Name: iron - iron strawbz normal - my big cock
Discord: DarkmageRB#0640
Play time: and 14 days on my normal
Time zone: GMT
Account type: stated above
Reason for joining / Recruited by: morgen convinced me this is the clan to join im so ready to pvm and pvp !
i look forward to meeting everyone 
Accepted! Welcome to Dynasty. :)
I will message you via forums pm a link to our discord. When you join, please say your ign so we know who you are. Enjoy your stay with us!!
Name: Weasy
Discord: Weasy
Play Time: 9 days, 2 hours 2 minutes
Time zone: US Central
Account type: Regular
Reason for joining / Recruited by: I saw this clan on the server through the ::yell. I reall want to join because i quit a while ago, but i was with another clan and it fell apart. I think this clan would be really fun and nice for me. Im looking for an active clan that does all sorts of things across alora. I am a Maxed account.
Accepted! Application sounds great to me, we do everything across Alora! Welcome to Dynasty. :)
I will message you via forums pm a link to our discord. When you join, Please say your ign so we know who you are. Enjoy your stay with us!!