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ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

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Posted 26 February 2019 - 04:34 PM #861


Posts: 535
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Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

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    30 Dec 2017

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Account Name (IGN) - diablo1

Discord Tag (Name#0000) -kaymen69#6942

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - 1 banana 

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 2 months ago?

What rank are you applying for? - 2 banana

What are your strengths? - i know lots about the game and when it comes to people asking questions in cc i tend to know all of them and help out to my best ability.

What are your weaknesses? -  no weaknesses at all :)


Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Corporal.


Posted 26 February 2019 - 05:03 PM #862

Not Enzo

Not Enzo
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How long have you been in ICE? - I orginally joined ICE a month after it had initially merged with Iron Help.

What position are you applying for? Liuetenant

Have you ever been in a Staff position or position of Power? - Yes, during my 10 years of RSPS I have been in multiple staff positions ranging from servers with a lower to higher player count.

If so, where and what did your duties entail? (Put N/A if not) -
  • Zamorak RSPS (Global Moderator)
  1. ​Monitoring both Forums & In-Game, the power to ban, jail, mute, ipmute players (in-game), delete, edit, remove posts on forums.
  2. Handle appeals, player reports.
  3. Helping others, whenever and whereever I can in-game.
  • Dreamscape 317 (Global Moderator)
  • Runique (Global Moderator)
The duties on the other two servers were very similar, the only difference was that I had perms on TeamSpeak which included removing and adding player ranks, muting, kicking and banning players if they were breaking TeamSpeak rules.

How much time do you spend on Alora and in the CC daily? - On average, I spend about 4-5 hours daily on Alora and in the CC. This depends on how much University work I have to complete, this can either increase or decrease.

Being in the Discord is REQUIRED. Are you willing to be active in the Discord and attend weekly meetings? - Yes.

Why would you like to work with us? I believe I deserve the rank of Liutenant as I think I have proved myself as a very active and dedicated member of the CC. Whether i'm in-game or not, I try my best to help out as many players as I can, whether it's enocouraging them to come into voice chat on Discord with the other members of the clan to help new players make friends with other clan members to increase clan chemistry or answering questions in-game to let people know that there are people their to help. I know that this promotion might seem early, however, I love taking on new challenges, and having the opportunity to improve the Clan more than it already is, would be a great honour. 

What skills do you posess that would make you a good addition to our Team? Knowledge is probably my most important trait. Playing Alora for over two years now has taught me a lot of things that I haven't learned from OSRS itself. It's allowed me to use my knowledge and help other players in the CC who are in need of assistance. I also consider myself very active in the ICE CC, aswell as extremely active in the Discord. I try to keep myself as active as I can in the Discord as that is where I have made most of my friends from the CC and I plan on keeping up that activity.

Is there anything else you would like for us to know when considering your application? - I'd like to personally thank whoever is reading this, I hope you can see my dedication to the CC and my passion to help improve myself and the CC in any way possible.

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Posted 27 February 2019 - 03:39 AM #863


Posts: 610
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Clan: Alora
Location: Probably killing Zulrah or in the "Alora" cc

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Account Name (IGN) - Morgen
Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Morgen#8855
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 7 days ago
What rank are you applying for? - Corporal
What are your strengths? - Knowledge of the game, Patience to learn and help players along the way, dedicated to my goals (e.g Zulrah)
What are your weaknesses? - Can get angry in situations, react to certain toxic situations in a unfriendly manor. 
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I feel I deserve Corporal because I am a dedicated active member in the clan/discord. I have been helping as much as I can in the clan chat! I hope to progress and earn my way up, thanks.

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A picture taken from the famous no BXP riots:




An old man.


Other Things:


Posted 27 February 2019 - 11:41 PM #864


Posts: 535
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Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

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Account Name (IGN) - Morgen
Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Morgen#8855
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 7 days ago
What rank are you applying for? - Corporal
What are your strengths? - Knowledge of the game, Patience to learn and help players along the way, dedicated to my goals (e.g Zulrah)
What are your weaknesses? - Can get angry in situations, react to certain toxic situations in a unfriendly manor. 
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I feel I deserve Corporal because I am a dedicated active member in the clan/discord. I have been helping as much as I can in the clan chat! I hope to progress and earn my way up, thanks.



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Corporal.


Posted 01 March 2019 - 04:08 AM #865

Group Ironman

Posts: 1
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    19 Feb 2019

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Account Name (IGN) - Zaylock


Disocrd tag - Dragon#9529


What is your current rank : N/A


When did you last apply for rank - N/A


What rank are applying for - Recruit


Strengths - I play at least 12 hours  a day, Learning game very fast and always done to help other with any problem I understand.


Weaknesses - I have a weakness to joking around but this weakness doesn't effect my actions when doing my job.


Short Paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you applying for- Well first off i dont deserve a rank I want to earn it by proving myself in game and show how much I can help out with. I also Keep my online status open for all to pm in case of any problems. 

Posted 01 March 2019 - 09:53 AM #866

EIM Zarox

EIM Zarox
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Account Name (IGN) - EIM Zarox

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Zarox5215

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Corporal

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 8 days ago

What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant

What are your strengths? - Helping people, being active in the cc + logging in daily!

What are your weaknesses? - still getting rangers :-(

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I help people whenever they ask about something and I'm active in the CC.

Graveyard [only dcs sad game]

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Posted 01 March 2019 - 10:04 AM #867


Posts: 646
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Clan: ICE
Location: twitch.tv/b0aty

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    28 Jul 2017

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Account Name (IGN) - Zaylock


Disocrd tag - Dragon#9529


What is your current rank : N/A


When did you last apply for rank - N/A


What rank are applying for - Recruit


Strengths - I play at least 12 hours  a day, Learning game very fast and always done to help other with any problem I understand.


Weaknesses - I have a weakness to joking around but this weakness doesn't effect my actions when doing my job.


Short Paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you applying for- Well first off i dont deserve a rank I want to earn it by proving myself in game and show how much I can help out with. I also Keep my online status open for all to pm in case of any problems. 



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Recruit.

Account Name (IGN) - EIM Zarox

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Zarox5215

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Corporal

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 8 days ago

What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant

What are your strengths? - Helping people, being active in the cc + logging in daily!

What are your weaknesses? - still getting rangers :-(

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I help people whenever they ask about something and I'm active in the CC.


Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Sergeant.

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Posted 02 March 2019 - 07:56 AM #868

Extreme Donator

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Account Name (IGN) - Blackpoiint

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Ewout | Blackpoiint#5314

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Corporal

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 15 February 2019

What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant

What are your strengths? - My knowledge about Alora. I just want to make some fun playing this game. When i get the chance I'm always willing to help other players.

What are your weaknesses? - Playing my ironman at the same time as my normie

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I feel like ICE has a great community. Im being as active as possible. 
- Ewout




Posted 02 March 2019 - 10:36 AM #869


Posts: 646
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Clan: ICE
Location: twitch.tv/b0aty

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Account Name (IGN) - Blackpoiint

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Ewout | Blackpoiint#5314

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Corporal

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 15 February 2019

What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant

What are your strengths? - My knowledge about Alora. I just want to make some fun playing this game. When i get the chance I'm always willing to help other players.

What are your weaknesses? - Playing my ironman at the same time as my normie

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I feel like ICE has a great community. Im being as active as possible. 
- Ewout



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Sergeant.

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Posted 02 March 2019 - 04:15 PM #870


Posts: 204
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    24 Jan 2019

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  •  2 bugs found
How long have you been in ICE? - I’m not entirely sure! Not sure which account I applied on(too many HCs...) I’d say 5-6 months.

What position are you applying for? - Lieutenant

Have you ever been in a Staff position or position of Power? - Yes.

If so, where and what did your duties entail? (Put N/A if not) - I was a staff on Alora for 6 months. I helped out in clan chats and via PM, caught botters & RWTers and hosted events mainly.

In real life I’m a Store Manager. I’m in charge of my store where I oversee the day to day operations and I’m responsible for 36 staff.

How much time do you spend on Alora and in the CC daily? - I would say at least 2-3 per day. More where I can. There is also the occasional day where I can’t login too.

Being in the Discord is REQUIRED. Are you willing to be active in the Discord and attend weekly meetings? - Yes absolutely.

Why would you like to work with us? - I’ve enjoyed my time in ICE and have enjoyed seeing the progress the clan has made during my time. I would like to help continue the progression of the clan and keep it going from strength to strength.

What skills do you posess that would make you a good addition to our Team? - I’m a good communicator and simply enjoy playing the game. Playing the game for me means of course getting my own personal enjoyment but I also enjoy helping others. I often take time out of my own gameplay to help others. Be that helping in the clan chat or showing a player where something is. My activity is also growing which is always a positive!

Is there anything else you would like for us to know when considering your application? - I believe Paine should be given more warnings.

Thanks for reading. :)

December 13 2016 -Server Support
January 16 2017 -Server Moderator
February 7 2017 -Global Moderator
March 15 2017 -Administrator

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Posted 02 March 2019 - 07:14 PM #871

Group Ironman

Posts: 263
Likes: 348
Clan: ICE

  •  Member since:
    11 Jan 2019

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      33d 51m 41s

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Account Name (IGN) - Konar

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Aelin#0502

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - Feb 1st

What rank are you applying for? -  Corporal

What are your strengths? - Game knowledge, in-game activity, efficiency 

What are your weaknesses? - Bad rng, I joke around a lot

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - Tauri pmed me yesterday saying that he thought I would be a perfect candidate to get a rank up as I've been helping a lot and I'm really active(according to him) so he told me to apply for a rank up, just trying to help out the boys!

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Posted 02 March 2019 - 08:32 PM #872

EIM Astro
Elite Ironman

EIM Astro
Posts: 1
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Clan: Ice

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    05 Aug 2018

    • Time spent:
      10h 47m 58s

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Account Name (IGN) - EIM Astro

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Astro#4345

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - N/A

What rank are you applying for? - banana

What are your strengths? - Friendly, helpful, fun to talk to

What are your weaknesses? - I get upset with ignorance easily

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I have been on alora a lot in the past, i was ranked in OG, but i left on hiatus before it died. I am knowledgeable and helpful towards everybody willing to listen. I love Ice and every member in it, a lot of them being old people i know, and i'd love to be a help to it!

Posted 03 March 2019 - 03:55 PM #873


Posts: 313
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Location: Gfx's basement

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    13 Jul 2017

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How long have you been in ICE? - Since 28th of December Last year.

What position are you applying for? - Lieutenant

Have you ever been in a Staff position or position of Power? - Yes, currently a Global Moderator for Alora.

If so, where and what did your duties entail? (Put N/A if not) -


Global Moderators have to handle appeals, player reports, monitor in-game/forums, forward any serious issues to Administrators and guide Server Moderators as they essentially are the right-hand of administrators. Global Moderators are members of staff who are focused on moderating both in-game and forums (Forum & Server moderator combined). 

How much time do you spend on Alora and in the CC daily? -


It obviously varies a lot on my real life, however between 5-8 hours (in some cases more) in Alora, and unless I'm doing something relating to moderator duties or Player Killing, I'll be in the ICE CC for 4-6 hours.

Being in the Discord is REQUIRED. Are you willing to be active in the Discord and attend weekly meetings? -


Already super active in the discord, but yes I am willing to attend weekly meetings.

Why would you like to work with us? -


I've been to a few clans since I first joined Alora and I've never found the friendship and the amazing time that ICE has offered. I've been a part of this clan for roughly 3 months and I've enjoyed every second of it. ICE is mostly made up by my friends which I talk to daily, so it makes this place even better, they helped me when I was down, so I'm willing to put in work for ICE.

What skills do you possess that would make you a good addition to our Team? -


Unbias - Since my first day as a staff member, I've always tried to be as fair and indifferent as possible. Despite knowing someone, I've always treated them the same.

Friendly - I've always enjoyed talking to people, whether it's just saying hello or going into a deep discussion. My PMs are always open for people who wish to talk to me, and no doubt we'll have a conversation.

Experienced - As mentioned in the above-asked questions, I've been a part of the Alora staff team for around 6 months, which gave me loads of experience on how to deal with players, how to calm down situations and even how to punish people if needed. 


Is there anything else you would like for us to know when considering your application? -


I would like to thank everyone that made ICE the special place it is. 3 months down, many more to go.


Special shoutout to Hellish for bringing ICE as a possibility for my new clan, king purple, Loo and Scuffed EIM for leading such a nice clan, and every ICE member for being a part of it.


Thank you for reading this application. Paine.

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Promoted to Server Support on 09/16/2018

Promoted to Server Moderator on 10/03/2018

Promoted to Forum Moderator on 11/25/2018
Promoted to Global Moderator on 1/6/2019

Promoted to Event Manager on 8/2/2019

Resigned from Event Manager on 10/25/2019

Returned as Server Moderator on 02/16/2020

Promoted to Global Moderator on 02/25/2020

Resigned from Global Moderator on 04/07/2020

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Community Awards


Posted 04 March 2019 - 12:50 PM #874


Posts: 535
Likes: 2,298
Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

  •  Member since:
    30 Dec 2017

    • Time spent:
      157d 3h 1m 13s

  •  Total level:

Account Name (IGN) - Konar

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Aelin#0502

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - Feb 1st

What rank are you applying for? -  Corporal

What are your strengths? - Game knowledge, in-game activity, efficiency 

What are your weaknesses? - Bad rng, I joke around a lot

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - Tauri pmed me yesterday saying that he thought I would be a perfect candidate to get a rank up as I've been helping a lot and I'm really active(according to him) so he told me to apply for a rank up, just trying to help out the boys!


Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Corporal.

Account Name (IGN) - EIM Astro

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Astro#4345

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - N/A

What rank are you applying for? - banana

What are your strengths? - Friendly, helpful, fun to talk to

What are your weaknesses? - I get upset with ignorance easily

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I have been on alora a lot in the past, i was ranked in OG, but i left on hiatus before it died. I am knowledgeable and helpful towards everybody willing to listen. I love Ice and every member in it, a lot of them being old people i know, and i'd love to be a help to it!



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Recruit.


Posted 04 March 2019 - 02:20 PM #875

Elite mr p
Elite Ironman

Elite mr p
Posts: 5
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  •  Member since:
    20 Dec 2018

    • Time spent:
      6h 16m 49s

  •  Total level:
  • Account Name you are applying for a rank -  Elite mr p
  • What makes you think you deserve the rank - because i like the cc and the game !
  • Do you agree with our rules? - Yes!
  • Why does ICE Interest you? - A group devoted to Irons, Classics and Elites in a single clan is amazing.

Posted 04 March 2019 - 02:53 PM #876


Posts: 535
Likes: 2,298
Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

  •  Member since:
    30 Dec 2017

    • Time spent:
      157d 3h 1m 13s

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  • Account Name you are applying for a rank -  Elite mr p
  • What makes you think you deserve the rank - because i like the cc and the game !
  • Do you agree with our rules? - Yes!
  • Why does ICE Interest you? - A group devoted to Irons, Classics and Elites in a single clan is amazing.


Hey, could you please use this template for your application?:


Account Name (IGN) - 

Discord Tag (Name#0000) -

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - 

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - 

What rank are you applying for? - 

What are your strengths? - 

What are your weaknesses? - 

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - 


How long have you been in ICE? - I orginally joined ICE a month after it had initially merged with Iron Help.

What position are you applying for? Liuetenant

Have you ever been in a Staff position or position of Power? - Yes, during my 10 years of RSPS I have been in multiple staff positions ranging from servers with a lower to higher player count.

If so, where and what did your duties entail? (Put N/A if not) -
  • Zamorak RSPS (Global Moderator)​
  1. ​Monitoring both Forums & In-Game, the power to ban, jail, mute, ipmute players (in-game), delete, edit, remove posts on forums.
  2. Handle appeals, player reports.
  3. Helping others, whenever and whereever I can in-game.
  • Dreamscape 317 (Global Moderator)
  • Runique (Global Moderator)
The duties on the other two servers were very similar, the only difference was that I had perms on TeamSpeak which included removing and adding player ranks, muting, kicking and banning players if they were breaking TeamSpeak rules.

How much time do you spend on Alora and in the CC daily? - On average, I spend about 4-5 hours daily on Alora and in the CC. This depends on how much University work I have to complete, this can either increase or decrease.

Being in the Discord is REQUIRED. Are you willing to be active in the Discord and attend weekly meetings? - Yes.

Why would you like to work with us? - I believe I deserve the rank of Liutenant as I think I have proved myself as a very active and dedicated member of the CC. Whether i'm in-game or not, I try my best to help out as many players as I can, whether it's enocouraging them to come into voice chat on Discord with the other members of the clan to help new players make friends with other clan members to increase clan chemistry or answering questions in-game to let people know that there are people their to help. I know that this promotion might seem early, however, I love taking on new challenges, and having the opportunity to improve the Clan more than it already is, would be a great honour. 

What skills do you posess that would make you a good addition to our Team? - Knowledge is probably my most important trait. Playing Alora for over two years now has taught me a lot of things that I haven't learned from OSRS itself. It's allowed me to use my knowledge and help other players in the CC who are in need of assistance. I also consider myself very active in the ICE CC, aswell as extremely active in the Discord. I try to keep myself as active as I can in the Discord as that is where I have made most of my friends from the CC and I plan on keeping up that activity.

Is there anything else you would like for us to know when considering your application? - I'd like to personally thank whoever is reading this, I hope you can see my dedication to the CC and my passion to help improve myself and the CC in any way possible.




Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Lieutenant.

How long have you been in ICE? - I’m not entirely sure! Not sure which account I applied on(too many HCs...) I’d say 5-6 months.

What position are you applying for? - Lieutenant

Have you ever been in a Staff position or position of Power? - Yes.

If so, where and what did your duties entail? (Put N/A if not) - I was a staff on Alora for 6 months. I helped out in clan chats and via PM, caught botters & RWTers and hosted events mainly.

In real life I’m a Store Manager. I’m in charge of my store where I oversee the day to day operations and I’m responsible for 36 staff.

How much time do you spend on Alora and in the CC daily? - I would say at least 2-3 per day. More where I can. There is also the occasional day where I can’t login too.

Being in the Discord is REQUIRED. Are you willing to be active in the Discord and attend weekly meetings? - Yes absolutely.

Why would you like to work with us? - I’ve enjoyed my time in ICE and have enjoyed seeing the progress the clan has made during my time. I would like to help continue the progression of the clan and keep it going from strength to strength.

What skills do you posess that would make you a good addition to our Team? - I’m a good communicator and simply enjoy playing the game. Playing the game for me means of course getting my own personal enjoyment but I also enjoy helping others. I often take time out of my own gameplay to help others. Be that helping in the clan chat or showing a player where something is. My activity is also growing which is always a positive!

Is there anything else you would like for us to know when considering your application? - I believe Paine should be given more warnings.

Thanks for reading. :)



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Lieutenant.

How long have you been in ICE? - Since 28th of December Last year.

What position are you applying for? - Lieutenant

Have you ever been in a Staff position or position of Power? - Yes, currently a Global Moderator for Alora.

If so, where and what did your duties entail? (Put N/A if not) -


Global Moderators have to handle appeals, player reports, monitor in-game/forums, forward any serious issues to Administrators and guide Server Moderators as they essentially are the right-hand of administrators. Global Moderators are members of staff who are focused on moderating both in-game and forums (Forum & Server moderator combined). 

How much time do you spend on Alora and in the CC daily? -


It obviously varies a lot on my real life, however between 5-8 hours (in some cases more) in Alora, and unless I'm doing something relating to moderator duties or Player Killing, I'll be in the ICE CC for 4-6 hours.

Being in the Discord is REQUIRED. Are you willing to be active in the Discord and attend weekly meetings? -


Already super active in the discord, but yes I am willing to attend weekly meetings.

Why would you like to work with us? -


I've been to a few clans since I first joined Alora and I've never found the friendship and the amazing time that ICE has offered. I've been a part of this clan for roughly 3 months and I've enjoyed every second of it. ICE is mostly made up by my friends which I talk to daily, so it makes this place even better, they helped me when I was down, so I'm willing to put in work for ICE.

What skills do you possess that would make you a good addition to our Team? -


Unbias - Since my first day as a staff member, I've always tried to be as fair and indifferent as possible. Despite knowing someone, I've always treated them the same.

Friendly - I've always enjoyed talking to people, whether it's just saying hello or going into a deep discussion. My PMs are always open for people who wish to talk to me, and no doubt we'll have a conversation.

Experienced - As mentioned in the above-asked questions, I've been a part of the Alora staff team for around 6 months, which gave me loads of experience on how to deal with players, how to calm down situations and even how to punish people if needed. 


Is there anything else you would like for us to know when considering your application? -


I would like to thank everyone that made ICE the special place it is. 3 months down, many more to go.


Special shoutout to Hellish for bringing ICE as a possibility for my new clan, king purple, Loo and Scuffed EIM for leading such a nice clan, and every ICE member for being a part of it.


Thank you for reading this application. Paine.



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Lieutenant.


Posted 04 March 2019 - 03:17 PM #877


Posts: 302
Likes: 762
Clan: ICE / Ex-Staff /
Location: HECK

  •  Member since:
    27 Dec 2016

    • Time spent:
      74d 20h 44m 23s

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found
Account Name (IGN) -
Eim 40a

Discord Tag (Name#0000) -

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -
Two bananas (corp)

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) -
I last applied on 2/20

What rank are you applying for? -

What are your strengths? -
I will always stand for what I believe in and I am very vocal about it. I love aiding people whenever they need help, and giving them the best advice when I can. 
I can lead, listen, and work with other people in a very disciplined but fun manner! 
I've also learned to blame @Vuqe for everything that goes wrong, instead of taking out the anger on myself!!!

What are your weaknesses? - 
Hopping on discord after a night out drinking

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - 
I was once a head captain of ICE, but resigned and left the clan itself because I couldn't balance holding down the HELP cc (when I became staff) and ICE cc at the same time. Now, i've found my way back home and have been very active in the clan-chat. 









Other accounts:

Eim 40a (I will primarily be on my elite iron-man account)

Softcore 40a

HC 40a

Go to class

Uim 40a



Posted 04 March 2019 - 03:30 PM #878


Posts: 535
Likes: 2,298
Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

  •  Member since:
    30 Dec 2017

    • Time spent:
      157d 3h 1m 13s

  •  Total level:


Account Name (IGN) -
Eim 40a

Discord Tag (Name#0000) -

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -
Two bananas (corp)

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) -
I last applied on 2/20

What rank are you applying for? -

What are your strengths? -
I will always stand for what I believe in and I am very vocal about it. I love aiding people whenever they need help, and giving them the best advice when I can. 
I can lead, listen, and work with other people in a very disciplined but fun manner! 
I've also learned to blame @Vuqe for everything that goes wrong, instead of taking out the anger on myself!!!

What are your weaknesses? - 
Hopping on discord after a night out drinking

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - 
I was once a head captain of ICE, but resigned and left the clan itself because I couldn't balance holding down the HELP cc (when I became staff) and ICE cc at the same time. Now, i've found my way back home and have been very active in the clan-chat. 



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted to Sergeant.

  • 40a likes this


Posted 04 March 2019 - 03:30 PM #879

Group Ironman

Posts: 5
Likes: 68
Location: NL

  •  Member since:
    10 Jan 2019

    • Time spent:
      11d 7m 56s

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Account Name - “Annakarl”

Discord Tag - De#6469

What is your current rank? - Corporal

When did you last apply for a rank? - 20th of February, 2019

What rank are you applying for? Sergeant


What are your strengths?

Helpful, loyal, trustworthy, familiar with all the rules.

What are your weaknesses?

Hard to tell from my POV, you may know me well enough to judge by yourself.

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for.
Been chilling in ICE CC still, helping around. Figured applying again in around ~ 2 weeks but a little birdy told me it was a nice time to do it now, so here we are. :D


Kind regards,
Sheep/ Annakarl.  <3

Posted Image

Posted 04 March 2019 - 04:06 PM #880


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,848
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      448d 23h 41m 22s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - Mack

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Mack#3943

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - December 11th

What rank are you applying for? - Lt so I can hang out with @Draisaitl on forums

What are your strengths? - Protecting the citizens of Alora from robots and wrongdoers, getting pets before @Draisaitl and posting fire gifs.

What are your weaknesses? - Blondes with blue eyes and a nice tan and @Code 002.

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - 

On a serious note, I'm a very active member of the Alora community. I take my responsibilities as an Admin seriously, have strong decision-making skills and would be a good addition to the Ice Special Forces. 

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