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Alora Newspaper 02/20/2018

Alora MOTM Staff Updates February 2018

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Posted 19 February 2018 - 03:23 AM #1


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Hello everyone, welcome to the newest edition of the Alora Newspaper! A lot has happened since the last newspaper.

We got a lot of brand new content with DS2 released, some major staff changes, and the new community awards are out!


The rules have not been changed since the last Newspaper, but it is always good to read over them now and again!


Keep up to date with our rules & full list can be found by clicking HERE!


Our most recent update was dropped 04/02/18, the long-awaited Dragon Slayer II update!

Along with this major content were some other minor tweaks, fixes, and additions.

I would like to take this moment to thank Omicron for all of his hard work to push these updates!


Hey guys,


The highly anticipated Dragon Slayer II quest is now live! There is plenty of new content to hop right into, including new bosses, new dungeons, new spells, new items and much more. There may very well be some bugs as this is a large update covering a wide array of content, so as always, please make sure to report any bugs that you find in the appropriate section. Without further ado:


  • Miscellaneous:
    • Duel arena fixes:
      • Duel bug (losing items) officially fixed:
        • Thanks to @ Elvemage and @Savitr for helping to find the bug! It should now be fully patched, including the “tie” bug introduced in the last fix. Also thanks to @Thorru for help on the tie bug.
      • Multiple poison issue fixed:
        • You should no longer be able to be poisoned more than once in a duel.
    • Fixed ::punishments for players with 3 letter names
    • Lumbridge “sailing” update has been reverted/fixed. (Broken map)
    • Fixed Saradomin godsword special attack prayer bug (Prayer going above max level)
    • Battle Royale can now be 1x Combat experience or 330x (regular rate) depending on what option the host selects.
    • Trade bug fixed:
      • When a normal player traded an ironman/classic and got an error message, any other trade they tried to make afterwards (even to normal players) would be declined immediately. This has been fixed.
        • This also fixes the bug where you would lose items while trying to equip them on the Equipment screen. (related to the same bug)
    • Total level fix:
      • Total level would always be 2 higher than it should have been (due to 1 level coming from Summoning and 1 from Dungeoneering, but @uTorrent won’t let me add those updates and made me scrap the upcoming EoC update so I’ve removed them) and is now fixed.
    • Slayer helmet (i) from Black mask (i)
      • Previously, you could not use a Black mask (i) to create a Slayer helmet (i). You had to use the regular Black mask, and then imbue the helmet. This can now be done with an already imbued Black mask.
    • Salve (ei) and Salve (i) bonuses corrected:
      • Effects:
        • Salve: 15% bonus to attack and strength
        • Salve (i): 15% bonus to range, mage and melee attack and strength
        • Salve (e): 20% bonus to attack and strength
        • Salve (ei): 20% bonus to range, mage and melee attack and strength
      • Notes:
        • Salve amulets now also go to the untradeable reclaim shop.
        • These effects do not stack with Slayer helmet effects, but the highest effect will be granted.
    • Grotesque guardian jar can now be removed from your Achievement room display.
    • Fixed a bug which allowed players to use the “Preserve” prayer after a raid to keep heightened skill levels.
    • Item value fixes:
      • Completionist monkey value increased
      • Slayer helmets will no longer protect over Super combat potions.
    • Fixed a bug with crossbow fletching:
      • All combinations of crossbow limb + stock will now be fletchable.
  • Edgeville PvP updates:
    • You can no longer drop items worth 50k or more (just as it is in the regular Wilderness)
  • Master donator changes:
    • Pest control benefits fixed:
      • 6 extra points + 75k GP per round instead of 5/60k for Uber.
    • FAQ table updated to reflect proper bonuses/benefits.
    • Rainbow icon in FAQ changed to correct in-game icon.
  • Combat changes:
    • Unfreeze distance for barrage (how far your opponent must run away before your freeze ends) has been reduced from 14 to 11 steps. (To match OSRS)
      • This will make it more difficult for someone to freeze you and escape in the wilderness. 
      • If your attacker is 12 or more steps away, you will be unfrozen. If they are within 11 steps, you won’t unfreeze until the normal timer runs out.
    • Dragon Hunter Crossbow Buff:
      • To match the recent buff in OSRS, this crossbow now provides a 30% damage and accuracy boost against Dragons (including Vorkath), Wyverns and Olm. (As opposed to the previous 10% boost)
  • Duo-Raid changes:
    • To make Duo raids more viable, and reduce the requirement for large parties to do Raids, Olm will now only have 2 phases when in a 2-player party. With 3 or more players, the number of phases has not changed (between 3 and 5 depending on the size of the party).
  • Boss Kill-time reset:
    • The staff team and I have agreed that the kill-times should have a fresh start in 2018 for many reasons, including:
      • Giving players a chance to compete and set new records
      • The ability to abuse some bosses in the past have skewed the kill-times
      • The ability to use a Cannon and get a much shorter kill-time than normally possible was a bug that was present for awhile, so many bosses had illegitimate killtimes.
    • As of this update, the leaderboard for boss kill-times is reset. Note that this does NOT apply to kill counts! Those are not reset (for bosses or otherwise).
  • Dragon Slayer II
    • The highly anticipated Dragon Slayer II quest is here!
      • We’ve written our own unique quest designed specifically for Alora for this quest, and there are some very sweet rewards that you’ll be able to obtain through completion of this quest.
        • You can start this quest by speaking to Glen, who is slightly east of Edgeville bank near the jailhouse. He’ll tell you that he has received some very concerning news and needs your help.
      • Requirements:
        • 6 Quest points
        • 85+ Combat level
        • Completion of the following quests:
          • Recipe for Disaster
          • Horror From The Deep
          • Monkey Madness
          • Lunar Diplomacy
      • The quest ends with the Vorkath boss fight (which can be re-entered after the quest), where you can receive the following items as drops:
        • Notable “Always” drops:
          • Superior dragon bones
            • Requiring level 70 Prayer, these bones give 150 experience (multiplied by our experience rate and any bonuses) making them the best bones in-game.
        • Notable “Rare” drops:
          • Dragonbone necklace:
            • While equipped, this necklace will restore prayer points as they are buried as follows:
              • Bones: 1 prayer point
              • Big bones: 2 prayer points
              • Baby dragon bones: 3 prayer points
              • Dragon bones / Dagannoth bones: 4 prayer points
              • Superior dragon bones: 5 prayer points
            • The necklace also provides a +12 Prayer bonus.
            • You must have level 80 Prayer to equip this necklace.
            • Note: This effect also works with the Bonecrusher.
          • Draconic visage
          • Skeletal visage:
            • This visage can be combined (with 90 Smithing) with an anti-dragon shield to create a Dragonfire ward, a Ranged shield which acts like a regular anti-dragon shield in terms of Dragonfire protection, but also protects against the icy breath of Wyverns.
              • Skeletal ward:
                • This ward can collect charges from Dragon/Wyvern breath and boost up to +50 on some of the base defence stats.
                  • You can also discharge the shield on your opponent.
          • Vorki:
            • The elusive Vorki pet has a very rare chance to drop from Vorkath.
          • Vorkath’s head:
            • This rare drop can be combined with Ava’s accumulator to create Ava’s assembler, an off-blue coloured device which has an 8% higher chance of saving ammunition.
              • It is also the best-in-slot cape for Ranged attack bonus.
              • You can combine this with a Max cape to receive a cape with the same bonuses and effects.
          • Jar of decay:
            • You can use this jar to add a Vorkath display in your house.
        • Vorkath boss:
          • The undead dragon is one of the most difficult NPCs to defeat in the game, with numerous attack styles:
            • Melee attack (if in range)
            • Magic attack (bright blue projectile)
            • Ranged attack (spiked ball)
            • Dragonfire types:
              • Normal (red)
              • Poisonous (green)
              • Pink dragon fire — disables all prayers upon impact.
              • High-damage dragon fire projectile
                • This projectile can be dodged, and should be, as it can one-hit you (can hit up to 99)
                • If you are standing 1 tile away from the explosion, you will be dealt half the damage.
                • If you are standing at least 2 tiles away, you will not be dealt any damage.
            • Special attacks:
              • Poison pool:
                • Vorkath will launch acid across the entire area, which you should avoid as it damages you very quickly. Immediately there-after, he will begin to spit rapid dragon fire at you, which you must dodge by running around the map while avoiding the poison pools.
              • Ice dragon fire:
                • An icy dragon fire will be launched at the player which freezes you in an ice barrage. The very next attack will be a zombified spawn which Vorkath spits into the corner of the map, which will immediately start walking towards you.
                  • This Zombified spawn will suicide attack you, and since you cannot move, you have two options:
                    • 1. Use “Crumble undead” to 1-hit KO the spawn
                    • 2. Try to kill it with regular attacks. If you do not get it to 0 HP before it reaches you, it will damage you based on how many hitpoints it has left.
          • You can use the Salve amulets against Vorkath as he is undead.
          • Vorkath can be assigned as a Slayer task (boss task) assuming you have defeated Vorkath at least once.
      • Quest rewards:
        • Access to Vorkath fight
        • Access to Myth’s guild
          • You can purchase a Mythical cape on the top floor, as well as the Dragon square shield right half and Dragon metal shard.
        • Access to Myth’s guild dungeon
        • Access to the the Metal dragon labratory, where Rune and Adamant dragons can be found
          • These drop components to form the new dragon equipment (see below)
        • Ability to make Super antifire potions
          • You can crush Superior Dragon Bones with a Pestle and Mortar, and then mix them with a regular anti-fire potion to create this potion.
        • Access to the Wrath altar, which can be used to craft Wrath runes with level 95 Runecrafting (for use in conjuction with the new Wrath spells)
        • Perks:
          • Speak to Ellen in the Myth’s guild to toggle the following perks:
            • Ability to auto-note dragon bones/dagannoth bones that are dropped
            • Ability to auto-note Mole skins/claws that are dropped
  • Wrath Runecrafting:
    • Players who complete Dragon Slayer II can now craft Wrath runes!
      • These runes are used solely for the new Surge spells in the Modern spellbook.
      • These grant 8 experience per rune (multiplied by your skilling experience rate and any active bonuses)
      • You can find this altar by entering a cave in the southern part of the Myth’s guild basement, which will bring you up to the island south of the Myth’s guild which contains the Wrath altar.
  • Surge spells:
    • 4 New spells have been released!
      • You do not need to complete the new quest to use these. These spells are only available in the Modern spell book.
      • You must use Wrath runes to cast these spells, obtainable by either purchasing from other players, or crafting them yourself in the Myth’s guild with completion of Dragon Slayer II and 95 Runecrafting.
    • Spells:
      • Wind Surge
        • 81 Magic
        • Max hit: 21
      • Water Surge
        • 85 Magic
        • Max hit: 22
      • Earth Surge
        • 90 Magic
        • Max hit: 23
      • Fire Surge
        • 95 Magic
        • Max hit: 24
  • Dragon Equipment:
    • You can now create the following pieces of Equipment:
      • Dragon Square shield:
        • This shield can be created by combining the left and right halves of the shield (left half from monster drops, right half from Erdan’s shop on the 2nd floor of the Myth’s guild) with level 60 Smithing.
      • Dragon Kiteshield:
        • This new shield can be created by combining the Dragon square shield, Dragon metal slice, and Dragon metal shard with level 75 Smithing.
      • Dragon platebody:
        • This new platebody can be created by combining the Dragon chain body, Dragon metal shard, and Dragon metal lump with level 90 Smithing.
      • Dragon crossbow:
        • This new crossbow can be created by combining Dragon limbs to a Magic stock (purchased from the 2nd floor Myth’s guild shop) with level 78 fletching, and then with crossbow string.
        • You must have 64 Ranged to equip this crossbow.
        • It can fire up to Dragon bolts (see below) and has a special attack which drains 60% of your special attack bar and hits any enemy in a 3x3 multi-combat area. The primary target will take 20% more damage, whereas other targets will take 20% less damage.
          • For example, if the damage is 10, the primary target will be hit 12 and other targets hit 8.
          • In single-way combat, the attack will still work but only on one target with 20% extra damage.
  • Dragon bolts:
    • (Not to be confused with Dragonstone bolts)
    • A new type of crossbow bolt can now be created!
      • Dragon bolts can be fired from:
        • Dragon crossbow
        • Dragon hunter crossbow
        • Armadyl crossbow
      • To created this type of bolt, you can use Dragon bolts (unf) on feathers, and then on bolt tips. They can be enchanted thereafter 
  • Award system update:
    • The previous maximum of 15 awards showing when someone posts has been increased to 25.
  • Fixed “Recent Activity” on profiles not showing up for players with spaces in their usernames.
  • Master donator “shimmering effect”


We tried to squeeze in many different pieces of content for players of all game modes, and we're optimistic that everyone can find something to enjoy in this update  :)





If you would like to view the full update, click HERE!


Many thanks to Omicron for these spectacular updates!



There has been a lot going on in terms of changes on the staff team. Some may be more positive than others, but collectively we can all agree that decisions that were made were the right ones and it is best for the team.


Staff update as of February 8th and 17th, 2018:


Hot Cakes has been promoted to Administrator.

Thorr2 has been promoted to Administrator.

casual has been promoted to Global Moderator.

F 8 has been transferred to Forum Moderator.

Savitr has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Nick has been promoted to Server Moderator. 

Salter has been promoted to Server Support.

Another Cow has been promoted to Server Support.

Flowers has been promoted to Server Support.

​Pkdealer has been promoted to Server Support.

Watch Hentai has been promoted to Server Support.

Hellish has been promoted to Server Support.

Lord of Rats has resigned from Server Moderator.

Ramon has resigned from Forum Moderator.

Dr Drew has temp. resigned from Server Moderator.



Diva has been demoted from Administrator.

Elvemage jr has been demoted from Server Moderator.

Yuichi btw has been demoted from Server Support.




All staff updates can be found HERE!



This week I've decided to Interview 2 staff members from the community I hope you guys enjoy what they had to say!



The first person I interview is Pkdealer!





XufWhat is your favorite thing to do away from your computer chair?


Pkdealer: I really enjoy going out with my friends, especially with my best friend we usually hit the gym 4 times a week. I'm also a huge anime fan so when I'm away from the computer I am either friends as previously stated or I am reading some mangas.


XufWhat would be your dream job?


Pkdealer: My dream job would probably be a professional bartender, I currently work part-time at my stepdad's bar as one, but I think in the future i'd like to go work to a bigger bar and learn more than I already know about it.


XufWhere do you see yourself in 5 years time?


Pkdealer: Honestly I don't really know I am one of those people that enjoy taking things one step at a time. I am currently wrapping up school, after that I'd like to take one year off everything to just relax and do whatever I feel like, so I am really uncertain about that. But as I previously stated maybe learning more about bar tending.


XufWhat is your favorite piece of clothing you have?


Pkdealer: My hoodies for sure. I have over 30 hoodies, I enjoy wearing them whenever for example this exact moment. They're really comfortable to wear especially during the winter.


XufWhat is your biggest pet peeve?


Pkdealer: Fake people. I absolutely hate someone that pretends to be your friend just to get something out of it and when you need his/her help they turn their back on you.


Xuf: If you could visit any place in the world right now for free, where would you go?


Pkdealer: If I could visit any place in the world, it would for sure be Egypt. I am a huge fan of everything ancient related such as pharaohs and such. I believe that Egypt's culture is full of that and that I would love to visit their many museums and such and of course visit the pyramids and the Valley of the Kings.


XufWhat would need to happen on your “perfect day”?


Pkdealer: The perfect day in my life would be the day I meet the girl of my dreams.


XufIf you could wake up tomorrow gaining one new quality or ability, what would it be and why?

Pkdealer: Oh that's a rather easy one, that would be the ability to teleport. I could teleport to any place that I thought. Most people would say "Oh I'dlike to be immortal" ..but everything in the ends dies and u don't wanna get stuck alone LOL.

XufWhat is the most notable accomplishment you have achieved?
Pkdealer: I played Runescape for 72H straight with a few friends in a skype call.
XufWhat is the most important quality you think you should have, and why?
Pkdealer: Honesty. I feel like that's the most important quality that you should have because lying to others just to make them agree with you isn't really that good in my opinion. Honesty will help them improve in whatever areas they're lacking or just criticism in general.



Thank you for taking the time for this interview Pkdealer, some interesting answers!






Next on our list is Lowkey!
XufWhat do you wish you knew more about?
Lowkey: Honestly wish I knew more on how to win a PUBG game, (even though I recently copped my first W with my boy F8) Anything IRL I pretty much know everything I wanna know about, the older you get the more you learn so no need to rush it.

Xuf: What are some small things that make your day better?
Lowkey: Well for starters my day is automatically better if I wake up and don't have to piss like a racehorse as soon as I open my eyes. After that, when my daughter wakes up it always makes my day better. (even though I wish she would sleep an extra hour some days) Just being around her & her personality really just brightens my day and it often reminds me that I'm very thankful she's in my life.

XufIf you could be any age permanently, how old and why?
Lowkey: I would want to stay 17 years old just so I didn't have to start working, paying bills etc. Basically just want to sit around and play Alora all day.

XufIf you didn't have to sleep, what would you do with all your spare time?

Lowkey: I would probably just go full send on Alora and play 24 hours a day.

XufWhat is the most annoying question that people ask you?


Lowkey: "Can you help me?" (kidding) No question really annoys me IRL or on the internet.
XufWhat is the first song that comes to your mind that you have completely memorized?
Lowkey: Vanessa Carlton - Thousand miles

XufWhat is something that you hope never changes?
Lowkey: Myself, just because I've seen people change around me for certain people or certain situations. I'll always be me and nobody will change that.

Xuf: What would you most likely become famous for?
Lowkey: Probably nothing honestly, not something I'm interested in either.
Xuf: In what situation or place would you feel the most out of place in?
Lowkey: feel comfortable in any situation really, I love talking to people and meeting new people whenever I can. So It's pretty hard to make me feel out of place.

XufWhat dumb accomplishments are you most proud of?


Lowkey: I won a spelling bee back in middle school. Probably my proudest childhood moment, my mom was so proud of me for an entire year (I'm no longer that smart btw)

Thanks Lowkey for the interview! Great answers to those questions!




Have any interview questions you would like to ask any of the staff members?

Don't hesitate to send me a private message via forums/discord and I'll include them in next edition along with the answers from that staff member!





The MOTM poll has concluded and here are the final results received from the community.

The 3 top winners have been picked and the final voting has taken place among the staff team.



The very final winner of January MOTM is....


OsRs Tyler


Congratulations @OsRs Tyler! You have stood out for one in the eye of the community as well as in the eye of the staff team. Thank you for being a great member here at Alora.  :)

Contact Lowkey for your 3 bonds prize in-game, and your Forum Awards will be active shortly.


Stay tuned till the next month when the next voting takes place!



The February Community awards are happening now!

Visit this link to vote for your favorites;



Voting ends on 24th of February. Good luck to everybody!




That concludes the end of this newspaper! If you have any feedback/suggestions, don't hesitate to comment / contact me!

Read the last Newspaper HERE!

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Posted 20 February 2018 - 10:52 PM #2

Another Cow

Another Cow
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The staff updates portion of the newspaper is massive. Good work @Xuf :)

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Posted 20 February 2018 - 10:52 PM #3


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Good post mate, the barrage update & the staff interviews were on point.



  Shoutout @Shack for Signature - Holla for GFX (IRL Cash or IG)

Classic - Jay Critch

Normie - Patnado

Normie Pure - Dan Wesson

Feel free to PM for help whenever I'm Active :blind:


Posted 20 February 2018 - 11:55 PM #4

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great read. loved the interview part. grats on everyone whos been apart of this community to have it where it is now. Great update overall and great newspaper, keep it up

MHWjHlu.png                                   When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.

                                                                                                                                   Jean-Paul Satre

Posted 21 February 2018 - 02:40 AM #5


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Looking good. Entertaining to read and looking forward to the next one.

Posted 21 February 2018 - 03:37 AM #6

Austin Post

Austin Post

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Great edition, enjoyed reading Pkdealer's interview very much. Good job on this, Xuf! I'm assuming you'll be doing these all the time now?

Posted 21 February 2018 - 04:49 AM #7


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A nice read, as always. Goodluck with the future editions of the newspaper!

The darkest night makes for the brightest stars.

Posted 21 February 2018 - 05:20 AM #8


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too much to read but gj

Posted 21 February 2018 - 07:37 PM #9

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Congrats to all promoted! Also lots of work on updates! Splendid!

Posted 22 February 2018 - 12:50 AM #10


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Was a great read, good job on it!







Posted 22 February 2018 - 01:03 AM #11


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Thanks everyone for all the feedback!

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Posted 23 February 2018 - 01:50 PM #12


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Nice to read posts like this. Good stuff.





Posted 23 February 2018 - 02:14 PM #13


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That was one hell of a read...

Fantastic newspaper thouogh, some good updates :)

Posted 25 February 2018 - 10:26 AM #14


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Very nice updates and congrats to all staff promoted. Never seen a server newspaper before great idea to see all the latest and greatest happening around the world of Alora.

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