In all honesty this suggestion comes from a slightly selfish standpoint and may be controversial but hear me out (would also love to hear the opinions of pkers on this because thats an area i lack knowledge in).
What is your suggestion?:
Remove the time between using rejuvenation pools in Alora.
Is this in OSRS?:
Has this suggestion been accepted already?:
No (reduced timers have been accepted but not the removal of timers).
How would this benefit Alora?:
Pretty soon I plan to go ely hunting on my account. If i want to use my dwh or bgs to spec corporeal beast defence down then i will have to wait 90 seconds for the ornate rejuvenation pool in my POH to restore my spec. This isn't viable. Alternatively I could use the tp wizard to go to the fight caves, enter the caves, leave the caves and have a full spec bar within 10 seconds.
I believe the timers on rejuvenation pools were created to stop people rushing in the wilderness? This is an example of unjust collective punishment. Futhermore if i really wanted to rush in the wilderness i could just use the fight cave method to restore my spec bar anyway. The timers do nothing. They do not prevent anything. To be completely honest (even if its somewhat harsh) there is nobody stood in edge wilderness to rush.
I cant see a downside to removing the ;;dz rejuvenation pool timer however if this is too much of a stretch then the suggestion could even be restricted to POH portals only if that's better. A POH portal is locked behind 90 construction and, in my case, 100 donator tokens.
If you can see a problem with removing timers for rejuvenation pools then please comment so i can discuss it further however from my viewpoint its an unnecessary addition to the game which makes the benefits of donating (for the ;;dz pool) or building a POH portal useless as the same effects can be achieved through the fight caves.