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ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

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Posted 28 June 2018 - 07:50 AM #261

Cute Angelz

Cute Angelz
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Account Name (IGN) - Cute angelz

What rank are you applying for? - Corporal
What makes you think you deserve the rank - i'm quite active in both the ice discord and CC as well as frequently aiding players in their queries.
Do you agree with our rules? - yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - It's an exceptionally active clan full of unique people who I enjoy talking to.


Additional info; Bearing in mind the things that happened in the past, I know this application may be a contentious one but, I adore this clan, the people in it and i have to give big props to the leadership in the professional manner by wich they handled the issues.

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Posted 28 June 2018 - 07:59 AM #262

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Account Name (IGN) - Grizzly Chew
What rank are you applying for? - Im looking for a rank upgrade from To Sergeant
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I have been active on ice clan chat , also i am overall really active ingame anyways and i think many people has noticed it recently as i am almost 24/7 ingame :)
Why does ICE Interest you? - ICE is 1# helping/chilling chat and has the good community: love the discord server and clan chat ingame since its so helpful and punch of nice people there



Posted 28 June 2018 - 01:45 PM #263

Eim Emily
Elite Ironman

Eim Emily
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Account Name (IGN) - Eim Emily
What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I've been here for a bit longer now
Do you agree with our rules? - yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - I like the company




Posted 28 June 2018 - 02:55 PM #264

EIM Hentai
Elite Ironman

EIM Hentai
Posts: 375
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Account Name (IGN) -  LowTemperr
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - Im respectful, helpful in any way i can and welcoming of new comers, im active/ on everyday 
Do you agree with our rules? - of course
Why does ICE Interest you? - Well the clan helped me when i first started and has continued being helpful to me and of others and i think i can be an asset





Account Name (IGN) Elite Juiceh
What rank are you applying for? recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank? I've been in the cc since pretty much the beginning, i'm online daily and try to help people where i can.
Do you agree with our rules? Absolutely 
Why does ICE Interest you? It's a fun and helpfull community 





Account Name (IGN) 
What rank are you applying for? 
What makes you think you deserve the rank? 
Been in some clans in Alora, when I'm playing I'm allways active. I have also on Osrs my own dutch clan which has over 100 active players. And I'm allways there to help players out.
Do you agree with our rules? 
Why does ICE Interest you? 
Well, since I started playing again I've seen alot of activity in the yell about this clan, asked Hellish what clan he's in now and he told me about Ice, so I was very interested in this clanchat.





Account Name (IGN) -  shamrock
What rank are you applying for? - recruit 
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I really enjoy ice and stay active I like to help people and have great conversations 
Do you agree with our rules? - YES
Why does ICE Interest you? - it's a really cool variety of very very helpful nice people! that is very active and great conversations 


Your application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Recruit

If you arent in Discord yet please pm a Owner for the invite.


Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 28 June 2018 - 02:57 PM #265


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I'm really glad to see an influx of people applying for ranks. Keep up the good work everyone <3

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Posted 28 June 2018 - 03:01 PM #266

EIM Hentai
Elite Ironman

EIM Hentai
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Account Name (IGN) - Cute angelz

What rank are you applying for? - Corporal
What makes you think you deserve the rank - i'm quite active in both the ice discord and CC as well as frequently aiding players in their queries.
Do you agree with our rules? - yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - It's an exceptionally active clan full of unique people who I enjoy talking to.


Additional info; Bearing in mind the things that happened in the past, I know this application may be a contentious one but, I adore this clan, the people in it and i have to give big props to the leadership in the professional manner by wich they handled the issues.




Account Name (IGN) - DB Aspect
What rank are you applying for? - from Recruit to Corporal
What makes you think you deserve the rank - Having been active, friendly and helpfull in the cc and discord, and ofcourse having some fun with my fellow ice giants.
Do you agree with our rules? - Ofcourse i do
Why does ICE Interest you? - Loving the clan so far and the people in it, hope i can give it my best to keep growing our lovely community!


Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Corporal

Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 28 June 2018 - 08:19 PM #267


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Account Name (IGN) - ReignMan

What rank are you applying for? - Lt.-Bronze Star
What makes you think you deserve the rank ?-  I have been a great clan member over the course of the last couple months and a great Serg over the last few weeks. Most people know me within the Ice community and will vouch for me. I help with keeping CC civil, advertising, answering tons of questions and helping people out. I really do try to the best of my ability and extent of my power to make sure everyone has a great time. I believe I would be a great fit for a LT position. I am very good at having people see different perspectives, and  understanding the why associated with desiciones that are made. I can communicate effectively in a multitude of ways to allow people to understand or grasp things. I am also very personable and knowledgable, but not afraid to own up to my mistakes or when I am wrong.
Do you agree with our rules? -The rules are part of the non-toxic foundation that makes us so great.
Why does ICE Interest you? -ICE is one of the main reasons I play Alora daily, With out this fantastic community I simply don't think the gameplay would be the same. ICE is more than a clan,guild or cc. We are a squad,a team, a brotherhood. Often times giving each other hell like brothers as well ;)  I can't wait to see us keep growing even more and I would love the opportunity to be even more involved with that growth.

Posted 28 June 2018 - 11:36 PM #268

Elite Ironman

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Hey i am already in discord and thanks for the premotion look forward to the premote in game :)

Posted 29 June 2018 - 01:01 PM #269

Fe Fart
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Fe Fart
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Account Name (IGN) - fe fart
What rank are you applying for? -sgt
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I am always on helping people within the cc, i am on alot of the times higher ranks are not which helps with keeping the cc under control. I report any issues i can not control on my own to any elders/higher ups. I advertise for the cc (about every hour) and give the best answers i can to anyone who has a problem. also i believe being ex military i think helps me handle situations differently then some and see others point of views.
Do you agree with our rules? -absolutely
Why does ICE Interest you? -I've been a part of ice for a while now, and the atmosphere has always made me feel welcome. everyone is like a family in this cc and discord and i love every moment of it

Posted 29 June 2018 - 07:23 PM #270

Jay ML
Elite Ironman

Jay ML
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Account Name (IGN) - Jay ML
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - Started playing mid 2017, since then I've gained extensive game knowledge that I try to utilize to assist people when in need of answers, tips, and advice to the best of my knowledge. Active in clan chat throughout my playtime. 
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - I've been a member for about a month now and I like the community and culture that's been built. Many friendly faces in clan chat always helping makes me want to be apart of it. 

Posted 29 June 2018 - 07:33 PM #271


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rank applying for recruit

ign- eim prim

what makes me think I deserve a rank- I always try to help when I can if I cant help always try to point people to someone who can while also learning myself to be able to help better in the future.

do I agree with clan rules 100% I do

ice interests me because its a great community I love the people in the cc and they have all helped me with alotta stuff since ive joined the clan and were all family.

Posted 29 June 2018 - 10:17 PM #272


Posts: 535
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Clan: Salty Ex-Admins

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  • Account Name (IGN) - Draisaitl
  • What rank are you applying for? - Temporary Captain
  • What makes you think you deserve the rank - I like to think I'm a decently active member who can not only handle, but enjoy the responsibilities that come with the position.
  • Do you agree with our rules? - Of course.
  • Why does ICE Interest you? - ICE is the biggest, best, most stable and well organized clan I've seen on Alora and I'm proud to be a part of it.


Posted 30 June 2018 - 12:00 AM #273


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Account Name (IGN) - Detected
What rank are you applying for? - Corporal
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I play a lot during the after midnight through early morning hours if you go by server time and there's not always someone around to answer all the questions, granted I don't answer every single question I do try to help out as many people as I can. I really like to take any new  or unexperienced players I meet in ice and showing them all the good tricks and techniques that ive found helpful, and any classics that are new to alora I hook up with a goodie bag of items hard to get as a classic in the beginning.
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - I'm gonna put it like this, Ice is a great place for any style of player, I don't mean game mode by this I mean pker, skiller, social, pvm, etc. The members in ice are easy to get along with making the general conversations entertainable and who doesn't like to just chill out and chat with people that make you laugh and feel like a part of the community, which is something you cant put a value on.
~Thank you;
         Best of luck to everyone from   ~Detected 

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Posted 30 June 2018 - 10:55 AM #274

Beth Meow
Legendary Donator

Beth Meow
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Account Name (IGN) - Beth Meow
What rank are you applying for? - Banana :D  
What makes you think you deserve the rank - i am nice a friendly and try to bring positive vibes to the clan.
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - Nice a friendly and easy to make new friends :D

Posted 30 June 2018 - 11:03 AM #275

To gain


To gain
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Account Name (IGN) To gain
What rank are you applying for? The one that can kick hellish.
What makes you think you deserve the rank :  im a good helper , excelent pvmer.
Do you agree with our rules? Afcourse.
Why does ICE Interest you? because its ICE seems logic to me :P .


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Posted 30 June 2018 - 11:06 AM #276

EIM Hentai
Elite Ironman

EIM Hentai
Posts: 375
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Clan: ICE
Location: Germany

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Account Name (IGN) - Tezs Memory
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I deserve this rank as I have been in the cc since it started, I have a lot of knowledge on the game now, so helping people is no problem
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - It's nice to have a whole community where most of the irons/classics/elites are so we can help each other





Account Name (IGN) - Sledgehammer
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I was in iron help for a few months and always helped people asking questions and always help out when i can.
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - To try and help others in the clan and do events and try to do skotizo actively with my clan members 


Your application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Recruit

If you arent in Discord yet please pm a Owner for the invite.


Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai


Account Name (IGN) - Eim Emily
What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I've been here for a bit longer now
Do you agree with our rules? - yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - I like the company





Account Name (IGN) - fe fart
What rank are you applying for? -sgt
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I am always on helping people within the cc, i am on alot of the times higher ranks are not which helps with keeping the cc under control. I report any issues i can not control on my own to any elders/higher ups. I advertise for the cc (about every hour) and give the best answers i can to anyone who has a problem. also i believe being ex military i think helps me handle situations differently then some and see others point of views.
Do you agree with our rules? -absolutely
Why does ICE Interest you? -I've been a part of ice for a while now, and the atmosphere has always made me feel welcome. everyone is like a family in this cc and discord and i love every moment of it


Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Sergeant


Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 30 June 2018 - 04:25 PM #277

Have a seat

Have a seat
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Account Name (IGN)Have a Seat
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank? - I am active 4 hours+ on CC daily. I've been Captain+ rank on multiple large CC's in the past. I am constantly helping and standing up for fellow cc members. I bring daily humor and am constantly active in discussion's and clan event's. I've been a member on the server since 2017 and am known through the community. I can bring insight to future clan events and have recruited multiple people. I have no warning points on Forums nor have had any disciplinary action taken against me in-game.
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes, not only am I fully aware of ICE's rules but also Alora's.
Why does ICE Interest you? - I've longed to become a part of a wholesome community since rejoining the rsps community. I was largely involved in a past clan on an alternate server and have yearned to become involved once again in a clan that I ultimately enjoy. I believe this clan is only growing and has plenty of room for improvement! (not saying it isn't great.) I hope you take my application seriously and thank you all in advance. 


Account Name? - Have A Seat


What rank are you applying for? - Corporal


What makes you think you deserve the rank? - As you can see from my prior application for recruit ; that I went into somewhat of detail in the matter of why I deserved the promotion. I am highly active in game and of course in clan. 





Do you agree with our Rules? - If I didn't agree with the rules and guidelines associated with this clan I wouldn't be a member. I agree, and back a majority of the rules set forth.


Why does Ice interest you? - To cut it short and sweet, I'm not going to reiterate my previous reasons in the previous application. ICE clan member's stand out. The diversity that fuels the clan is so broad it's amazing, the member's who can help out fellow cc member's always find a way to in some sort or fashion assist fellow member's to the fullest extent. Active PvM event's and frequent Giveaway's always tend to attract new member's as well. I also have noticed that a majority of active member's have like Tier 1 toe's as well. 




* Able to provide via Discord PM @Columbus #1402



Posted 01 July 2018 - 03:38 PM #278

EIM Hentai
Elite Ironman

EIM Hentai
Posts: 375
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Account Name (IGN) To gain
What rank are you applying for? The one that can kick hellish.
What makes you think you deserve the rank :  im a good helper , excelent pvmer.
Do you agree with our rules? Afcourse.
Why does ICE Interest you? because its ICE seems logic to me :P .






Account Name (IGN) - Beth Meow
What rank are you applying for? - Banana :D  
What makes you think you deserve the rank - i am nice a friendly and try to bring positive vibes to the clan.
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - Nice a friendly and easy to make new friends :D





Account Name (IGN) - Jay ML
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - Started playing mid 2017, since then I've gained extensive game knowledge that I try to utilize to assist people when in need of answers, tips, and advice to the best of my knowledge. Active in clan chat throughout my playtime. 
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - I've been a member for about a month now and I like the community and culture that's been built. Many friendly faces in clan chat always helping makes me want to be apart of it. 




rank applying for recruit

ign- eim prim

what makes me think I deserve a rank- I always try to help when I can if I cant help always try to point people to someone who can while also learning myself to be able to help better in the future.

do I agree with clan rules 100% I do

ice interests me because its a great community I love the people in the cc and they have all helped me with alotta stuff since ive joined the clan and were all family.

Your application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Recruit

If you arent in Discord yet please pm a Owner for the invite.


Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 01 July 2018 - 03:40 PM #279


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Keep up with these applications guys! <3

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Posted 01 July 2018 - 03:42 PM #280

EIM Hentai
Elite Ironman

EIM Hentai
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Account Name (IGN) - Detected
What rank are you applying for? - Corporal
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I play a lot during the after midnight through early morning hours if you go by server time and there's not always someone around to answer all the questions, granted I don't answer every single question I do try to help out as many people as I can. I really like to take any new  or unexperienced players I meet in ice and showing them all the good tricks and techniques that ive found helpful, and any classics that are new to alora I hook up with a goodie bag of items hard to get as a classic in the beginning.
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - I'm gonna put it like this, Ice is a great place for any style of player, I don't mean game mode by this I mean pker, skiller, social, pvm, etc. The members in ice are easy to get along with making the general conversations entertainable and who doesn't like to just chill out and chat with people that make you laugh and feel like a part of the community, which is something you cant put a value on.
~Thank you;
         Best of luck to everyone from   ~Detected 




Account Name? - Have A Seat


What rank are you applying for? - Corporal


What makes you think you deserve the rank? - As you can see from my prior application for recruit ; that I went into somewhat of detail in the matter of why I deserved the promotion. I am highly active in game and of course in clan. 





Do you agree with our Rules? - If I didn't agree with the rules and guidelines associated with this clan I wouldn't be a member. I agree, and back a majority of the rules set forth.


Why does Ice interest you? - To cut it short and sweet, I'm not going to reiterate my previous reasons in the previous application. ICE clan member's stand out. The diversity that fuels the clan is so broad it's amazing, the member's who can help out fellow cc member's always find a way to in some sort or fashion assist fellow member's to the fullest extent. Active PvM event's and frequent Giveaway's always tend to attract new member's as well. I also have noticed that a majority of active member's have like Tier 1 toe's as well. 




* Able to provide via Discord PM @Columbus #1402



Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Corporal

Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


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