What is your suggestion?: Making Staff of Light made by a Saradomin's Light + SOTD
Is this in OSRS?: Yes.
Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.
How would this benefit Alora?: You wouldn't waste a Toxic Staff of the Dead (magic fang+SOTD) to make a staff of light.
The whole point of Staff of the Dead as the base of Staff of Light/Toxic Staff of the Dead is based on bonuses. Toxic Staff of the Dead has a higher magic attack bonus + a venom effect. Staff of Light is the same bonus as Staff of the Dead but you can auto cast the saradomin god spell instead of the zamorak god spell. Using it on a TSOTD is a waste of the magic fang, as the TSOTD is better than the SOL (cosmetic upgrade basically with no bonus).
*Credits OSRS wiki:
"The Staff of light cannot be upgraded with a magic fang to provide the additional magic attack bonus and toxic effect given to the toxic staff of the dead."