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ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

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Posted 22 July 2023 - 10:24 AM #3361

Real Slinky

Real Slinky
Posts: 7
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Clan: ICE
Location: Belgium

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    25 Mar 2023

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Account Name (IGN) - Real Slinky


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Simon#4313


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Im Job


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - N/A


What rank are you applying for? - Recruit


What are your strengths? - teamplayer and always trying to help others in game


What are your weaknesses? - Pking / Wildy content


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - As mentioned above, I am always ready to help others and I know for sure that I can learn a thing or two from others in this cc aswell  ;)  Also I am looking for a nice group to chill and do group content with.

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Posted 22 July 2023 - 12:58 PM #3362

Server Moderator

Posts: 150
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Clan: ICE
Location: Denmark

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    10 Sep 2020

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  •  Previous username:
    GIM Mini

  •  Total level:


Account Name (IGN) - Assalad


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Elivated23


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Redcar


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - N/A


What rank are you applying for? - Recruit


What are your strengths? - Great teammate, helpful to new players, and promote a positive and fun environment for cc.


What are your weaknesses? - Somewhat unexperienced with Ironman gameplay and can't be on every day due to working full time. 


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I have been playing alora for quite some time, have been active, positive, and helpful in the cc and would like to participate in some more of the events that are recruit+! Any way I can get more involved is fun for me, and this seems like the best way to start out that process. Thank you for your consideration :)




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!


Account Name (IGN) - Real Slinky


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Simon#4313


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Im Job


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - N/A


What rank are you applying for? - Recruit


What are your strengths? - teamplayer and always trying to help others in game


What are your weaknesses? - Pking / Wildy content


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - As mentioned above, I am always ready to help others and I know for sure that I can learn a thing or two from others in this cc aswell  ;)  Also I am looking for a nice group to chill and do group content with.




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!

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Posted 22 July 2023 - 02:11 PM #3363

king bumi


king bumi
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Account Name you are applying for a rank - King bumi
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I am helpfull, calm and got a lot of knowledge of the game

Do you agree with our rules? - of course
Why does ICE Interest you? - ICE has interested me for a long long time. Great community overall. Always helpfull, no hate love it.


Posted 22 July 2023 - 03:10 PM #3364

Server Moderator

Posts: 150
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    GIM Mini

  •  Total level:

Account Name you are applying for a rank - King bumi
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I am helpfull, calm and got a lot of knowledge of the game

Do you agree with our rules? - of course
Why does ICE Interest you? - ICE has interested me for a long long time. Great community overall. Always helpfull, no hate love it.



Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!

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Posted 23 July 2023 - 05:14 PM #3365

Fe Hoods

Fe Hoods
Posts: 4
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Account Name (IGN) - Fe Hoods


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Fe Hoods (old name Steegs#8774 but had to change it a month ago)


What is your current rank? - Recruit


Name of the player who recruited you.  - Moe back when Ice was just an ironman clan


When did you last apply for a rank?  - June 21, 2023


What rank are you applying for? - Corporal


What are your strengths? - Pretty good knowledge of the game. I get along well with people. I've been playing RSPS' for over 15 years so I have good experience with them.


What are your weaknesses? - I don't have a good idea of lategame content (Raids 2,3, Nightmare and Nex etc.) since I've never gotten that far. I also take a lot of breaks in playing Alora. I tend to play for 3 months take 3 months off etc. Don't know how to pk.


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - Since becoming a recruit I have stayed active within the clan. I like to answer any questions that people in the clan might have. I think I do a good job of making people feel welcome in the clan. I have got some hints to make this application so I think it's a good time to take a step upwards.

Posted 24 July 2023 - 03:46 AM #3366

Forum Moderator

Posts: 778
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Clan: ICE
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  •  5 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - Fe Hoods


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Fe Hoods (old name Steegs#8774 but had to change it a month ago)


What is your current rank? - Recruit


Name of the player who recruited you.  - Moe back when Ice was just an ironman clan


When did you last apply for a rank?  - June 21, 2023


What rank are you applying for? - Corporal


What are your strengths? - Pretty good knowledge of the game. I get along well with people. I've been playing RSPS' for over 15 years so I have good experience with them.


What are your weaknesses? - I don't have a good idea of lategame content (Raids 2,3, Nightmare and Nex etc.) since I've never gotten that far. I also take a lot of breaks in playing Alora. I tend to play for 3 months take 3 months off etc. Don't know how to pk.


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - Since becoming a recruit I have stayed active within the clan. I like to answer any questions that people in the clan might have. I think I do a good job of making people feel welcome in the clan. I have got some hints to make this application so I think it's a good time to take a step upwards.

Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Corporal!


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(っ◔◡◔)っ Community Awards:


Posted 25 July 2023 - 06:53 AM #3367


Posts: 314
Likes: 442
Clan: #ICE

  •  Member since:
    31 Aug 2018

    • Time spent:
      42d 4h 7m 41s

  •  Total level:

Account Name (IGN) - Miya


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - FIFITA#2505


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Kp & Im Job


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 


What rank are you applying for? - Recruit


What are your strengths? - I'm a high ping gamer 8-). 


What are your weaknesses? - Forgetting to protect item in wildy or afking too hard losing items :(


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - ICE will always be FAM. 

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Posted 25 July 2023 - 08:44 AM #3368

ELT Brim
Elite Ironman

ELT Brim
Posts: 2
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    02 Jul 2023

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Account Name (IGN) - ELT Brim 


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - BMac_48#4383


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A,  just in cc no rank yet


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A 


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - N/A 


What rank are you applying for? - Recruit 


What are your strengths? - I have knowledge of how to efficiently play ironman mode, got myself to a 1800+ total lvl GIM in osrs. I know how to kill GWD bosses, and love to do slayer. 


What are your weaknesses? - I am not the best at doing CoX or ToB but would like to learn 


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I believe I deserve the rank I'm applying for because I am an active player and would be willing to chat and play with other clan members. 

Posted 25 July 2023 - 05:29 PM #3369

Code 002

Code 002
Posts: 194
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Clan: Alora
Location: In the Franxx

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    14 Jul 2018

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Account Name (IGN) - Code 002


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - tallalex


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - yes


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - kekw


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - thats a good question


What rank are you applying for? - the tallest rank


What are your strengths? - top shelf


What are your weaknesses? - ceiling fans, door frames, chandeliers


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - Im literally dad

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Posted 26 July 2023 - 09:17 AM #3370

black frog
Elite Ironman

black frog
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Account Name (IGN) - black frog


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - blackfrog1


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - recruit


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - a month ago


What rank are you applying for? - corporal


What are your strengths? - froggin


What are your weaknesses? - clue scrolls are toxic 


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - i taught ole how to type :sunglases:

Posted 27 July 2023 - 08:18 AM #3371

Server Moderator

Posts: 150
Likes: 157
Clan: ICE
Location: Denmark

  •  Member since:
    10 Sep 2020

    • Time spent:
      11d 1h 56m 30s

  •  Previous username:
    GIM Mini

  •  Total level:


Account Name (IGN) - Miya


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - FIFITA#2505


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Kp & Im Job


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 


What rank are you applying for? - Recruit


What are your strengths? - I'm a high ping gamer 8-). 


What are your weaknesses? - Forgetting to protect item in wildy or afking too hard losing items :(


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - ICE will always be FAM. 




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Sergeant!

Welcome back king  <3 


Account Name (IGN) - ELT Brim 


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - BMac_48#4383


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A,  just in cc no rank yet


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A 


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - N/A 


What rank are you applying for? - Recruit 


What are your strengths? - I have knowledge of how to efficiently play ironman mode, got myself to a 1800+ total lvl GIM in osrs. I know how to kill GWD bosses, and love to do slayer. 


What are your weaknesses? - I am not the best at doing CoX or ToB but would like to learn 


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I believe I deserve the rank I'm applying for because I am an active player and would be willing to chat and play with other clan members. 



Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!



Account Name (IGN) - black frog


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - blackfrog1


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - recruit


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - a month ago


What rank are you applying for? - corporal


What are your strengths? - froggin


What are your weaknesses? - clue scrolls are toxic 


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - i taught ole how to type :sunglases:


Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Corporal!

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Posted 28 July 2023 - 05:37 AM #3372

Robijnski V2
Elite Ironman

Robijnski V2
Posts: 10
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Location: Belgium

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    14 Jun 2021

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      4d 4h 11m 1s

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Account Name (IGN) - Robijnski V2


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Robijnski


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - I remembered from when i used to play that ice was an open cc


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - first time for ice iirc


What rank are you applying for? - Noob rank


What are your strengths? - When i set some sort of a goal i will achieve it . friendly relax person


What are your weaknesses? - from time to time i might burn out sadly , my english is okish but not that great


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - not really about deserving it but i like to be a part of the cc becouse it's a very friendly place with much banter and laughs :)

Posted 28 July 2023 - 08:09 AM #3373

Server Moderator

Posts: 150
Likes: 157
Clan: ICE
Location: Denmark

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    10 Sep 2020

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      11d 1h 56m 30s

  •  Previous username:
    GIM Mini

  •  Total level:


Account Name (IGN) - Robijnski V2


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Robijnski


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - I remembered from when i used to play that ice was an open cc


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - first time for ice iirc


What rank are you applying for? - Noob rank


What are your strengths? - When i set some sort of a goal i will achieve it . friendly relax person


What are your weaknesses? - from time to time i might burn out sadly , my english is okish but not that great


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - not really about deserving it but i like to be a part of the cc becouse it's a very friendly place with much banter and laughs :)




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!

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Posted 29 July 2023 - 09:14 AM #3374

Still Here
Group Ironman

Still Here
Posts: 12
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    29 Jun 2023

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      11d 23h 54m 38s

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  •  3 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - GIM Homie


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - homicidebdo


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Rank upgrade, im 1 banana atm. 


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 15 days ago


What rank are you applying for? - higher rank ^^ hook me up KP you cutie pie


What are your strengths? - Quite chill dude and have a fair bit of knowledge


What are your weaknesses? - Honestly idk :kekw:


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I've used to chill in the clan back in 2018 and always liked the vibe. Want higher rank to show how OG I am aswell.

Posted Image

Posted 29 July 2023 - 10:29 AM #3375

Guest_Finalizer_* -->


Posts: 0
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  •  1 bugs found
Which ICE game(s) are you involved with? : Alora RSPS

In-game Name(s) (IGN) : FinalizerIM/Finalizer3IM

Discord Tag (Name#0000) : Thefinalizer#3599

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) : N/A

Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT APPLICANTS ONLY) : Been a while, i been on/off so i dont remember really.

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) : N/A

What rank are you applying for? : Recruit for now

What are your strengths? : Pvm/Skilling, having fun.

What are your weaknesses? : PvP

Briefly explain why you believe that you deserve the rank you're applying for: I have been in ICE for a while now with my main, but never applied for a rank, it was just been busy with irl stuff, and now i have more free time to play. so now its a good time to apply for a rank. everyone is helpful in clan so its my only clan on alora haha.

Posted 30 July 2023 - 05:42 AM #3376


Posts: 1,356
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Clan: ICE
Location: Portugal

  •  Member since:
    17 Sep 2017

    • Time spent:
      229d 12h 48m 38s

  •  Previous username:
    King purple

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found

Which ICE game(s) are you involved with? : Alora RSPS

In-game Name(s) (IGN) : FinalizerIM/Finalizer3IM

Discord Tag (Name#0000) : Thefinalizer#3599

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) : N/A

Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT APPLICANTS ONLY) : Been a while, i been on/off so i dont remember really.

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) : N/A

What rank are you applying for? : Recruit for now

What are your strengths? : Pvm/Skilling, having fun.

What are your weaknesses? : PvP

Briefly explain why you believe that you deserve the rank you're applying for: I have been in ICE for a while now with my main, but never applied for a rank, it was just been busy with irl stuff, and now i have more free time to play. so now its a good time to apply for a rank. everyone is helpful in clan so its my only clan on alora haha.



Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!



Account Name (IGN) - GIM Homie


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - homicidebdo


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Rank upgrade, im 1 banana atm. 


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 15 days ago


What rank are you applying for? - higher rank ^^ hook me up KP you cutie pie


What are your strengths? - Quite chill dude and have a fair bit of knowledge


What are your weaknesses? - Honestly idk :kekw:


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I've used to chill in the clan back in 2018 and always liked the vibe. Want higher rank to show how OG I am aswell.



Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Corporal!

KP | One | Horus



Posted 30 July 2023 - 01:32 PM #3377


Posts: 48
Likes: 73

  •  Member since:
    04 Jun 2019

    • Time spent:
      12d 11h 12m 19s

  •  Total level:

  •  10 bugs found

Which ICE game(s) are you involved with? : Alora RSPS

In-game Name(s) (IGN) : Watch Hentai, EIM Hentai , Hentai Haven, Kaiwoknats

Discord Tag (Name#0000) : Kaiwoknats#3377

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) : Corporal

Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT APPLICANTS ONLY) : KP

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) : Can't really tell because it has been a while since i last played Alora. I got my last rank up on another Game.

What rank are you applying for? : Sergeant

What are your strengths? : I do a lot of stuff and i am capable of teamplay and communicating. I am helpfull and always there if someone needs a helping hand. I like to talk to people and have fun together. I am pretty structured and know what i am doing most of the time ;)
What are your weaknesses? : I am somtimes a bit to focused on stuff and can lose the sight of ppl arround. I am not that good of a pker even tho i was in CLC LUL. 

Briefly explain why you believe that you deserve the rank you're applying for: I am a member of ICE for a bit by now and always palying within the clan games for some time now. Recently i found my way back onto Alora and having a blast with everyone. I try to always help people as stated above when i am capable of doing that. I love the community and what it became. I think its time to try and climb the ranking ladder again ;)

Posted 01 August 2023 - 06:59 AM #3378


Posts: 1,356
Likes: 3,978
Clan: ICE
Location: Portugal

  •  Member since:
    17 Sep 2017

    • Time spent:
      229d 12h 48m 38s

  •  Previous username:
    King purple

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found

Which ICE game(s) are you involved with? : Alora RSPS

In-game Name(s) (IGN) : Watch Hentai, EIM Hentai , Hentai Haven, Kaiwoknats

Discord Tag (Name#0000) : Kaiwoknats#3377

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) : Corporal

Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT APPLICANTS ONLY) : KP

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) : Can't really tell because it has been a while since i last played Alora. I got my last rank up on another Game.

What rank are you applying for? : Sergeant

What are your strengths? : I do a lot of stuff and i am capable of teamplay and communicating. I am helpfull and always there if someone needs a helping hand. I like to talk to people and have fun together. I am pretty structured and know what i am doing most of the time ;)
What are your weaknesses? : I am somtimes a bit to focused on stuff and can lose the sight of ppl arround. I am not that good of a pker even tho i was in CLC LUL. 

Briefly explain why you believe that you deserve the rank you're applying for: I am a member of ICE for a bit by now and always palying within the clan games for some time now. Recently i found my way back onto Alora and having a blast with everyone. I try to always help people as stated above when i am capable of doing that. I love the community and what it became. I think its time to try and climb the ranking ladder again ;)



Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Sergeant!

KP | One | Horus



Posted 04 August 2023 - 09:28 AM #3379


Posts: 2
Likes: 1

  •  Member since:
    10 Jul 2023

    • Time spent:
      20h 34m 6s

  •  Total level:

Account Name (IGN) - Assalad


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Assalad


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Redcar


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 2+ weeks ago


What rank are you applying for? - Corporal


What are your strengths? - Helpful, light hearted, active


What are your weaknesses? - ToA & ToB 


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I have been in ICE for a while, been very active, very helpful, and friendly! I try to keep the cc light hearted and engaged when possible, and would love to continue to climb the ranks and contribute more as I do so! :D

Posted 08 August 2023 - 09:35 AM #3380

Uber Donator

Posts: 105
Likes: 123
Clan: ICE

  •  Member since:
    11 Jul 2020

    • Time spent:
      15d 21h 42m 40s

  •  Total level:


Account Name (IGN) - Assalad


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Assalad


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Redcar


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 2+ weeks ago


What rank are you applying for? - Corporal


What are your strengths? - Helpful, light hearted, active


What are your weaknesses? - ToA & ToB 


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I have been in ICE for a while, been very active, very helpful, and friendly! I try to keep the cc light hearted and engaged when possible, and would love to continue to climb the ranks and contribute more as I do so! :D




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Corporal!

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