good and it's very well written. 


I hope to see more forums content from you. Keep the suggestions coming!

Posted 11 June 2018 - 06:59 PM #8

EIM Systemic
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I'd love an expansion to the fishing guild and wintertodt. however, I feel like fming is already a really easy skill to level. I suppose windertodt has the advantage of giving supplies. I don't like the idea of the tome of fire having charges. the bank pet is interesting but seems sooo overpowered atm... how could we nerf that? I like the achievements list and it reminds me of another suggestion ( I think by endeavor/wreckage?) Also im a fan of the xp boost items but the xp rates you mentioned seem a little op. and the method acquire them should be fair.


Man I respect the time, thought and effort you put into this! And there is easily enough suggestions in this thread for 10 separate suggestions topic


Posted 11 June 2018 - 07:00 PM #9

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Sounds pretty good, very detailed suggestions, nice job!

I support.

Posted 11 June 2018 - 07:08 PM #10


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I'd love an expansion to the fishing guild and wintertodt. however, I feel like fming is already a really easy skill to level. I suppose windertodt has the advantage of giving supplies. I don't like the idea of the tome of fire having charges. the bank pet is interesting but seems sooo overpowered atm... how could we nerf that? I like the achievements list and it reminds me of another suggestion ( I think by endeavor/wreckage?) Also im a fan of the xp boost items but the xp rates you mentioned seem a little op. and the method acquire them should be fair.


Man I respect the time, thought and effort you put into this! And there is easily enough suggestions in this thread for 10 separate suggestions topic

I was just going off of what OSRS had Tome of Fire set off as, I was recommending it more as an award if Winterodt is implemented. Also, the banker pet was a wild suggestion I wanted to throw in. Like somebody mentioned earlier, it could have a cool down to where it's only used for a certain period of time each day? 1- 2 hours or so and a cool down of 12 - 24 hours. I don't know, just a wild idea I had. The Boosted sets were more of an idea so that we could get more experience out of each stat that has a set. 12-15% is what the current experience boosting items are set at, but of course if they get implemented they could absolutely get nerfed to the easier stats! Like woodcutting per-say, Lumberjack could have a 5% or lower boost. 


Also, thank you, but I prefer to have it all gathered up so it's not scattered across.  





Posted 11 June 2018 - 07:15 PM #11

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very interesting suggestion. I'd be 100% down for more end game things to achieve..



Posted 11 June 2018 - 07:19 PM #12

Take Notes
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6k pvp kills on alora is redic, i been playing since 2016 and on all my accounts i have maybe 1500 

Posted Image

Posted 11 June 2018 - 07:26 PM #13


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6k pvp kills on alora is redic, i been playing since 2016 and on all my accounts i have maybe 1500 

That's for people who lack the KDR my man, you could get 2500 kills in no time. 





Posted 11 June 2018 - 07:46 PM #14

Sassa fras

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The skilling add-on suggestions would be nice to see in-game, more variety of skilling for slower XP game modes would be a positive.


No support on the others however, especially the titles... coming from RS3 I was kinda sick of seeing them and I don't really think they have a place here.

#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper

Posted Image

Sassa fras | Sassafras | y | ultSASSAFRAS

4.6b UIM | UIM KOTS Winner | Fastest to MAX Winner | First Maxed HCUIM

Posted 11 June 2018 - 08:22 PM #15


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The skilling add-on suggestions would be nice to see in-game, more variety of skilling for slower XP game modes would be a positive.


No support on the others however, especially the titles... coming from RS3 I was kinda sick of seeing them and I don't really think they have a place here.

I understand but this isn't RS3, as well as RS3 related. Titles originated and began in RSPS's. RS3 implemented Loyalty Titles to get a cash flow, and they were rather bad and only showcased how much you put forth money-wise. None of RS3's title showcase a player's achievement, like they would here. Also, don't think that everyone will be running around with these titles. These are for the best of the best. And personally, I'd like to know why you would not like to see "the others" implemented in game. 





Posted 11 June 2018 - 09:01 PM #16

Sassa fras

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I understand but this isn't RS3, as well as RS3 related. Titles originated and began in RSPS's. RS3 implemented Loyalty Titles to get a cash flow, and they were rather bad and only showcased how much you put forth money-wise. None of RS3's title showcase a player's achievement, like they would here. Also, don't think that everyone will be running around with these titles. These are for the best of the best. And personally, I'd like to know why you would not like to see "the others" implemented in game. 

I don't support introducing a new game mode where you could theoretically max it in 10 seconds without ever actually playing it.  I don't think having the ability to swap XP between game modes would ever be a good idea, sorry.

#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper

Posted Image

Sassa fras | Sassafras | y | ultSASSAFRAS

4.6b UIM | UIM KOTS Winner | Fastest to MAX Winner | First Maxed HCUIM

Posted 11 June 2018 - 09:28 PM #17

EIM Cevol
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 I don't think having the ability to swap XP between game modes would ever be a good idea, sorry.

Yes. This being in the introduction pretty much axed the entire post. This concept alone wherein classics are converted down levels is poorly concieved from a game design standpoint. In what world would any classic ever convert their exp to this mode until they are exactly 35.2m exp in every skill? Losing levels bars you from efficient leveling content, which means maxing an 'Elite' would just mean post-maxing your classic.


Custom content on RSPS' is a non-starter for me as well. Sorry.

Posted 12 June 2018 - 10:13 AM #18


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Yes. This being in the introduction pretty much axed the entire post. This concept alone wherein classics are converted down levels is poorly concieved from a game design standpoint. In what world would any classic ever convert their exp to this mode until they are exactly 35.2m exp in every skill? Losing levels bars you from efficient leveling content, which means maxing an 'Elite' would just mean post-maxing your classic.


Custom content on RSPS' is a non-starter for me as well. Sorry.

There's no classic at all in the game with 32.5m in every skill... It's a mode that co-exists with classics.. And you're saying it axed the whole post? That segment alone is part of it's own thought. Nothing else on the post has to do with it. It's not even an introduction. By all means, if you think you can get 32.5m in every skill on classic (which you won't because you prefer to play Iron man), then go ahead. That means you have to max your classic 2 times and a half before you can even convert. 





Posted 12 June 2018 - 10:39 AM #19

EIM Cevol
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That means you have to max your classic 2 times and a half before you can even convert. 

Yes. That's the flaw in your idea. If you want to suggest a 2x exp mode, do that. But having "classic conversion" means the only way to efficiently max in your theoretical gamemode is to post-max classic then convert.



 By all means, if you think you can get 32.5m in every skill on classic (which you won't because you prefer to play Iron man), then go ahead. 



Posted 12 June 2018 - 11:04 AM #20


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I want the titles hell yes. Add more for pking too.

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