As you may have noticed alora hasn't been much of a pvp server. The incentives for pvp is almost null. I've been attempting to pk since day one of release. There is a bit of a action, but not enough to keep the server going imo.
Anyhow, I'll throw in some suggestions based on how I've seen the game the past couple of days.
1- There is a huge delay when attempting to spec, hence you can not 1tick an ags, or dds spec.
2- Dds is very underpowered, I just managed to get semi max gear today, the amount of times I'd hit 0-0 on robes was unreal.
3- Ags, same scenario, with the unability to 1 tick ags, and the delay from it for specing leads it to being undesired, when it should've been one of the strongest weapons ingame.
4- Make scorpia in the wilderness, I don't understand why wouldn't you do that, lol.
5- Remove the bounty hunter shop, and replace it with a pk point system. Where you'd get points from killing anyone, the deeper in wild, the more points you could get. Maybe x2 pk points from a vote book? The target system is disgusting, the tier system overall is only for runescape considering how active pking there is on bounty hunter worlds, the rune pouch is very imp for deep pking and theres no way of obtaining it rn besides that shop, so please consider this.
6- when teleporting through the lever, it spawns you right under the lever, giving people no chance of capturing a tb, or freeze. Suggestion is move it like 07, this spot.
Same goes for magebank lever
7- fix the resource area, sometimes the door is glitched.
8- the axe hut has so many axes, remove ALOT of them.
9- remove the accumulator from the vote shop, and add it to the range store?..
11- Fix tb accurancy, its almost impossible to catch a tb
12- when you're tbing and you splash, or hit the char automatically bashes the player with a staff even with auto off and even if you've clicked somewhere else.
13- Saradomin brews: from 07 wiki "A Saradomin brew temporarily raises your hitpoints by 15% + 2, rounded down (since it is a potion this means it is one of few ways to raise your Hitpoints above the normal maximum) and your Defence by 20% + "
14- Add supercombat potions, stamina potions, anti venom to vote/pkp shop.
15- Low hp dharoking is broken.
16- Magic following is broken, fix the magic following path.
17- keep the webs in mage bank slashed for more than 10 seconds?..
18- Kbd teleport should teleport you to level 44 wilderness and not straight next to the fucking lever.
19- the exit of the kbd ladder should be here, and not here.
20- add black chincompa to pking teleports at wizards.
21- add a ::graves teleport which takes you to ankous
22- theres a single area in lava dragons? LOL
23- add ancient book, and armadyl book to the horror from the deep quest.
24- add regular spirit shield to the magic shop
25- lower the price of barrage runes..
26- Add desired teleport on obelisks (level 13, etc..)
28- Change the location of the dark mages at wests, they're too close, and too many.
When I find more, I'll add them...