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Purple light at a raids chest for a unique drop

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Posted 17 March 2018 - 01:24 PM #1


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After completing a raid in OSRS, a purple light will appear above the chest if you get a raid unique item and a white light if you receive supplies only. In Alora, the chest always shows a white light, even when you get a raid item (I saw this in several Alora raids video's on Youtube and when I had a raid drop myself). Perhaps this can be implemented to make a raid drop even more exciting? :D


Let me know what you think :).




Posted 17 March 2018 - 02:26 PM #2

Hot Cakes

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When you check OSRS streams or highlights everyone always has their chats off and just checks if the chest has a purple light above it. If it does, then they always hype themselves up before opening the chest. 


I think it's a small quality of life addition, but it would be sweet to have - doesn't affect much but it would make those little moments last longer, and what is life, if not just a combination of those little moments? ;]

Posted 17 March 2018 - 02:37 PM #3



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After completing a raid in OSRS, a purple light will appear above the chest if you get a raid unique item and a white light if you receive supplies only. In Alora, the chest always shows a white light, even when you get a raid item (I saw this in several Alora raids video's on Youtube and when I had a raid drop myself). Perhaps this can be implemented to make a raid drop even more exciting? :D


Let me know what you think :).



When you check OSRS streams or highlights everyone always has their chats off and just checks if the chest has a purple light above it. If it does, then they always hype themselves up before opening the chest. 


I think it's a small quality of life addition, but it would be sweet to have - doesn't affect much but it would make those little moments last longer, and what is life, if not just a combination of those little moments? ;]




Is the purple light shown to all players (even if only one has a rare drop)? Or is it only shown to the player who has rare loot?

Posted 17 March 2018 - 02:42 PM #4

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it only shows to the player that has gotten the drop

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Posted 17 March 2018 - 02:53 PM #5


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Is the purple light shown to all players (even if only one has a rare drop)? Or is it only shown to the player who has rare loot?

Only for the player who gets the unique drop.




Posted 17 March 2018 - 07:03 PM #6


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Support this, hope to see it added.


Posted 17 March 2018 - 07:46 PM #7


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Is the purple light shown to all players (even if only one has a rare drop)? Or is it only shown to the player who has rare loot?


Purple drop is for people who received the unique drop


Posted 21 March 2018 - 10:35 AM #8

Austin Post

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When you check OSRS streams or highlights everyone always has their chats off and just checks if the chest has a purple light above it. If it does, then they always hype themselves up before opening the chest. 


This. It certainly makes things more exciting at the end of a raid and before opening the chest. 



I support. 

Posted 09 April 2018 - 01:32 AM #9

Another Cow

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Thank you for the suggestion, it has been added to the Currently Suggested Topics thread found here - http://www.alora.io/...ggested-topics/

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