hi guys, wanting to make a quick suggestion of "last man standing" I watch this all the time on youtube and participate quite often on osrs in the mini-game.
if you're wondering what last man standing is, you can read about it here; http://oldschoolrune...st_Man_Standing
if alora does consider releasing it, the reward system could be changed to benefit all game modes.
for instance a point system instead of winning coins.
how to receive points?
5 points per player killed.
2 additional points if you're on a killstreak per kill.
15 points for participating.
30 points if you're the last man standing (winning)
(more methods could be added depending on feedback)
what can we do with the points?
herb box low tier: 50 points (containing 25 random low level herbs)
herb box medium tier: 75 points (containing 25 random medium level herbs)
herb box high tier: 100 points (containing 25 random high level herbs)
5,000 pure essence: 100 points
ore box: 50 points (containing 50 random ores)
bar box: 100 points (containing 50 random bars)
supply crate: 500 points (containing various amounts of different supplies)
bloody key: 250 points
if you have any suggestions on changing/adding anything please comment below
a broadcast can be set up to show whos won the last man standing minigame
(will be adding more soon)