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ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

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4084 replies to this topic

Posted 01 March 2023 - 11:53 PM #3241


Posts: 57
Likes: 116

  •  Member since:
    04 Mar 2020

    • Time spent:
      8d 18h 3m 24s

  •  Previous username:
    Avoid 0 HP

  •  Total level:

  •  1 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - Sit


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -Casper#7557


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -Yautja


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -N/A


What rank are you applying for? -Banana


What are your strengths? - PvM/Pking


What are your weaknesses? -Don't exist


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - It's first possible rank so it will allow me to work my way up. Ice was the first ever clan I was in years ago.




Posted 02 March 2023 - 12:00 AM #3242


Posts: 677
Likes: 737
Clan: Paragon #FAFO

  •  Member since:
    25 Jun 2020

    • Time spent:
      88d 11h 39m 10s

  •  Previous username:
    Run IT BACK

  •  Total level:

  •  16 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - Selenagomez


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -cokexd#9416


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -n/a


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -Humble Noob


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -n/a


What rank are you applying for? -Recruit


What are your strengths? - Pvm/Memes/Typing things starting with z/#FAFO


What are your weaknesses? - My legs when i look into Sit 's eyes.


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I've been playing alora for a while now so I have a very good knowledge of the server and would be able to help out with unranked members joining the clan for the first time. 

Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted 02 March 2023 - 01:45 PM #3243


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,849
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      449d 9h 42m 50s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found


Account Name (IGN) - Sit


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -Casper#7557


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -N/A


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -Yautja


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -N/A


What rank are you applying for? -Banana


What are your strengths? - PvM/Pking


What are your weaknesses? -Don't exist


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - It's first possible rank so it will allow me to work my way up. Ice was the first ever clan I was in years ago.




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!


Account Name (IGN) - Selenagomez


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -cokexd#9416


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -n/a


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -Humble Noob


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -n/a


What rank are you applying for? -Recruit


What are your strengths? - Pvm/Memes/Typing things starting with z/#FAFO


What are your weaknesses? - My legs when i look into Sit 's eyes.


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I've been playing alora for a while now so I have a very good knowledge of the server and would be able to help out with unranked members joining the clan for the first time. 


Unfortunately, your application has been declined.

Posted 04 March 2023 - 01:57 PM #3244

Group Ironman

Posts: 3
Likes: 3

  •  Member since:
    08 Dec 2022

    • Time spent:
      5h 12m 2s

  •  Total level:

Account Name (IGN) - moosipirukas
Discord Tag (Name#0000) - moosipirukas#8375
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - n/a
Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - tauri
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - n/a What rank are you applying for? - recruit
What are your strengths? - communication
What are your weaknesses? - playing to much
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -

Posted 06 March 2023 - 04:37 PM #3245

Elite Ironman

Posts: 13
Likes: 7

  •  Member since:
    15 Feb 2023

    • Time spent:
      17h 41m 31s

  •  Total level:

Account Name (IGN) - Porcelain


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -1702


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -N/A


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -N/A


What rank are you applying for? -member


What are your strengths? - pvm


What are your weaknesses? -pvp


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -would love to pvm with bros

Posted 07 March 2023 - 02:34 PM #3246


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,849
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      449d 9h 42m 50s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - moosipirukas
Discord Tag (Name#0000) - moosipirukas#8375
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - n/a
Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - tauri
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - n/a What rank are you applying for? - recruit
What are your strengths? - communication
What are your weaknesses? - playing to much
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -



Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!


Account Name (IGN) - Porcelain


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -1702


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -N/A


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -N/A


What rank are you applying for? -member


What are your strengths? - pvm


What are your weaknesses? -pvp


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -would love to pvm with bros




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Recruit!

  • Miq likes this

Posted 10 March 2023 - 04:07 PM #3247


Posts: 493
Likes: 997
Location: ;;Barrows

  •  Member since:
    02 Jul 2017

    • Time spent:
      135d 23h 28m 57s

  •  Total level:

  •  5 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - Smiv


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Smiv#7880


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 12/30/2022


What rank are you applying for? - Corporal


What are your strengths? - Knowledge, relatable, active


What are your weaknesses? - HCIM's, TOA, Barrows


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I'm looking to up my activity with the clan. Trying to show I can help out in places that may or may not already have help. I enjoy ICE and wanna make sure others can enjoy it like I have.

Posted Image


Posted 10 March 2023 - 07:06 PM #3248


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,849
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      449d 9h 42m 50s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - Smiv


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Smiv#7880


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Recruit


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 12/30/2022


What rank are you applying for? - Corporal


What are your strengths? - Knowledge, relatable, active


What are your weaknesses? - HCIM's, TOA, Barrows


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I'm looking to up my activity with the clan. Trying to show I can help out in places that may or may not already have help. I enjoy ICE and wanna make sure others can enjoy it like I have.



Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Corporal!

Posted 12 March 2023 - 06:33 AM #3249

Elite Stag
Elite Ironman

Elite Stag
Posts: 5
Likes: 3
Clan: ICE
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    15 Jan 2023

    • Time spent:
      1d 9h 34m 50s

  •  Total level:

Account Name (IGN) -


Elite Stag (Previously Elite Fate)


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -




What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -




Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -


A very long time ago. the exact time is unknown to me because I believe I had applied on Discord way back when. but 100% confident it was two years ago.


What rank are you applying for? -




What are your strengths? -


Enjoys helping out fellow Icemens when i'm available, Communication, somewhat knowledgeable about the game getting back into the swing of things again after my last break. I love trying to be active in discord and the CC in game.


What are your weaknesses? -




Just kidding, I have a lag most times when playing Alora, Complains in chat when not getting spooned for a tassy @Bandos while under 100 KC (and then Mack calls u out in chat for cry while only 100kc) 


Has a glitchty keyboard that sticks and typically double types a letter.


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -


I've been here a while, started playing back in 2017, started my eim elite fate back in 2018. While a lot has changed from then to now, I try to answer most questions in the CC when possible. I do enjoy talking/responding to the boys in ice cc in game, I'm constantly looking for new players while in game who might be a good fit for the CC. Enjoys helping out with players in the cc who need a guy for PC or casually runs a few games of GOTR every now and again. 

Posted 13 March 2023 - 04:23 PM #3250


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,849
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      449d 9h 42m 50s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found


Account Name (IGN) -


Elite Stag (Previously Elite Fate)


Discord Tag (Name#0000) -




What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -




Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -


A very long time ago. the exact time is unknown to me because I believe I had applied on Discord way back when. but 100% confident it was two years ago.


What rank are you applying for? -




What are your strengths? -


Enjoys helping out fellow Icemens when i'm available, Communication, somewhat knowledgeable about the game getting back into the swing of things again after my last break. I love trying to be active in discord and the CC in game.


What are your weaknesses? -




Just kidding, I have a lag most times when playing Alora, Complains in chat when not getting spooned for a tassy @Bandos while under 100 KC (and then Mack calls u out in chat for cry while only 100kc) 


Has a glitchty keyboard that sticks and typically double types a letter.


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -


I've been here a while, started playing back in 2017, started my eim elite fate back in 2018. While a lot has changed from then to now, I try to answer most questions in the CC when possible. I do enjoy talking/responding to the boys in ice cc in game, I'm constantly looking for new players while in game who might be a good fit for the CC. Enjoys helping out with players in the cc who need a guy for PC or casually runs a few games of GOTR every now and again. 




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Sergeant!

Posted 14 March 2023 - 11:50 AM #3251



Posts: 39
Likes: 68
Clan: ICE
Location: Netherlands

  •  Member since:
    13 Sep 2018

    • Time spent:
      9d 12h 24m 4s

  •  Total level:

  •  6 bugs found
Account Name:
Discord Tag:
What is your current rank?
Name of the player who recruited you:
Free June
When did you last apply for a rank?
What rank are you applying for?
What are your strengths?
1. Game knowledge >  I'm a Maxed Elite Ironman with over 140 days playtime.
2. Helpful >  I am always willing to go that extra mile for those who are in need of help.
3. Activity >  I am a very active player. Mostly in-game, not so much on discord.
What are your weaknesses?
I used to be very sensitive to toxicity. If a player shows toxic behavior towards me, I used to tend to mirror their behavior. 
I have been working on this issue, and it has been going great. Eversince I've came back to Alora, I haven't had a negative encounter.
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for.
I have lead my own clan, Aftermath.
And though I quit Alora before, due to multiple unfortunate events regarding my own additude, immaturity, I've came back to enjoy a game without toxicity.
I once created the cc Aftermath to distance myself from toxicity. Aftermath however, is quite toxic nowadays. 

I am looking for a clan where I can enjoy my time on Alora, whilst growing in this clan. Growing to become a leading part of the clan.
I have always enjoyed 'Higher-Up' positions. Why, you might ask? Well, because you'll then have even a bigger vote in the Clan's future.
Not to mention the ability to host events, being seen as a trustworthy person and being treated with respect.


Clan_icon_-_Armadylean.png?1d9cc&2021051   Leena   .   Leenah   .   Elenan   Clan_icon_-_Armadylean.png?1d9cc&2021051

Posted 14 March 2023 - 03:23 PM #3252

Se se se9

Se se se9
Posts: 15
Likes: 5
Clan: Ice

  •  Member since:
    26 Mar 2020

    • Time spent:
      21h 56m 40s

  •  Previous username:
    M 3 N 7 A L

  •  Total level:





One banana




Over half a year ago.


Two bananas


Donating. Finding time to help.




Made it this far making it further.

Posted 15 March 2023 - 07:06 PM #3253

Se se se9

Se se se9
Posts: 15
Likes: 5
Clan: Ice

  •  Member since:
    26 Mar 2020

    • Time spent:
      21h 56m 40s

  •  Previous username:
    M 3 N 7 A L

  •  Total level:
Account Name (IGN) - 
Discord Tag (Name#0000) -
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -
Single banana
Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -
Over half a year ago.
What rank are you applying for? -
Two bananas
What are your strengths? - 
Donating. Finding time to help.
What are your weaknesses? -
English language
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -
Made it this far making it further.

Posted 17 March 2023 - 09:17 AM #3254

Elite Ironman

Posts: 13
Likes: 11

  •  Member since:
    04 Mar 2023

    • Time spent:
      2d 15h 41m 29s

  •  Total level:

Account Name (IGN) - Quested (Previously Favor)
Discord Tag (Name#0000) Jeust#8494
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Corporal
Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 15 February 2022
What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant
What are your strengths? - Actively playing and always looking for a fun time.
What are your weaknesses? - N/A (I am a noob)
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - It's always a great time in the CC and applied a while ago for corporal, since it's been a while since then decided to write this. Wouldn't join any other CC, couldn't have joined a better one since the start of my journey at Alora.

Posted 17 March 2023 - 05:12 PM #3255


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,849
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      449d 9h 42m 50s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found


Account Name (IGN) - 
Discord Tag (Name#0000) -
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) -
Single banana
Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) -
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) -
Over half a year ago.
What rank are you applying for? -
Two bananas
What are your strengths? - 
Donating. Finding time to help.
What are your weaknesses? -
English language
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -
Made it this far making it further.




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Corporal!

Posted 19 March 2023 - 11:05 AM #3256



Posts: 279
Likes: 210
Clan: Ice

  •  Member since:
    12 Apr 2022

    • Time spent:
      32d 3h 56m 42s

  •  Total level:

  •  7 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - Mhu


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Mhu#8485


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Two banana


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Yautja ::yell


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - Month ago


What rank are you applying for? - Three banana


What are your strengths? - Activity, goal-reaching


What are your weaknesses? - Bad hybrid skills, but i can try my best


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - Love the community and i enjoy helping in clan chat.



Posted 22 March 2023 - 05:12 PM #3257


Posts: 644
Likes: 2,849
Clan: Noobcord
Location: USA

  •  Member since:
    18 Jul 2016

    • Time spent:
      449d 9h 42m 50s

  •  Total level:

  •  40 bugs found


Account Name:
Discord Tag:
What is your current rank?
Name of the player who recruited you:
Free June
When did you last apply for a rank?
What rank are you applying for?
What are your strengths?
1. Game knowledge >  I'm a Maxed Elite Ironman with over 140 days playtime.
2. Helpful >  I am always willing to go that extra mile for those who are in need of help.
3. Activity >  I am a very active player. Mostly in-game, not so much on discord.
What are your weaknesses?
I used to be very sensitive to toxicity. If a player shows toxic behavior towards me, I used to tend to mirror their behavior. 
I have been working on this issue, and it has been going great. Eversince I've came back to Alora, I haven't had a negative encounter.
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for.
I have lead my own clan, Aftermath.
And though I quit Alora before, due to multiple unfortunate events regarding my own additude, immaturity, I've came back to enjoy a game without toxicity.
I once created the cc Aftermath to distance myself from toxicity. Aftermath however, is quite toxic nowadays. 

I am looking for a clan where I can enjoy my time on Alora, whilst growing in this clan. Growing to become a leading part of the clan.
I have always enjoyed 'Higher-Up' positions. Why, you might ask? Well, because you'll then have even a bigger vote in the Clan's future.
Not to mention the ability to host events, being seen as a trustworthy person and being treated with respect.


Unfortunately, your application has been declined at this time.


Account Name (IGN) - Quested (Previously Favor)
Discord Tag (Name#0000) Jeust#8494
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Corporal
Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 15 February 2022
What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant
What are your strengths? - Actively playing and always looking for a fun time.
What are your weaknesses? - N/A (I am a noob)
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - It's always a great time in the CC and applied a while ago for corporal, since it's been a while since then decided to write this. Wouldn't join any other CC, couldn't have joined a better one since the start of my journey at Alora.



Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Sergeant!



Account Name (IGN) - Mhu


Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Mhu#8485


What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - Two banana


Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - Yautja ::yell


When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - Month ago


What rank are you applying for? - Three banana


What are your strengths? - Activity, goal-reaching


What are your weaknesses? - Bad hybrid skills, but i can try my best


In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - Love the community and i enjoy helping in clan chat.




Your application has been accepted and you have been promoted to Sergeant!

Posted 23 March 2023 - 05:20 PM #3258

Prof Magnata

Prof Magnata
Posts: 1,537
Likes: 1,615
Location: Classic 'BR'

  •  Member since:
    21 Jul 2017

    • Time spent:
      99d 11h 12m 49s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:

  •  13 bugs found

Account Name (IGN) - Not Magnata / BR

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Magnata#3442

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A

Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - Over 4 months ago

What rank are you applying for? - Recruit

What are your strengths? - Respect and Equality..

What are your weaknesses? - 10 kg deadlift

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I have been in Ice for a long time now, lefting and joining but now I'm wanting to stay, I like the cc community and interacting with the rest of the players.


Best regards




Posted 24 March 2023 - 10:43 AM #3259

Trash Iron

Trash Iron
Posts: 126
Likes: 302
Clan: ICE
Location: UK

  •  Member since:
    19 Sep 2021

    • Time spent:
      20d 14h 49m 59s

  •  Previous username:

  •  Total level:

Account Name (IGN) - Not Magnata / BR

Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Magnata#3442

What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A

Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - N/A

When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - Over 4 months ago

What rank are you applying for? - Recruit

What are your strengths? - Respect and Equality..

What are your weaknesses? - 10 kg deadlift

In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. - I have been in Ice for a long time now, lefting and joining but now I'm wanting to stay, I like the cc community and interacting with the rest of the players.

Best regards

Unfortunately, your application has been declined.

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted Image

Posted 25 March 2023 - 04:30 PM #3260



Posts: 39
Likes: 68
Clan: ICE
Location: Netherlands

  •  Member since:
    13 Sep 2018

    • Time spent:
      9d 12h 24m 4s

  •  Total level:

  •  6 bugs found
Account Name:
Discord Tag:
What is your current rank?
Name of the player who recruited you:
Free June
When did you last apply for a rank?
14th of March 2023
What rank are you applying for?
What are your strengths?
1. Game knowledge >  I'm a Maxed Elite Ironman with over 140 days playtime.
2. Helpful >  I am always willing to go that extra mile for those who are in need of help.
3. Activity >  I am a very active player. Mostly in-game, not so much on discord.
What are your weaknesses?
I used to be very sensitive to toxicity. If a player shows toxic behavior towards me, I used to tend to mirror their behavior. 
I have been working on this issue, and it has been going great. Eversince I've came back to Alora, I haven't had a negative encounter.
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for.
I have lead my own clan, Aftermath.
And though I quit Alora before, due to multiple unfortunate events regarding my own additude, immaturity, I've came back to enjoy a game without toxicity.
I once created the cc Aftermath to distance myself from toxicity. Aftermath however, is quite toxic nowadays. 

I am looking for a clan where I can enjoy my time on Alora, whilst growing in this clan. Growing to become a leading part of the clan.
I have always enjoyed 'Higher-Up' positions. Why, you might ask? Well, because you'll then have even a bigger vote in the Clan's future.
Not to mention the ability to host events, being seen as a trustworthy person and being treated with respect.


Clan_icon_-_Armadylean.png?1d9cc&2021051   Leena   .   Leenah   .   Elenan   Clan_icon_-_Armadylean.png?1d9cc&2021051

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