Account Name (IGN) - irongiantfe
Discord Tag (Name#0000) - Alex malone #9800
What is your current rank? (Put N/A if currently unranked) - recruit
Name of the player who recruited you. (Put N/A if not applicable. RECRUIT ONLY) - i think it was para
When did you last apply for a rank? (Put N/A if this is your first application) - 7/8 wks ago
What rank are you applying for? - corporal
What are your strengths? - I am helpful and kind and always willing to try and help anybody
What are your weaknesses? - I get easily wound up but that hasnt happened for a long time now and im working on it
In a short paragraph, please explain why you feel you deserve the rank you are applying for. -
I havent applied for 7/8 weeks now and iv been on alora/ice for a while now. Im already recruit and think im ready for upping a rank. I always play everyday for at least 3 hours and am willing to help out by helping people, giving advice and trying to recruit others into our clan by advertising on ::yell