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Minimize Time for Dropped Consumbales to appear in Wildy

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Posted 27 April 2018 - 02:07 PM #1


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Right now, you are unable to drop items worth over ~50k in the wilderness, which is good since it prevents players from dropping their expensive items before they die. However, you are still able to drop saradomin brews, sanfews, anglers, etc. In OSRS, you can drop those, but I believe they appear after 1 minute and disappear after the 2nd minute. In Alora, it takes 10 minutes for them to appear to others.

Why this is problematic: Players come into deep wilderness and drop lots of brews, sanfews, etc., and then bank and come back to the spot. This means that when my team does a teleblock fall in on players in deep wilderness, they are able to tank for 15 minutes+ and it is impossible to kill anyone with a teleblock who uses this strategy. 

Possible Solutions:
1. Make dropped food appear to others 1 minute after being dropped and disappear after the 2nd minute. This still makes it possible for teleblocked players to feed each other food after it was dropped. However, this gives potential for a team to steal the brews before the targetted player does.

2. Make it impossible to pick up any consumables dropped by any player (unless the player was killed for the food as loot). The only downside I can think of is that sometimes players drop 1 consumable for inventory space when using their two-handed spec weapon, and this solution will prevent them from picking it back up. 
3. My favorite: Allow dropped consumables to disappear after 1 minute. I can't think of a downside.

Wrong solutions:
1. DO NOT make it impossible to drop consumables in wildy. If this happens, when you kill someone with a full inventory of food, you will not be able to loot the items since you are stuck with food. 
2. DO NOT make consumables appear instantly as this will also make it impossible to kill any player who has 1 friend dropping food for them.

TL;DR: Players abuse drop mechanic to have unlimited brews in deep wilderness for surviving teleblocks. 3 solutions are given.

Example photo of #Peeks player abusing this mechanic:


Posted 27 April 2018 - 02:13 PM #2


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Posted 27 April 2018 - 02:13 PM #3

IM Moe
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Why not just make it like OSRS? Where in the wilderness item(s) dropped appear immediately. This would counter what people are doing like in that picture, as it would disappear before they got there. That would also mean for anyone to help the player, they would have to come to where they are being attacked and risk dying too. 

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Posted 27 April 2018 - 02:21 PM #4


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Why not just make it like OSRS? Where in the wilderness item(s) dropped appear immediately. This would counter what people are doing like in that picture, as it would disappear before they got there. That would also mean for anyone to help the player, they would have to come to where they are being attacked and risk dying too. 

Read wrong solution #2. Also, in OSRS consumables do not appear instantly. Also, a friend with no gear and full inv of food can just come and mass drop food. There is no risk in that. 

Posted 27 April 2018 - 02:22 PM #5

Sassa fras

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I've always thought it was weird dropping items in wildy and getting that "takes 10x as long for others to see it" message.

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Posted 27 April 2018 - 02:24 PM #6

IM Moe
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Read wrong solution #2. Also, in OSRS consumables do not appear instantly. Also, a friend with no gear and full inv of food can just come and mass drop food. There is no risk in that. 

Correct, but I was stating in how they handled the wilderness poll for dropping items. Consumables would appear after 1 minute, disappear after 2 minutes. Anything else appears immediately. You're trying to combat the mass drop of food to safety, this would be the best strategy. 


I support the suggestion #1. 

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Posted 27 April 2018 - 03:22 PM #7


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its like that on 07 why would they change it bro #superior big fan

Posted 27 April 2018 - 03:48 PM #8


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My only concern would be that people could have teammates drop brews for them if the timer is set to 1 minute. It's a lose-lose situation between pre-dropping brews yourself and having teams drop them for their friend. I'd rather have someone have to do it themselves preemptively than spamming a disc channel 20 times "need brews @ lever help lol" & tanking a minute between potentially unlimited brew drops.

Possibly change it to where brews would dissapear in two minutes, but wouldn't appear to other players when dropped to prevent both of these situations?

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Posted 27 April 2018 - 03:52 PM #9


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My only concern would be that people could have teammates drop brews for them if the timer is set to 1 minute. It's a lose-lose situation between pre-dropping brews yourself and having teams drop them for their friend. I'd rather have someone have to do it themselves preemptively than spamming a disc channel 20 times "need brews @ lever help lol" & tanking a minute between potentially unlimited brew drops.

Possibly change it to where brews would dissapear in two minutes, but wouldn't appear to other players when dropped to prevent both of these situations?

You misunderstood solution 3, maybe because I did not clarify. But brews would disappear in 1 minute, not appear at all for others.

Posted 27 April 2018 - 03:54 PM #10


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You misunderstood solution 3, maybe because I did not clarify. But brews would disappear in 1 minute, not appear at all for others.

Ah. Support for solution 3 then. 

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Posted 27 April 2018 - 04:54 PM #11

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Full support, this needs to be fixed...

Posted 28 April 2018 - 01:17 PM #12


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If you aren't gonna fix half the broken pvp mechanics, this is the least you can do.

Posted 28 April 2018 - 01:19 PM #13

Purple OG
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Yeah i agree with this, there has to be something done before it ruins this little PK-ing going on the whole server. 

Posted 24 June 2018 - 09:20 PM #14


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I will add to the list that  the timer needs to be reduced by 50%.

Your suggestion has been accepted.

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