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ICE [Ironman/Classic/Elite] PVM/PVP/SKILLING

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Posted 06 June 2018 - 07:48 AM #181

EIM Hentai
Elite Ironman

EIM Hentai
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Account Name (IGN) - Incinerice (I know this is my second time applying) 
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I feel as if I do deserve this rank because I'm an out going person who wants to make sure everyone can have a good time but can also help keep order whenever necessary. No negativity or toxicity. 
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes, I do.
Why does ICE Interest you? - An outgoing clan that is open for anyone to join, and are willing to help anyone in need. Also a clan as to where you can just have genuine conversations. A while ago, EIm Systemic helped me out on my classic, i believe it was him who had introduced me to the clan ICE.





Account Name (IGN) - Osaka
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I've been in the CC almost since the start and I didn't realise I had the recruit tag since I joined. I've been fairly active since the CC started.
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes, ofcourse.
Why does ICE Interest you? - One of the best community clans I've involved myself in since I started playing.





Account Name (IGN) - Robogod
What rank are you applying for? - Bananas.
What makes you think you deserve the rank - No idea, just applying cause a certain cheeky cu...- nice person asked me to. Old player, active in-game, tons of experience with alora and rsps as a whole, plenty of advice to give to players/community. 
Do you agree with our rules? - Yup, the rules seem pretty much just having basic moral conduct and being active in-game. EZ.
Why does ICE Interest you? - There's a ton of people to interact with, events to participate in, and I get to bully Loo on a daily basis. feelsgoodman.


Your application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Recruit

If you arent in Discord yet please pm a Owner for the invite.


Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai


Account Name (IGN) -
What rank are you applying for? -
What makes you think you deserve the rank -
I think I have assisted in making ICE a fun community. I am very helpful for members, I always welcome new members, I host daily/weekend giveways. I assist in the CC and it is the main CC I use, forever.
Do you agree with our rules? -
Why does ICE Interest you? -
The words I have put here will never change, ICE is my home, filled with wonderful people and those yet to come. 





Account Name (IGN) - EIM Holland
What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I feel like I'm doing great as a Corporal in the CC, I help people as much as I can, whether it be answering a question, or running them some place they need to go.
Do you agree with our rules? -
Why does ICE Interest you? - I've been in ICE now for over a month and it's wonderful, feels the same as when I was in #Heron Help, great people, great times, and quality memes.


Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Sergeant


Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai


Today we have some changes in ICE

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 06 June 2018 - 02:49 PM #182

Elite Ironman

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Posted 06 June 2018 - 06:30 PM #183

Eim Emily
Elite Ironman

Eim Emily
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Account Name (IGN) - Eim Emily
What rank are you applying for? - whatever rank to join staff discord
What makes you think you deserve the rank - i wanna join discord without begging someone to drag my ass into it
Do you agree with our rules? - yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - because it's good




Posted 07 June 2018 - 04:24 PM #184


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Account Name (IGN) - Schlong
What rank are you applying for? - Lieutenant
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I have been apart of Ice since the release of EIM being active, helping and making the clan and overall better atmosphere for new and experienced players.
Do you agree with our rules? - Of course.
Why does ICE Interest you? -
ICE has interested me from the start because before ICE I was sort of lost and didn't really know what clan to be apart of. But ICE welcomed me with open arms and I haven't turned back since. I enjoy the overall vibes of the clan and how active we are at all times of the day. I plan on doing more giveaways in the future and make more of a presence on discord because if I were to say one my weakness it would be not being that active in discord. Anyways I'd like to thank the whole staff team of ICE for running such a great clan and I hope to continue to grow even more everyday. 

Posted 07 June 2018 - 04:40 PM #185

Elite Master

Elite Master
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Account Name (IGN) - Elite Master
What rank are you applying for? - Corporal
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I am an active member in the CC who helps many people with questions or anything I can possibly help with. I am respectful and enjoy the clan very much.
Do you agree with our rules? - Definitely.
Why does ICE Interest you? - I love being the CC, the people in it create a very fun and enjoyable gaming experience, not just for me but for everyone in the CC.

Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:05 PM #186


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Account Name (IGN) - Endeavor
What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant+ / Foster Dad
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I'm active when I'm online and attempt to bring positive vibes and support with me at all times
Do you agree with our rules? - Absolutely
Why does ICE Interest you? - Friends and the community interaction is top-notch


Posted 07 June 2018 - 05:19 PM #187

Elite Ironman

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  • Account Name you are applying for a rank -  ElitePlaytoy
  • What makes you think you deserve the rank - This is the only cc I am active in and I am always trying my best to make sure Ice remains the number one clan on Alora. I currently have 4 days playtime on my EIM and 5 days or so on my normie where all have been in Ice. I typically respond to people within seconds if they need help and I always try and bring in new members.
  • Do you agree with our rules? - Yes I agree with the set rules for the cc and do my best to help others understand them. 
  • Why does ICE Interest you? - I like to be part of ICE for the involvement of the community. I have made a  lot of friends in here and plan on being here for as long as I play Alora. 

Posted 07 June 2018 - 08:37 PM #188


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Account Name (IGN) -  ReignMan

What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant
What makes you think you deserve the rank - Overall I have been extremely helpful in cc and fun in discord. I have been with the clan awhile and have been loyal,helpful and fun. I keep things spicy. jalepeno spicy and not carolina reaper spicy, I think that overall I have done alot to make ICE grow and welcome'd new members.
Do you agree with our rules? - Although some disagree with our rules, I 100% agree with our rules. They keep the clan non-toxic, fun and allows room for growth and mature fun.
Why does ICE Interest you? - Alora is hands down the best rsps. And ICE is 100% the cream of the crop when it comes to a clan inside of an rsps. Best clan on the best server, whats more to say?

Posted 08 June 2018 - 08:20 AM #189

Wicked iron

Wicked iron
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Account Name you are applying for a rank - Wicked Iron
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I’m very active.Always helping clan members reach what they want,I tell people to join ICE and most of them end up joining our family which makes me happy to see our family getting always bigger. 
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - ICE is my family,everyone is so helpful,ICE community will continue to keep growing and I would like to be apart of that,

thank you :)

Posted 08 June 2018 - 11:13 AM #190

EIM Hentai
Elite Ironman

EIM Hentai
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IGN: elite 4 days

what rank are you applying for?: recruit

what makes you thing you deserve the rank?: I am active everyday. I have been a member of ICE since the first minutes of EiM release. I have been playing alora for going on 2 years so very dedicated to server. Most importantly I am helpful and NOT toxic! 

Do you agree with our rues?: simply yes. arguments should be settled in a private chat, not cc. I will try and maintain/push a chat in discord to get people more involved. 

why does ICE interest you?: since day one I have been apart of ICE and I have witnessed the staff and non staff being so helpful to all. (normies, classics, ironmen, hcim, uim, and eim. nobody in left ignored or disrespected, that is huge to me, respect.



Thank you! I hope to be apart of this great clan chat! - elite 4 days




Account Name (IGN) - EIM Lars99
What rank are you applying for? - im looking for a Recruit rank
What makes you think you deserve the rank - ive been in ICE almost at the start, and ive stayed there since, and i like to be in it.
Do you agree with our rules? - I do agree with the rules.
Why does ICE Interest you? - helpfull people, lots of player, great community, fun people to hang out and they always congratz on drop :D


Your application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Recruit

If you arent in Discord yet please pm a Owner for the invite.


Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai


Account Name (IGN) - Endeavor
What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant+ / Foster Dad
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I'm active when I'm online and attempt to bring positive vibes and support with me at all times
Do you agree with our rules? - Absolutely
Why does ICE Interest you? - Friends and the community interaction is top-notch





Account Name (IGN) -  ReignMan

What rank are you applying for? - Sergeant
What makes you think you deserve the rank - Overall I have been extremely helpful in cc and fun in discord. I have been with the clan awhile and have been loyal,helpful and fun. I keep things spicy. jalepeno spicy and not carolina reaper spicy, I think that overall I have done alot to make ICE grow and welcome'd new members.
Do you agree with our rules? - Although some disagree with our rules, I 100% agree with our rules. They keep the clan non-toxic, fun and allows room for growth and mature fun.
Why does ICE Interest you? - Alora is hands down the best rsps. And ICE is 100% the cream of the crop when it comes to a clan inside of an rsps. Best clan on the best server, whats more to say?


Your Application has been accepted and you have been Promoted.


Promoted to Sergeant


Greetings from Forum Manager  EIM Hentai

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 09 June 2018 - 09:12 AM #191

Steel Nogan

Steel Nogan
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Account Name (IGN) - Steel Nogan
What rank are you applying for? - Corporal or Sergeant (im currently Recruit)
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I've actually been active ingame cc and mostly on discord, just finished my 2nd exams session this friday so ill have loads of free time until the 20th of june. I've been trying to help as much as i can :) 
Do you agree with our rules? - YES
Why does ICE Interest you? - The overall community is helpful and fun to be in. I guess that's all because of good management.

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Alora Awards

ICE Awards

Posted 09 June 2018 - 11:03 AM #192

EIM Hentai
Elite Ironman

EIM Hentai
Posts: 375
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Account Name (IGN) - Schlong
What rank are you applying for? - Lieutenant
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I have been apart of Ice since the release of EIM being active, helping and making the clan and overall better atmosphere for new and experienced players.
Do you agree with our rules? - Of course.
Why does ICE Interest you? -
ICE has interested me from the start because before ICE I was sort of lost and didn't really know what clan to be apart of. But ICE welcomed me with open arms and I haven't turned back since. I enjoy the overall vibes of the clan and how active we are at all times of the day. I plan on doing more giveaways in the future and make more of a presence on discord because if I were to say one my weakness it would be not being that active in discord. Anyways I'd like to thank the whole staff team of ICE for running such a great clan and I hope to continue to grow even more everyday. 


Your application has been declined due to the following reason:


-You can only apply for a rank in ICE if you have no ties whatsoever to another clan, exceptions to this rule are VERY RARE. This is to prevent moles/Spies mainly.



Greetings from Forum Manager EIM Hentai 

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At this moment Hentai knew , he fucked up.


Posted 09 June 2018 - 06:49 PM #193

Have a seat

Have a seat
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Account Name (IGN)Have a Seat
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank? - I am active 4 hours+ on CC daily. I've been Captain+ rank on multiple large CC's in the past. I am constantly helping and standing up for fellow cc members. I bring daily humor and am constantly active in discussion's and clan event's. I've been a member on the server since 2017 and am known through the community. I can bring insight to future clan events and have recruited multiple people. I have no warning points on Forums nor have had any disciplinary action taken against me ingame.
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes, not only am I fully aware of ICE's rules but also Alora's.
Why does ICE Interest you? - I've longed to become a part of a wholesome community since rejoining the rsps community. I was largely involved in a past clan on an alternate server and have yearned to become involved once again in a clan that I ultimately enjoy. I believe this clan is only growing and has plenty of room for improvement! (not saying it isn't great.) I hope you take my application seriously and thank you all in advance. 


Posted 09 June 2018 - 07:09 PM #194

Don andy
Super Donator

Don andy
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Account Name (IGN) - Don andy
What rank are you applying for? -Corporal
What makes you think you deserve the rank -I think i deserve this rank because i've been playing alora for a while and i've been on ice since day one,helping people in different ways and i am online most of the time.
Do you agree with our rules? -Yes I totally agree with the rules and I'm willing to keep the clan in order with server rules.
Why does ICE Interest you? -ICE is a really helpful community,nice and full of friendly people who are willing to give help to anyone in anytime,in any way and so am I.
There are also people full of heart who are grinding hard and its awesome to see them grow everyday,it makes me happy to be part of a community like this.

Don andy

Posted 09 June 2018 - 07:26 PM #195


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Account Name (IGN)- Purplegod
What rank are you applying for? -Corporal
What makes you think you deserve the rank -hmmm well i think im a good cc member, helpful, respectful charming i will use my power for the good of ice clan and try and be a role model for other players out there
Do you agree with our rules? -Anarchy! (jk)
Why does ICE Interest you? -ICE interest me because when i get on for the day i have at my fingertips like 30 friends there instant they got me and i got them really nice having that tbh with you its become my 2cd home and ill ALWAYS COMPLAIN ABOUT LOGGING OUT AND IN &BEING IN ALORA CC rip. later
> :)


Posted 09 June 2018 - 07:41 PM #196

Elite Ironman

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what rank are you applying for?: recruit rank 1 banana

what makes you think you deserve the rank: ive been a long time already in ice and i like to be helpfull/chill with my brothers.

do you agree our rules: yes i agree them fair n square.

why does ice interest you: it's a good cc with alot of helpfull players that have become friends in the long run and it's the best ofcourse :)

Posted 09 June 2018 - 07:52 PM #197

Dead rose

Dead rose

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Account Name (IGN) - eim deadrose/ eim rose
What rank are you applying for? - recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - been active in both the clan chat and the discord for about two weeks now. i have no problem helping anyone i can with anything they need. 
Do you agree with our rules? - yes of course i agree with the rules,"chaos is a lack of rules and guidelines, without the rules society creates chaos, we as humans are incapable of governing ourselves and keeping ourselves in check without the presence of the law"
Why does ICE Interest you? - a friend of mine(systemic) helped me get to know the server when i first joined, simply 15 minutes into the game he took time to help me and refer me to the clan chat "ice". after joining i'v met countless players who don't hesitate to help, welcome, and nurture other players. a community of the best gamers, and friends all together in one group with no detestation or malice toward others, is very much so something i would love to be apart of.

Posted 09 June 2018 - 07:57 PM #198

Elite Ironman

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Account Name (IGN) - Trii
What rank are you applying for? - Bannan Rank
What makes you think you deserve the rank - Been in the clan since it was started helped a share, "recruited" Some people
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - Cool community and helpful CC

Black Golem is my favorite pet.

'Love the night & it's stars, The moon is my witness.'

Hardcore_ironman_chat_badge.png?a1753 Grd


Posted 09 June 2018 - 08:14 PM #199

Fuck Me Pls

Fuck Me Pls
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Account Name (IGN) - Fuck me pls
What rank are you applying for? - Recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I've been active in the cc and have helped others with questions since joining. 
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes.
Why does ICE Interest you? -  I like how friendly and helpful the members are!

Posted 09 June 2018 - 11:44 PM #200

Extreme Donator

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Account Name (IGN) - rubydcherry
What rank are you applying for? - recruit
What makes you think you deserve the rank - I've been in the clan for a while and believe I'm ready to move up a little :D
Do you agree with our rules? - Yes
Why does ICE Interest you? - It's a very friendly and helpful community, and the leaders are all very nice :D

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