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Hey Alorians!
I'd love to see a side-board that displays 'Today's Birthdays' I wonder who's birthday it is today?! Mine
I think that would be kind of cool. There's other stuff to put there like high scores) but I'd still enjoy having something like birthdays there :)
I'm personally not a fan. Don't really see room for it and just not one of the more professional things I'd expect on forums. Guess there wouldn't be harm in it.
This would be a nice little feature to have here on the forum. Can see whose birthday it is and wish them a happy birthday on their profile feed.
I would rather this be located at the bottom of the forum, rather than the side of the forum though - like on vBulletin.
Credit to Dumbshit for the great signature :)
Was just thinking of this, 100% support and I'll try to ask Omi directly.
I'd like that to,
But wouldn't people just start changing their birthdays or start making a ton of accounts for attention?
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