Account Name (IGN) - Kahlua
Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Dran (Kahlua)#1999
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - N/A
Name of the player who recruited you? (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY!) - Schnapps
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first app) - N/A
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit - Maybe Corporal If higher ups feeling moved by my speech and effort 
What are your strengths? - Very Active been playing with my good friends Schnapps who recommended the clan to me his my GIM Partner and Very experienced in OSRS,
I Always have a desire to learn and improve in things I'm patinate about I've been un-able to not play Alora for the past almost 2 months since starting, Fortunately I'm a quick learner,
As I'm sure Schnapps the OSRS MAX'ed gaming warlord would vouch that I learnt complete full cox first try with some help a guidance. I've also been playing RuneScape,
Since I quite young around 2008 (I was born in 1999) and I Remember how excited I was to play every chance I could on my old windows XP Brick computer.
What are your weaknesses? - I May be too cheeky sometimes but I never take it too far but I need to Maintain Vigilant on not being what would considered toxic however I never instigate flaming etc ever.
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you're applying for. - I'm been very active Lately as I'm sure plenty of you know I often yell a lot sometimes funny things sometimes not
How-ever I never flame in-game Yell and typically and respectful and cheeky to pretty much everyone I've made a lot of Alora friends already who I'm sure and hopeful would vouch for me staff or not,
I'm also very driven person naturally I've always strived to be best version of myself around others like many others I may slip up once in a while but that's just part of being Human and we all can and will
eventually. This being said I'm typically very active in the help chat as I'd hope at-least would go some-what noticed and whenever I spot a new player I always ask them why they decided to play Alora
and I can typically figure out what type of player that person is and recommend game types information, General information and if I don't know something I wont hesitate to seek help from more experienced players and finally my top one priority when introducing players to Alora is getting them the hell on the forums as there's been so many dedicated players who have put time and effort into their guides, tips and tricks etc.
I do this to new players as starting a new server and having no idea what to do can be daunting so basically Utilising those 3 strategies I just listed In my personal experience has had major positive outcomes in maintaining new players and supporting Alora's growth in my own positive way.