Name: Tyanx
Discord: Tydus #3287
Time zone: GMT +1
Account type: Normal
Reason for joining:
I have begun playing on Alora not too long ago. I really enjoy the server and it's community and so I would like to expand my horizons. Naturally the best way to enjoy an MMORPG is with others. And that is one of the core reason for why I would like to join. I have taken an interest in your clan and have observed you from the sidelines. You all seem to be active and if nothing else, it is a place to meet friends. But as far as I know, bossing and all sorts of content are commonplace in your clan, and thus it only add's even more appeal. I do hope I qualify.
I might not have 3 days ingame play time just yet, but I am just shy of 1900 total and I am a serious individual. I intend to stay in Alora for a long time to come. It would be nice if my stay was marked with you all by my side. And thus I hope you would offer me a chance.
If you have any questions about me, then go ahead and ask. I am an open book! Hit me up ingame, discord or the forums!