Name: Left4blaadje
Discord: Left4Blaadje #5735
Play time: 13 days
Time zone: +1 UTC
Account type: normie
Reason for joining: to have some fun and for the pvm/pk events
Accepted! Welcome to Dynasty.
I will pm you the discord link. When you join Discord, Please say your in-game name
so we know who you are and can note it. Also, Please take a look at the #rules channel.
Discord: Pacino #3102
Play time:
Time zone: UK
Account type: Normie
Reason for joining: Recommended by members. Enjoy pvm pvp events etc :)
Accepted! Welcome to Dynasty.
I will pm you the discord link. When you join Discord, Please say your in-game name
so we know who you are and can note it. Also, Please take a look at the #rules channel.
Name: Sweeden
Discord: Sweeden#4849
Playtime: 2 days, 18 hrs.
Timezone: UTC+2
Account: Normal
My reason to join is cause Shamrock told me, and we both like to pk. And always fun to meet new people and play in group.
Accepted! Welcome to Dynasty.
I will pm you the discord link. When you join Discord, Please say your in-game name
so we know who you are and can note it. Also, Please take a look at the #rules channel.
Name: Oak
Discord: nop#0001
Play time: 
Time zone: Central
Account type: Normal
Reason for joining: Just cam back and saw CC being advertised, so I thought I would join.
Accepted! Welcome to Dynasty.
I will pm you the discord link. When you join Discord, Please say your in-game name
so we know who you are and can note it. Also, Please take a look at the #rules channel.
Discord: Pacino #3102
Play time:
Time zone: UK
Account type: Normie
Reason for joining: Recommended by members. Enjoy pvm pvp events etc :)
PM me on here... Can't seem to go to your page.