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Alora Newspaper 05/02/2018

Alora Newspaper 2018

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Posted 02 May 2018 - 05:18 PM #1


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Hello everyone, welcome to the newest edition of the Alora Newspaper! 


This newspaper is a bit overdue, I decided I was going to change some things with the interviews


so it took a bit longer. Anyways, let's get started!


There have been no rule changes since the last update, but it is always good to review them!



Keep up to date with our rules & full list can be found by clicking HERE!


Since the last Newspaper there have been 3 updates. The first update was dropped on 01/04/2018,

the second update was dropped on 14/04/2018, and the third update on 22/14/2018.


The first update added the Easter Event, April Fools Event, and a Store Sale.


The second update added the long awaited and highly anticipated Elite Ironman Mode, as well as bug fixes.


The third update consisted of more bug fixes, some added Elite Ironman content, and some QOL updates.


Here is the update list for 01/04/2018:




  • Fixed a bug which caused players’ clients to crash near The Grand Tree.
  • Fixed numerous broken fishing spots, primarily the Shrimp ones

  • Miscellaneous:
    • Random events will no longer occur at the Wilderness agility course.
    • Fixed an issue with rare implings not respawning in Puro Puro.
    • Fixed a bug where sometimes retaliating to someone who just attacked you would skull you. (If the damage was 0, and a melee hit)
  • Fixed equipment switching bug:
    • (From recent OSRS update) Equipping an off-hand item whilst there is a two-handed item equipped, or when equipping a two-handed item with an off-hand item already equipped, the item being unequipped will now land in the inventory slot held by the now-equipped item. 
  • April fool’s event:
    • We’ll let you find out about this one yourselves! There are two separate April fools additions this year.
  • Easter event:
    • The Easter Bunny above the Falador hills is in need of help this Easter! You can get there quickly by speaking to his son, Milkee, at home in Edgeville.


If you want to check out the entire update list, click HERE!


Here's the update list of 14/04/2018:



I’m very excited to announce that Elite Ironman Mode is now live! You can jump straight in and create an Elite ironman on a fresh account (or any account that you already own that has not yet completed the beginner tutorial) and participate in the action!



  • Elite Ironman (Duo) mode is now available!
    • Elite Ironman is a new challenge for Ironmen who want a lower XP rate than the standard modes, but do not want the open economy of Classic mode or the death mechanics of the HCIM. It also opens the door to a brand new Duo/Partner functionality which allows you to choose a friend to play the new game mode with! Here are the details:
      • Experience rate:
        • 4x base rate
      • Duo/Partner feature:
        • A long requested feature, Elite Ironman can now choose to play with (or without!) a partner in their adventure.
          • This partner is the only player you can trade with, and can only be chosen once!
            • You and your partner both, of course, must be Elite Ironmen and not already have partners.
            • You can speak to Paul at home to select a partner.
  • Duo Slayer
    • You can now partner up with another player on your Slayer tasks!
  • Lizardman Shaman Cave:
    • The Lizardman Shaman cave is now added! Due to crowding issues at times, we’ve decided to implement these caves.


PVP Updates:


  • Combat fixes:
    • Fixed a weird bug that allowed you to continue attacking your opponent through a closed gate (reference: )
  • PK Point Exchange updates:
    • Removals:
      • Dark bow
      • Granite maul
      • Master wand
      • Barrow sets
      • Dragon boots
      • Regen Bracelet
      • All infinity pieces
      • Mage's book
      • Ranger boots
    • New Additions:
      • Bloody key
        • 2k PKP
      • Armadyl crossbow
        • 5.5k PKP
      • Staff of Light
        • 3k PKP
      • Bandos chestplate
        • 4k PKP
      • Bandos tassets
        • 4.5k PKP
      • Eternal boots
        • 2k PKP
      • Pegasian boots
        • 5k PKP
      • Primordial boots
        • 5.5k PKP
    • Price changes:
      • Armadyl godsword
        • Reduced to 5k PKP
      • Abyssal tentacle
        • Reduced to 4k PKP
      • Toxic staff of the dead
        • Reduced to 2.5k PKP
      • Dragon claws:
        • Reduced to 9.5k PKP
      • Odium ward
        • Reduced to 3k PKP
      • Blessed spirit shield
        • Reduced to 2.75k PKP
      • Dragonfire shield
        • Reduced to 6.5k PKP
      • Amulet of the damned
        • Reduced to 1.2k PKP
      • Amulet of anguish
        • Reduced to 6k PKP
      • Tormented bracelet
        • Reduced 3k PKP
      • Ring of suffering
        • Reduced to 2.5k PKP
      • All whip and dark bow paints
        • Reduced to 500 PKP
      • Ring of wealth scroll
        • Reduced to 1k PKP
      • Occult necklace
        • Reduced to 750 PKP


If you want to check out the entire update list, click HERE!


Here's the update list of 21/04/2018:



We're back with a few content updates / bug fixes this week, mostly pertaining to the Elite Ironman release last week which was hugely successful. I'm thrilled to see so many people enjoying the new game mode, and hopefully these bug fixes and content updates improve the experience even more!


  • Elite Ironman Storage Box:
    • Due to popular request, Elite Ironmen who have partners can now share a storage box with their partner!
      • Located next to Paul in Edgeville, this box allows you to deposit up to 14 items which are shared with your partner.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Fixed duel arena no movement bug (“I can’t reach that!”)
  • XP Counter fix:
    • A bug which caused your XP counter to go negative at high amounts has been fixed.
  • Elite Ironman changes:
    • House altars:
      • You can now receive bonus experience from using bones on your EIM partner’s house altars.
  • Thieving changes:
    • When pickpocketing, your level/equipment bonuses will now have more effect on your thieving success rate. You should fail less often, overall.
  • Ultimate Ironman update:
    • When dying to an NPC, Ultimate Ironmen’s items lost on death (NOT applicable to PvP death) will now last 60 minutes before disappearing. After the 60 minutes, the items will become publicly visible for a few more minutes.
      • This is intended to help UIMs temporarily drop their inventories by dying to an NPC, allowing them to more easily participate in certain types of content (particularly wilderness content such as Mage Arena II).
      • NOTE: We will not be responsible for your losses if you are unable to recover your items due to a server update. There is always a 5 minute timer before a server update, which should be plenty of time for UIMs to get their items back.
  • Dwarf Multicannon fixes:
    • A bug allowed players to set up a hunting trap (eg. Box trap or bird snare) next to someone’s cannon, causing it to disappear. This has been fixed, and traps can no longer be set up near a cannon.


If you want to check out the entire update list, click HERE!


Many thanks to Omicron for all of these updates and fixes!


Over the last month there have been some changes to the staff team, you can see them below:


Staff updates as of April 8th, and 22nd 2018:



F 8 has been promoted to Event Manager.

Jare has been promoted to Event Manager.

Algalon has returned as Forum Moderator.

Elite Ultima has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Classic gain has been promoted to Server Support.

Tyanx has been promoted to Server Support.

Draisaitl has been promoted to Server Support.

hsoJ has been promoted to Server Support.



uTorrent has resigned from Event Manager.

Marvellous has resigned from Server Support.

Mewtwo has resigned from Administrator.

Dr Drew has resigned from Global Moderator.

Cl hellish has temp. resigned from Server Moderator.

Historia has resigned from Server Support.



Nobody has been demoted! Woohoo!


For more info on the Staff updates, click HERE!


I have decided to interview two other members of our staff team! I hope you enjoy hearing what they had to say   :)




The first person I interviewed was Another Cow!






Xuf: What is the funniest name you have heard?


Another Cow: Dante, like what kind of name is that?


XufWhat movie would be the most terrible if it was turned into a musical?


Another Cow: Any Saw movie.


XufWhat do you see in Alora 60 years from now?


Another Cow: I'll definitely be dead by then, we'll definitely have a VR port by then though.


XufWhat is the most random fact you know?


Another Cow: Cows have about 300 degrees of vision.


XufIf you were to form a cult, what kind would it be?


Another Cow: I've already created a successful cult to protect myself and other cows. It's called veganism.


XufIf life were a video-game and you could have one cheat code, what would it be/do?


Another Cow: Invincibility, never be able to die.


Xuf: If you could remove one type of food from existence what would it be?


Another Cow: Borsch, that stuff is actually disgusting. Who thought it'd be a good idea to make a meal out of beets?


XufHow much do you love your Ranger Boots?


Another Cow: Ouch. This just hurts.


XufWould you consider a bowl of cereal cold soup?


Another Cow: No, because typically soup is made with either some kind of meat, or water/broth. If your cereal has any of those things you terrify me.


XufDo you think aliens exist?


Another Cow: Yes, however there will likely never be any contact between humans and any other complex lifeform.



Thank you for taking the time to answer those questions Another Cow, definitely some cool answers!







Next on our list is Classic gain!






XufWhat is your favorite thing about Alora?


Classic gain: This must have been said 1000 times before, but the thing I love the most about Alora is the tight community we have on the server.


Xuf: What kind of smartphone app would you like to see the most?


Classic gain: This may sound really weird in 2018, but I hardly use any apps other than Netflix or iTunes. So I just cant think of an app I would like to see.


XufWhat movie quotes do you use frequently?


Classic gain: #1: Do or do not. There is no try. (everybody that has seen star wars knows this quote) #2: The past can hurt. but you can either run from it, or learn from it. #3: Affection is when you see someone's strengths , love is when you accept someone's flaws.


XufWhere/When was the hardest you've ever worked?


Classic gain: That must have been the first time I worked Kingsday in the bar I used to work at in the Jordaan in Amsterdam.


XufWould you eat food that is past the expiration date if it smelled okay?


Classic gain: Bitterballen (most of you probably haven't heard of this snack as it is a typical dutch snack that is deep-fried ragou in breadcrumbs).


XufWhat is your favorite movie and why?


Classic gain: That has to be the fast & furious trilogies. I fell in love with the first movie when I was a kid and triggered me into building cars with friends and taking them out to the local track, I have seen all fast & furious movies at least 15 times, and yes that includes Tokyo drift.


XufWhat is the most recent thing you've lied about?


Classic gain: I lied to my boss I messed up a shipping order and when he asked me about it I told him I already fixed it (I clearly did not but I fixed it before he found out I lied).


XufWhat is something you thought would be amazing but didn't turn out to be as awesome as you thought it was?


Classic gain: My ex-girlfriend? Lmao.


XufHow do you make yourself sleep when you can't seem to sleep?


Classic gain: I put some Andre Hazes (best dutch singer ever lived) on on my phone and I'm gone in a few minutes.


XufWhat life skills are rarely taught, but are very useful?


Classic gain: In the country I live in (Netherlands) I think basic survival knowledge is something that lacks when kids are growing up. The people over here think beef grows in plastic packages, and water out of the tap ( t does everywhere but you know what I mean I guess), the kids these days don't know how to get food and water if they ever have to in emergency situations anymore.



Thanks Classic gain for taking the time to be interviewed!







Next on our list is  classic joke !






XufHow does it feel to have the highest Raids KC and not have a TBow?


classic joke : It feels really embarrassing to be honest, seeing all these people getting all these Twisted bows at a really low kill count when I am double their kill count if not more. It will come at some point.


XufWhat is it like being a Kiwi?


classic joke : It's not to bad to be honest all though sometimes the weather can be pretty bad where I am and the internet can also be bad. But I wouldn't rather be in another country to be honest.


XufBesides raids, what do you like to do on Alora?


classic joke : On Alora apart from raids I like to bandstand and talk to people and do slayer. As most people know I am a terrible skiller/pker :D


Xuf: If you had the chance to sit down with anyone in the world to talk who would it be?


classic joke : My favorite drummer Joey Jordison to be honest, he is what got me into instruments and stuff.


XufWhat is your favorite flavor of ice cream?


classic joke : I am not fussy when it comes to ice cream to be honest I don't have a favorite. I would eat any type of Ice cream.


XufWhat is your favorite thing about Alora?


classic joke : My favorite thing about Alora is the amount of awesome updates we have in the game and the fact they come pretty quick after the release on OSRS.


XufWhat do you always dream of having/achieving?


classic joke : I have always wanted to play instruments live in front of a massive crowd I have no fear with that type of stuff.


XufWhere do you see yourself next year?


classic joke : Hopefully working, not allowed to at the moment (Really tricky situation).


XufWhat is your favourite pass-time outside of Alora?


classic joke : Listen to music and go see friends.


XufIf you could move to anywhere else in the world right now, where would you go?


classic joke : To be honest I have no idea I haven't really thought about this ever so therefore I have no answer.



Thanks  classic joke  for taking the time to be interviewed!







Next on our list is Horror!






Xuf: How does it feel to be the most famous person on Alora?


Horror: Amazing. Ecstatic even. I love all of Alora. Every1 on Alora is my friend!


Xuf: Who do you go out of your way to be nice to?


Horror: Classic joke disrespect will not be tolerated & will result in perm rag!


Xuf: What is the spiciest thing you've ever eaten?


Horror: Anglerfish are exceedingly spicy but I have the cool refreshing taste of saradomin brews to wash them down with. I am currently working with Guy Fieri to make an even spicier runescape food.


Xuf: What is something you really don't like paying for?


Horror: My supremacy wilderness tax!!!


Xuf: What are you interested in that most people aren't?


Horror: Riding at the front of a 13-seat bicycle with the rest of peeks!!


Xuf: What is your favorite TV show?


Horror: I only watch reruns of golden girls & martin while I am enjoying the wilderness.


Xuf: What game have you spent most time playing (Besides Alora)?


Horror: I competitively play hello kitty island adventure. I am currently rank #2 in the world.


Xuf: What is the hardest part about being HORROR?


Horror: I always remember to ask ppl if they want slam, but never remember to ask them if they have had a nice day or not!


Xuf: What is the worst smelling thing you've encountered?


Horrorcasual irl.


Xuf: If you were given $500,000 right now, what would you do with it?


Horror: donate it all 2 alora so i can have 50,000 accounts all with donator and i will spam all of my favorite song lyrics on yell using them



Thanks Horror for taking the time to answer those questions!





Have any interview questions you would like to ask any of the staff members?

Don't hesitate to send me a private message via forums/discord and I'll include them in next edition along with the answers from that staff member!





The MOTM poll has concluded and here are the final results received from the community.

The 3 top winners have been picked and the final voting has taken place among the staff team.




The very final winner of April MOTM is....





Congratulations AlissaYou have stood out in the eye of the community as well as in the eye of the staff team. Thank you for being a great member here on Alora.  :)

Contact Lowkey for your 3 bonds prize in-game, and your Forum Awards will be active shortly.


Stay tuned until the next month when voting takes place!


The April Community awards are out now!

Visit this link to check it out;




That concludes the end of this newspaper! 

Read our last newspaper by clicking HERE!

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Posted 02 May 2018 - 05:24 PM #2

IM Moe
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Thanks for another awesome newspaper update. Also @Horror is the man, good interview. ;) 

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Posted 02 May 2018 - 05:24 PM #3


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Horror #1!!



Posted 02 May 2018 - 05:33 PM #4



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Great read as per usual. A few of your points were miscolored but apart from that fantastic job, @Xuf.


Would love to see @Lowkey or @Omicron being interviewed in the near future as I could imagine a lot of us players would have a few question(s) we would like to ask them.



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Posted 02 May 2018 - 05:57 PM #5

Jake M
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Yew, Thank's @Xuf. I had no idea we had that many resignations/promotions within a month  :mellow:

Posted 02 May 2018 - 07:46 PM #6

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i only read the horror part tbh.

♛ Kings of Wilderness ♛




quality of peeks ^


leader of peeks PLANKING to a 1 defence pure in NH fight ^

Posted 02 May 2018 - 08:18 PM #7



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Thanks for the questions! :D and thanks Horror xD by the way disrespect horror I will bless you with my silly dry streak of a twisted bow :3 I mean it to!!!

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Posted 02 May 2018 - 11:02 PM #8


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A lovely newspaper, was a good read. :D







Posted 02 May 2018 - 11:05 PM #9

Warp Nine
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Congrats to everyone who won an award! Excellent update as well, hope to see more bug fixes down the road!



"Faster, faster, faster, until the thrill of speed overcomes the fear of death."

Posted 02 May 2018 - 11:13 PM #10


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Congratulations to Alissa on becoming the MOTM, and to those recently promoted. Interesting interviews, it's good to get to know a bit about reputable members of the Alora community. 

Posted 03 May 2018 - 06:47 AM #11

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bye now.

Posted 04 May 2018 - 08:55 AM #12

EIM Systemic
Elite Ironman

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That interview with joke was pretty funny :D Thank you for the update


Posted 04 May 2018 - 05:03 PM #13


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Terrific read as always!



Kind Regards


Posted Image

Promoted to Server Support - 08/04/2018

Promoted to Server Moderator - 18/05/2018


Posted 06 May 2018 - 12:05 AM #14

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Great job with the newspaper! Silly @Another Cow, invincibility doesn't mean you live forever :P

Posted 06 May 2018 - 06:05 AM #15

Austin Post

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Enjoyed reading the interviews as always. Great edition - good job as always, Xuf.

Posted 08 May 2018 - 02:01 PM #16

Elite Ironman

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Loved reading this. thank you lol. Horror we love you.

Posted 09 May 2018 - 03:23 PM #17

Error 69

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Thanks for this newspaper


Posted 03 June 2018 - 10:28 PM #18


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Thanks for the news i do enjoy


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