Just as in Topic. In my opinion those rewards are awful. there could also be some xp lamps or bonus xp boons, and also some usefull items not only cosmetics.
Already from the start, the purpose of the loyalty shop was to be a cosmetics only shop.
I'm pretty sure the main argument against adding benefitial/useful items has been that loyalty points are very prone to farming abuse.
So ehm..I don't really see this happening, and well... If it somehow does.....
Edit: I'd totally be up for adding new cosmetics thought!
Just anything new don't need to be something big few items, backing to layality farmers i think it should be reworked for example you would give loyality points only while accualy doing sth instead of just beeing logged into a game
Suggestion threads are more likely to gain traction and support if the idea has been fully thought through, for example give us some items you'd like to see added, opinions on how much these items should cost, etc. At the moment this thread isn't so much a suggestion as it is feedback.
We would likely never add experience lamps to the loyalty point shop seeing as loyalty points are incredibly easy to come by.
The idea of rotating rewards sound great that would be cool to have a weekly set to buy or even daily that would add some spicy to the game and also allow some fashionscape become more sensable bocouase atm there is only 1 nice looking set in loyality shop i mean the mage robes..
simply remove trash items and add items which look cool. meyby think about items which are not in osrs meyby some items from rs3 or complitley new items