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A slight change to the Veteran reqs.

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Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:43 PM #1


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From what I’ve been told, you need both 50 days forum time AND in-game time on ONE single account for veteran status (along with the other forum requirements). You see, with so many game modes out there, I’ve spent a lot more time on my normal Ironman account (softcore 40a), but really did not want to start a new forum account because I’ve had this forum account registered since 2016. Why must I have both 50 day forum time AND game time on just one account for Vet? I’m still the same person, haha! So here is my suggestion: Allow people to use the time of their first registered forum account WITH the game time of their most played account. Veteran is a badge of time and shouldn't be looked at as just an achievement. it should be given to the user as a WHOLE, not to just one account. 




When I hit the forum requirement, I'd love for this equation to work:


Forum time/post on 40a + In-game time on softcore 40a = Vet


::Edit:: I have to make this clear. I'm not asking to combine both of their forum times and game times. I am asking that I use ONE accounts forum time and ONE accounts game time. 








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Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:50 PM #2


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Meh don't think it's necessary to change, but to be honest doesn't affect me if it is changed. But only makes sense to have all the requirements on the account you requesting the rank on. I think requirements are currently just fine. You can afk all the hours anyways.

Posted 02 May 2018 - 09:58 PM #3


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Meh don't think it's necessary to change, but to be honest doesn't affect me if it is changed. You can afk all the hours anyways.

Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to AFK for this, you know? I just don’t enjoy playing on the account. Also, I’m pretty sure the game timer stops if you AFK for an X amount of time.








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Posted 02 May 2018 - 10:55 PM #4



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You can afk all the hours anyways.

You don't gain any playtime from AFKing, if your character is stationary for longer than 5 minutes then your playtime counter will stop and only resume once your character moves.

On-topic: Throughout the many years of playing RS private servers, the veteran rank has always been something that should be somewhat of a challenge to acquire. And I do have to agree, having 50 days in-game playtime as a requirement/prerequisite is inconsiderably too high. To counter your suggestion, in my books it would be more ideal if the administration was to decrease the in-game playtime requirement to ideally 45 days in-game, or even 40. Minusing 5/10 days off the requirement still makes it difficult to accomplish the milestone needed but makes it just that little bit extra easier to attain.

I'm intrigued to see what feedback this thread receives.



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Posted 02 May 2018 - 11:24 PM #5

Elite Ultima
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Yep. Lost all my forums progress on Oh Du Hast due to the flaws in obtaining the Veteran reqs. Personally these changes should have been made last year along with requiring players to have been registered in 2016 in order to obtain the rank too.


Rank became worthless to me long ago.








Posted 02 May 2018 - 11:27 PM #6


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I'd prefer the Veteran requirements remained stringent. The 50 day in-game playtime requirement is lengthy, and it'd be difficult for anyone to achieve this feat in-game but that's exactly the point. Difficult prerequisites only add value to the Veteran rank, and give those who achieve such a feat a sense of pride. Reducing the requirements will in my opinion, only serve to dilute the equity of the Veteran rank. Besides, if you're truly a Veteran of Alora, at this point you should be near the 50 day in-game time. And if not, the best way to approach it, is to not aim for Veteran rank, but simply concentrate on other in-game goals that will further your playtime and once you get closer to the 50 mark, you can begin to aim toward it. 

Posted 02 May 2018 - 11:32 PM #7


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I'd prefer the Veteran requirements remained stringent. The 50 day in-game playtime requirement is lengthy, and it'd be difficult for anyone to achieve this feat in-game but that's exactly the point. Difficult prerequisites only add value to the Veteran rank, and give those who achieve such a feat a sense of pride. Reducing the requirements will in my opinion, only serve to dilute the equity of the Veteran rank. Besides, if you're truly a Veteran of Alora, at this point you should be near the 50 day in-game time. And if not, the best way to approach it, is to not aim for Veteran rank, but simply concentrate on other in-game goals that will further your playtime and once you get closer to the 50 mark, you can begin to aim toward it. 

I'm not asking for a reduction of the requirements. I made this account "40a" but I don't ever play it because the game mode is not enjoyable to me. I play my other account "softcore 40a" more. What i'm asking is to be able to use my forum time with my other accounts in-game time. In my opinion, that should be fine since i'm still putting the time in. 








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Posted 03 May 2018 - 12:08 AM #8


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I'm not asking for a reduction of the requirements. I made this account "40a" but I don't ever play it because the game mode is not enjoyable to me. I play my other account "softcore 40a" more. What i'm asking is to be able to use my forum time with my other accounts in-game time. In my opinion, that should be fine since i'm still putting the time in. 

I understand your situation. I however forgot to quote Dylain's post before entering my response, as my comment was a direct response to his and not yours. 


I see nothing wrong with you being eligible for Veteran rank, regardless of which account you've got the hours on. As long as you have both an in-game and forum account that meet the requirements you should be eligible. 

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Posted 03 May 2018 - 12:59 AM #9

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No Support. Taking away/modifing from the requirements now would be doing a disservice to those who have earned the Veteran rank. As well as devaluing the rank itself with making it more easily obtainable. Many players have Alts.


edit: I support it if you have the 50 total on one account ingame, and a different forum account. Just not adding up time on multiple accounts.

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Posted 03 May 2018 - 01:10 AM #10


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No Support. Taking away/modifing from the requirements now would be doing a disservice to those who have earned the Veteran rank. As well as devaluing the rank itself with making it more easily obtainable. Many players have Alts.


edit: I support it if you have the 50 total on one account ingame, and a different forum account. Just not adding up time on multiple accounts.

No combining. I'm talking about doing separately.








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Posted 03 May 2018 - 04:55 AM #11

IM Moe
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Personally don't care as I'm not a veteran or from 2016. However I do support the idea of having ONE account for forum & ONE account for game time. With that being said after you have that, you can only choose ONE for the veteran status. 

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Posted 05 May 2018 - 09:31 PM #12

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I Support, if i was gonna stop playing Phantom and stick to my EIM, i would continue to use phantom obviously as it has all my previous posts etc, but if i wanted vet rank on my EIM i shouldnt have to abandon all the time ive put into the forums for no reason. As long as people know its you, what's the harm?

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Posted 10 May 2018 - 05:08 PM #13

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Gona be honest here, i've played in multiple accounts in different gamemodes, but for me the value of being a veteran means that you actually PUT effort into an single account to get that rank, sure you like other gamemodes, but that's not the point, Veteran should be a hard achievement to obtain and i feel like what you're wanting is gona make it easy. No support.

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Posted 11 May 2018 - 07:26 PM #14


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Being a veteran just means that you've been here for a long time (As of right now, I still think that the Vet rank should only be given to those who have played since 2016). It shouldn't be considered an "Achievement" rank. Yes, set the requirements...but not allowing someone to use the forum time of their first registered account and the game time of their most played account is a bit silly. Vet is a badge of time and should be given to the user as a whole, not just to an account.  (ily btw)


Gona be honest here, i've played in multiple accounts in different gamemodes, but for me the value of being a veteran means that you actually PUT effort into an single account to get that rank, sure you like other gamemodes, but that's not the point, Veteran should be a hard achievement to obtain and i feel like what you're wanting is gona make it easy. No support.








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Posted 13 May 2018 - 10:14 AM #15

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Good suggestion even tho i don't have the forum time. Easy to get this tho, but would be fair to get it like 'xfered' from another acc, which they can trace by IP adress. Support on this one.

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Posted 14 May 2018 - 06:06 PM #16

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I like it the way it is right now. The veteran rank is not spread across all your accounts, it's applied to one account and that one account must have the requirements.


I don't like the transferring stats idea, it can just get messy.


Keep the rank special. 

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Posted 28 May 2018 - 03:49 PM #17

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No support from me. I am not sure if your suggestion is even doable. How should it detect that these are your accounts? Through ip address? Would be a huuuuuuuuge mess.

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Posted 29 May 2018 - 03:19 AM #18


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No support from me. I am not sure if your suggestion is even doable. How should it detect that these are your accounts? Through ip address? Would be a huuuuuuuuge mess.

What do you mean “how should it detect?” X player is given Vet status by a higher up, who looks into the individual before granting the player with the status. Matching an IP between two accounts takes very little time, lol.








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Posted 24 June 2018 - 06:20 PM #19


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