I just wanna say I think what Omicron does is great, like what other rsps strives so hard as this one to come up with good new stuff ? Not one.
This guy had first raids, then the new kiln (idk the actual name) new jad waves there, now dragon slayer 2 on which he is working and lots of other stuff I mean damn this is good stuff omicron
Somebody give this guy a medal
Praised be omicron
I luhh you papi chulo
pls love me @Omicron i never had a real dad therefor you are
And also many other rsps are promising shit and they let you wait for it for ages when omicron says hey boys im doing the runite dragon stuff I believe him 100% and the delivery is fast
thanks omi da homie im not joking this guy is great im saying stupid stuff inbetween but this is a real homage duud