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Skillcape Perks [In-Depth]

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Posted 13 February 2018 - 06:22 PM #1

Team Mystic

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Firstly I would like to clear things up. Yes, I am fully aware that there has been suggestions in the past for Skillcape Perks, some of which have even "passed". What I did not find was an actual in-depth suggestion for said perks. So what I've done is made a complete list of all 23 skillcapes and the perks that I believe would be best suited for aforementioned skillcapes. As it stands right now, Skillcapes are useless and I believe each cape should have a niche use where it could potentially be picked over simply defaulting to a firecape/inferno cape.



Before Reading:


​I fully understand that this is a private server and that in no way are we trying to fully emulate Runescape. Some of the Skillcape perks on OSRS would either be "Too Overpowered" or just wouldn't make any sense if added to Alora. This is why I have "tweaked" or "changed" a number of skillcape perks to better accommodate the current state of this server. Remember, these are simply the suggestions of one person and should be read with that in mind. 


If you have any suggestions to add, or something you do not agree with in the list below, please feel free to leave a comment as I will be open to all criticism.




​​Starting with combat:



Attack Cape


On OSRS when the attack cape is equipped, it negates the need for warrior guild tokens when accessing the basement and second floor. I feel as though this is a fair perk and not too overpowered. (Maybe you guys disagree).


Strength Cape


I think strength cape should give slightly more combat bonuses than it currently does. Currently Skillcapes give;

No attack bonuses

No strength bonus

+9 in all defense bonuses

+4 Prayer bonus


My suggestion is give the Strength Cape +2 in strength bonus and leave the rest of the bonuses alone. This would still leave the Firecape stronger and easily the better option (With +1 in all attack bonuses, +11 in all defensive bonuses as well as +4 in strength) while giving the strength cape a purpose beyond fashionscape.


Defence Cape


Already has a perk.


Magic Cape


This one was slightly more difficult to think of a balanced perk that would actually be useful, but not too overpowered. As someone said in a previous thread about Skillcape Perks, giving the Magic Cape "spellbook swaps" could change the meta of pking, or at the very least have an impact on it. Simply taking away the option to "spellbook swap" outside of the wilderness doesn't make much sense either as changing spellbooks is already quick and very simple. So my suggestion would be to give the Magic Cape a 5%-10% change to negate the cost of runes for the spell that you're casting. The value% can be tweaked depending on what the community feels is reasonable.


Ranged Cape


Already has a perk.


Hitpoints Cape


I think that giving the Hitpoints Cape the ability heal your hitpoints 2x as fast as in OSRS is not overpowered (2 HP per minute as opposed to 1 HP per minute). This of course would NOT stack with the Rapid Heal prayer. 


Prayer Cape


My suggestion for the Prayer Cape would be to negate the use of prayer points by 15% when worn. This would not be enough to make it worth using in PVP situations and would almost surely not be enough to make it worth using even in most bossing situations where you would want to choose higher dps > longer lasting prayer. This perk would more than likely only ever be useful when doing non-boss slayer tasks. If the community feels as though 15% isn't enough to make the cape worth using, it could potentially be higher (possibly 20%-25%).






Agility Cape


Make the Agility Cape grant 25% slower stamina drain while equipped and running. 


Mining Cape


I would suggest giving the Mining Cape a slight chance of receiving double ore. I think 5%-10% is a fair chance as you don't want it to be too high, nor too low as there are few reasons to continue mining post 99.


Smithing Cape


I believe giving the Smithing cape the ability to have a 5%-10% chance to negate the use of a steel bar when making cannon balls would be a fair perk. 


Herblore Cape


Give the Herblore Cape the slight chance to make a (4) dose potion when doing Herblore with the cape equipped. This chance could range anywhere from 15%-25% without being considered overpowered. 


Fishing Cape


My suggestion for the Fishing Cape would be to give the player a small chance at catching 2x fish per catch while equipped. The rate at which this would be active is still undecided as I wasn't sure what would be a fair rate. Let me know down below.


Cooking Cape


Already has a perk.


Thieving Cape


Give the person equipping the thieving cape the ability to sell the stall goods to Ali Morrisane for slightly more. It could be roughly anywhere from 10%-20% without it being overpowered in my personal opinion. 


Crafting Cape


What I would suggest for the crafting cape would be to remove the need for moulds while making jewelry. It's not exactly the most amazing perk, but it would allow you to get rid of some junk from your bank as well as not having to track down a mould every time you want to make a piece of jewelry.


Woodcutting Cape


I would say that giving the woodcutting cape the same perk as on OSRS (10%-15% boosted chance of finding birds nests while equipped) would not be too overpowered. 


*Firemaking Cape​*


This was a somewhat difficult cape to think of a useful perk for. After some thought the only perk I could think of would be to add a slight bonus to experience in firemaking when the cape is equipped. This would only be useful to people going for post 99 experience. Like I stated, a perk for the firemaking cape stumped me and I had a hard time thinking of another reasonable perk that would make sense to go with this cape. If you have any suggestions, please feel free to post them below.


*Fletching Cape*


The fletching cape was another one of those capes that I found difficult to come up with a reasonable perk for. The OSRS perk for fletching cape (Searching the cape for a mithril grapple and bronze cbow up to 3 times a day) wouldn't make sense on Alora due to the fact that you do not require those items on here. So my suggestion for the fletching cape would be to (similar to firemaking) give it a slight exp boost to its respective skill when equipped. Again, this would only be useful to people going for post 99 exp in the skill. If you have any suggestions for the fletching cape, please feel free to post them below.



Runecrafting Cape


My suggestion for the runecrafting cape would be to give it a 50% chance to craft double the runes. At first glance that might sound completely overpowered but let's be honest, RC is a pain in the ass and the only reason people do it past 99 is either for the pet or because they're ironmen. I don't believe giving it a 50% chance at double runes would make it some sort of new money making meta or anything of that nature. However, if you do believe that 50% is too generous, please feel free to let me know below what you think would be more appropriate.


Slayer Cape


Give the slayer cape the ability to act as a Ring of Wealth when killing monsters on task. The ring of wealth is extremely cheap, but this would save you from having to swap out a BiS ring for a wealth when you are on task. The ring's effect only occurs when the rare drop table is rolled; it has no effect on the likelihood of rolling the rare drop table so I feel that this would not be overpowered.


Farming cape


I'm stuck between two ideas for the farming cape perk. My first would be to give it a 5%-10% increased yield from herb patches similar to the perk on OSRS. My second idea would be to automatically note the herbs that you're harvesting. I think people would be more in favour of the first idea so I'll leave that to you guys to discuss below.


Hunter Cape


Again, with hunter I've become stuck between two ideas and I will let you guys decide which you think would be better for the game. The first idea would be to give a small chance at catching double chins. It would have to be a relatively small chance because you wouldn't want it to be so much that the price of chins drop drastically or the economy gets flooded with chins. I think something like 5% chance per chin caught is fair, possibly even less. My second idea for the hunter cape perk would be when doing puro puro, give a slight chance to keep the imp you're currently opening. For example; if you catch a dragon imp and open it, there is a (rough numbers) 1%-2.5% that you will get the loot and keep the imp as well to be opened again.


Construction Cape


My suggestion for the construction cape is simple, give it the ability to teleport to your POH. 




​Max Cape


​Max Cape would give the benefits of all of the combat perks above UNLESS you add another cape to it for example; Inferno cape.

When combined, the max cape will lose its perks, making it merely a cosmetic enhancement to the original item (ex. Inferno cape)




Before commenting below:

Please remember that these are simply ideas from myself, these are not a reflection of what other people would like to see and for that reason I encourage you to read through all of the suggestions and give your opinion below on what you think would work, and would not work followed by your reasoning. I would LOVE to get feedback on this, whether it's negative or positive because I fully understand that these suggestions are by no means perfect and I know for a fact that I did not "nail" every suggestion. 

Do not feel like I will instantly shut your ideas down because I think "mine are better" because this is not the case, if you have a good idea I want to hear it, and I would be more than happy to edit any of my ideas and replace them with better ideas. I want to hear what the community thinks because the most important thing is the longevity of Alora.



* - Means I could not think of anything good for that skill perk so I copped out and just gave it a post 99 bonus experience perk.




Thank-you for reading and I look forward to reading your replies.

Posted 13 February 2018 - 06:38 PM #2


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All perks should be the same as 07 , this is a 07 based server afterall

Posted 13 February 2018 - 06:40 PM #3


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I was under the impression that skillcape perks already are active, as I use cooking cape all the time not to burn mantas.  B)

Posted 13 February 2018 - 06:59 PM #4

Team Mystic

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All perks should be the same as 07 , this is a 07 based server afterall


I agree, however there are some perks that wouldn't make sense on Alora such as;


Strength Cape - Unlimited teleports to the Warriors' Guild.
Prayer Cape - Act as if you are carrying a holy wrench.
Crafting Cape - Unlimited teleports to the Crafting Guild.
Fishing Cape - Unlimited fishing guild teleports.
Firemaking Cape - Acts as a lightsource.


To name a few. I think there should still be perks for these capes, they just need to be tweaked a bit and figure out what is reasonable and not overpowered while still having that niche use.

I was under the impression that skillcape perks already are active, as I use cooking cape all the time not to burn mantas.  B)


I believe some of them may be, but there are quite a few that have no perks.

Posted 13 February 2018 - 09:41 PM #5

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Defence cape and the Range cape already have the perks listed. I believe agility has a similar perk that reduces weight or something. The smithing cape i don't like the idea much would get rid of the importance of slayer points for buying ammo mound and cannon balls. Cooking cape has less chance to burn when cooking and when you combine it with cooking gauntlets it increases that chance. 


Support all the rest of the suggestions except for the Max Cape i believe it should only hold the perks of the Combat capes, none of the rest.

Posted 13 February 2018 - 10:44 PM #6

Team Mystic

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Defence cape and the Range cape already have the perks listed. I believe agility has a similar perk that reduces weight or something. The smithing cape i don't like the idea much would get rid of the importance of slayer points for buying ammo mound and cannon balls. Cooking cape has less chance to burn when cooking and when you combine it with cooking gauntlets it increases that chance. 


Support all the rest of the suggestions except for the Max Cape i believe it should only hold the perks of the Combat capes, none of the rest.


Thank you for taking the time to read this and respond.

I have edited the post to show that Defence cape and Range cape have already got the perks.

I'm going to do a little bit of research into the agility cape and if that's the case then I will edit that one as well.

The smithing cape suggestion was an accident on my end due to overlooking how many slayer points the cannon ball mould actually cost. I have changed it to something more reasonable.

I have also reworked the Max Cape suggestion to giving it all of the Combat Cape perks as opposed to all of them in general as that does seem to make more sense at this time.

Thanks again for reading and sharing your thoughts.

Posted 24 February 2018 - 11:28 AM #7

Austin Post

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This is one feature I'm quite surprised that is yet to be in Alora. I would love to finally see skill cape perks here, however, I do agree with Terrorist's statement. I don't mind the irrelvant ones having a little change to them though, such as the Fishing skill cape giving you unlimited teleports to the Fishing Guild - that can be changed. 

Posted 24 February 2018 - 12:57 PM #8


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I think I suggested this a while ago :D 100% Support.

All perks should be the same as 07 , this is a 07 based server afterall

I understand wanting to keep it OSRS based but, like Mystic said, some of the perks are more useful on OSRS than they would be on Alora. Also, some could be a bit too overpowered on Alora while balanced on OSRS.


Posted 25 February 2018 - 11:33 AM #9

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Completely agree 100% skillcape perks should be exactly the same as OSRS.

Posted 26 March 2018 - 03:36 PM #10

Another Cow

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This suggestion is already on the 'Current Suggested Topics' list which can be found here - http://www.alora.io/...ggested-topics/

Your suggestion has been declined, if you feel this was wrongfully done please contact a Forum Moderator+.

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