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Alora tips & tricks.

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Posted 12 May 2018 - 03:02 PM #1

T Tox
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Hi! As i've spent alot of my time on Alora, there are a few questions or incidents that keeps coming back. And to give everyone a couple of boosts that will simplify your in-game experience, i thought i'd make this guide. 


With no further due, lets begin.





How do i start off?


As a new player to the game, there are things to adjust to. The first thing i would recommend is getting used to the teleport wizard which is located in edgeville, just west of the bank. Here you can find teleports to most of the common places to go around alora for all kinds of activities.




The second thing i would do, is the most common way to start of in the game - Thieving for some money for starter gear, and get on that slayer grind.

Another way is voting for vote books and selling them.







Defender grind. (Quick teleport ;;WG)


Oh, how many times haven't we heard this one. 


"Over 50,000 tokens used and only on mithril defender, wtf!?!!?!?"


The thing which is pretty great in alora, is you can get 400 tokens from the animated armours and instantly buy a rune defender. (You dont have to get bronze-adamant first). Yes, really! 




All you have to do is kill the amimated armour for tokens as you usually would do, then trade "Shanomi" in the same room, and purchase your brand new runite defender today!

After you have gotten your rune defender, you head upstairs where you normally would get bronze-rune defender in OSRS, and get your dragon defender in that room by killing the cyclopses.

Also there is a 50/50 chance that you get either rune or dragon defender as a drop, so good luck on the hunt!






Seers village rooftop course.


Isn't it annoying when you have completed a course around the seers rooftop, and you have to run all the way from the yew trees back to the bank to take another round? In alora we have a teleportation mage as mentioned earlier, which also gives you the opportunity to change the location of your home teleport.

So instead of running all the way back from yew logs, you simply teleport home and spawn right outside the bank ready for another run. 







Where do i find my task?


Just got a slayer task and not sure where to find it? 

When you recieve a task from the slayer master, it will tell you in the chatbox where you can find the npc you're looking for. When you know where to go, simply use the teleport wizard to go there.







Lizardman shamans OP?


Alright, you've gotten some pretty decent gear, and you're ready to make some big bucks. You decide to hit up lizardman shamans. But what is this? Within seconds you are getting absolutely destroyed, and you're scratching your head not knowing what happend. 

To avoid this, you will have to buy the shayzien armour from the achievement store (located outside edgeville bank) which costs 300 achievement points. What the set does is it makes you immune to the shaman's poison. It may seem pricy, but it's 100% worth getting if your hunting for a dragon warhammer.







What bonuses are active right now?


There are a few noticeable bonuses in Alora, which can help you out alot. 

But how do you find out which ones are active right now?

When you log into your account in-game, it will show you in the chatbox which ones are active.







Unlocking wilderness achievements free (ironman).


(Thanks @plete me for suggesting adding it to the list)


If you have started to unlock your achievements and don't want to enter the wilderness, you have the option to unluck all the wilderness achievements completely free (after 12hrs playtime) at Paul who is located at ::shops.

All you gotta do is speak to him, select the 3rd option, and voila, all done.










How do i make broad bolts?


(Thanks @Sassafras for suggesting adding it to the list)


If you want to make broad bolts but dont know how, i get that you are confused. 

To make broad bolts in Alora, you have to go to the slayer master (Nieve) standing just outside edgeville general store and trade her. When you've done so an interface will open. 

Click "Equipment" and buy the items "unfinished broad bolts" and "broad arrowheads" and use them on eachother to make broad bolts. (Requires lvl 55 slayer & fletching.)







Recipe for disaster quest.


(Thanks @Sassafras for suggesting adding it to the list)


If you are doing the recipe for disaster quest, there is no doubt we all thought the first time that its impossible to kill all the monsters in a single run. Luckily you wont have to do so.

When you start the quest, simply kill the first boss, and then either leave through the portal or suicide to the next npc. Re-enter and kill the first boss again and repeat this 6 times and quest will be complete.






Tick eating.


This has saved me so many times from dieing at zulrah. 

Tick eating can be a little tricky at first, but when you get used to it, it becomes a habit because it is just amazing.

I'll try my best to explain this - What tick eating means, is just as an npc's attack is about to hit you, you click on any type of food, and it will make you heal up again and keep going even though the npc hit how much hp you had left, and you should be dead. I'll leave a gif below to show what i mean.







Skipping tasks free until 45 slayer.


Did you get a task you don't want to do and don't have the slayer points to skip it?

Have no fear. Skipping tasks are completely free until you've reached level 45 slayer. Simply run to the slayer master in edgeville outside general store and trade her, and select "cancel task".







Posted 12 May 2018 - 03:21 PM #2


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I see you've spent some time in this. Its a very nice guide sir thank you for sharing this with us!

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<p> <span style="background-color:rgb(54,57,62);font-family:Whitney, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:15px;">http://</span>Posted ImagePosted Image</p>
<p> Posted Image</p>

Posted 12 May 2018 - 03:29 PM #3

Jake M
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Heh, I actually really enjoy the seers rooftop tip. Learn something new everyday.


Thanks for the tips!

Posted 12 May 2018 - 04:27 PM #4


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So far so good, looking forward to see more tips/tricks  B) 


Posted 12 May 2018 - 04:32 PM #5

IM Moe
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Awesome guide buddy, you should add a section for unlocking PK Achievements if you are playing the Ironman game mode. (After 12 hours).


Hope to see more added to this thread. :) 

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Posted 12 May 2018 - 04:41 PM #6

I give down
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Awesome guide man! Full of really helpful information for both newbies AND us that have been here forever... I never knew about the instance thing, that could've saved my UIM :o



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Posted 12 May 2018 - 05:39 PM #7


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great tips! hope you will be expanding this in the future.


Btw, I'm not to sure, but I thought using another instance to get to your own is a bug that is not supposed to be there. So it could be seen as bug abuse. not sure though, might wanna ask about that.

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Posted 12 May 2018 - 06:02 PM #8

Sassa fras

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It's a nice guide, easy to follow. Hopefully you'll get a big collection of these that new players can really take advantage of! I thought the instance one had already been fixed but guess I heard wrong.


If you're taking suggestions, here are some I came up with:

-how to complete RFD pain-free

-which wyverns can be easily camped

-how to make broad bolts

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Posted 12 May 2018 - 07:48 PM #9

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Nice one yo, informative. Keep it up!

Posted 12 May 2018 - 08:21 PM #10

Ust Pk

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Thats amazing dude, thanks for putting so much effort into making this! =)

Im sure it's going to be a huge help for new players!


- Ust Pk



Posted 12 May 2018 - 08:50 PM #11

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Wow, awesome guide mate, great job!! This should be pinned immediately.

Posted 12 May 2018 - 10:49 PM #12

Azeem K

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Very nice guide, you've put a lot of dedication in making this guide.

Thanks, it also helped me.

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Posted 13 May 2018 - 12:37 AM #13

T Tox
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Thanks for feedback guys. I will make sure to add your suggestions to the list later today :)


Posted 13 May 2018 - 12:40 AM #14


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Will be useful for newcomers for sure appreciate the effort you put into making of this topic keep it up.

Posted 13 May 2018 - 01:34 AM #15



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Great & very detailed guide, I'll be most defiantly linking this guide to players who require a "beginner guide" or something along those lines.

Fantastic work, @ t tox.



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Posted 14 May 2018 - 07:47 AM #16

T Tox
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Update: Added recipe for disaster, broad arrows, unlocking pvp achievements free, and tick eating.


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