Welcome to my Dragon Slayer II Guide.
Today, @Omicron released Dragon Slayer II along with the new Boss, Vorkath.
Note that this is NOT a Vorkath guide. You can read my Vorkath guide here: Vorkath Guide
1. Quest Requirements

2. Gear
In addition, you will need some gear to kill Rune dragons in the Myth's guild. You won't need this until the 2nd to last part of the quest. Here are some setups you can use for this:
In addition, you will need some gear to kill Rune dragons in the Myth's guild. You won't need this until the 2nd to last part of the quest. Here are some setups you can use for this:
Melee Setup
The weapon slot can be substituted with whatever your BIS is. Note, though, that dragons are weak to Stab.
Mage Setup
This is the setup I used because Dragons are very weak to Mage and you don't have to worry about getting Melee'd. A trident is ideal in this setup.
Range Setup
Dragons are not "weak" to Range, but with decent gear it works just as well as the other two setups.
3. Walk-through
1). Talk to Glen, located North-East of the Edgeville Bank.

2). He will tell you that he is looking for his brother, located at the Mage Bank. Use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to the Mage Bank. Don't worry, it's not in the PVP area.

3). Talk to the Tower Mage, located just east of the lever.

4). He will first warn you of the dangers Zorgoth poses, but being the badass that you are, you tell him you aren’t afraid. He will then tell you to return to his brother (Glen from Step 1) for more information on Zorgoth. Teleport Home and talk to Glen.
5). Glen will tell you to find a book located in the Wise Old Man's library in Draynor Village. Either use the Teleport Wizard or an Amulet of Glory to go to Draynor Village. Run slightly West and The Wise Old Man is located in the first Northern building. Talk to The Wise Old Man.

6). The Wise Old Man will give you a book about Zorgoth. Open it and close it, and your character will automatically continue the conversation. He will then tell you that he needs you to collect 4 pieces to a key which he can enchant. He will also tell you the first piece of the key is held by King Narode Shareen.
7). Teleport Home, then use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to the Gnome Agility Course. Once there, run directly North.

8). Talk to King Narode Sheeran, and he will give you his piece of the key once you remind him of your bravery during the Monkey Madness quest.

9). Return to The Wise Old Man and talk to him (refer to Step 5 for how to get to him). He will tell you where the next piece of the key is located, which is the Oneiromancer from the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
10). Teleport Home and talk to the Oneiromancer, located just South-West of the Edgeville Bank. She will already know what is going on due to the Dream monsters being restless for the first time since you defeated them. She will willingly give you her piece of the key.

11). Return to The Wise Old Man and talk to him (refer to Step 5 for how to get to him). He will tell you where the next piece of the key is located, which is the Gypsy from the Recipe for Disaster quest.
12). Teleport to ::Thieve and talk to Aris. She will tell you that her piece of the key is "Shimmering" and hand it to you quickly.
13). Return to The Wise Old Man and talk to him (refer to Step 5 for how to get to him). He will tell you where the final piece of the key is, which is Jossik from the Horror From The Deep quest.
14). Teleport Home, then use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to Rock Crabs, then run directly West until you reach Jossik.
~ Note you may wish to bring a weapon to fight off Rock Crabs in case they attack you and interrupt the conversation with Jossik. ~

15). Talk to Jossik. He will tell you that he lost his key while fighting Adamant and Rune dragons in the Myth's Guild. He will then tell you to go there and talk to Freja about killing the dragons in order to retrieve it. When he offers to teleport you to the guild, say no as it is time to gear up!
16). Teleport Home and go to the bank and gear up. Refer to Section 2 for recommended gear setups.
17). Once you are geared up, use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to the Myth's Guild. Once there, pass the barrier to the South and talk to Freja.

18). She will tell you that Jossik has had problems killing the dragons and will tell you how to defeat them. Once the conversation is over, click on the statue in the center of the circle Freja stands in and select the 2nd option to teleport to the dragons.

19). Run slightly North and pass one of the barriers (Western is Adamant dragons, Eastern is Rune dragons). Kill dragons until you receive the last piece of the key as a drop.

20). Teleport Home and get all of the pieces of the key out of your bank. Use two of the pieces together and you will make the key.
21). Return to The Wise Old Man and talk to him (refer to Step 5 for how to get to him). You will hand him the key and he will enchant it, turning it into a locator. He will then offer to teleport you to the boss. Say no and teleport Home to gear up for the fight against Vorkath.
22). Once you are geared and ready, use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to Vorkath. Run North and climb over the wall, then click on Vorkath to begin the fight. Once you have killed Vorkath, the quest will automatically be completed.
You can read my Vorkath guide here.

1). Talk to Glen, located North-East of the Edgeville Bank.

2). He will tell you that he is looking for his brother, located at the Mage Bank. Use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to the Mage Bank. Don't worry, it's not in the PVP area.

3). Talk to the Tower Mage, located just east of the lever.

4). He will first warn you of the dangers Zorgoth poses, but being the badass that you are, you tell him you aren’t afraid. He will then tell you to return to his brother (Glen from Step 1) for more information on Zorgoth. Teleport Home and talk to Glen.
5). Glen will tell you to find a book located in the Wise Old Man's library in Draynor Village. Either use the Teleport Wizard or an Amulet of Glory to go to Draynor Village. Run slightly West and The Wise Old Man is located in the first Northern building. Talk to The Wise Old Man.

6). The Wise Old Man will give you a book about Zorgoth. Open it and close it, and your character will automatically continue the conversation. He will then tell you that he needs you to collect 4 pieces to a key which he can enchant. He will also tell you the first piece of the key is held by King Narode Shareen.
7). Teleport Home, then use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to the Gnome Agility Course. Once there, run directly North.

8). Talk to King Narode Sheeran, and he will give you his piece of the key once you remind him of your bravery during the Monkey Madness quest.

9). Return to The Wise Old Man and talk to him (refer to Step 5 for how to get to him). He will tell you where the next piece of the key is located, which is the Oneiromancer from the Lunar Diplomacy quest.
10). Teleport Home and talk to the Oneiromancer, located just South-West of the Edgeville Bank. She will already know what is going on due to the Dream monsters being restless for the first time since you defeated them. She will willingly give you her piece of the key.

11). Return to The Wise Old Man and talk to him (refer to Step 5 for how to get to him). He will tell you where the next piece of the key is located, which is the Gypsy from the Recipe for Disaster quest.
12). Teleport to ::Thieve and talk to Aris. She will tell you that her piece of the key is "Shimmering" and hand it to you quickly.
13). Return to The Wise Old Man and talk to him (refer to Step 5 for how to get to him). He will tell you where the final piece of the key is, which is Jossik from the Horror From The Deep quest.
14). Teleport Home, then use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to Rock Crabs, then run directly West until you reach Jossik.
~ Note you may wish to bring a weapon to fight off Rock Crabs in case they attack you and interrupt the conversation with Jossik. ~

15). Talk to Jossik. He will tell you that he lost his key while fighting Adamant and Rune dragons in the Myth's Guild. He will then tell you to go there and talk to Freja about killing the dragons in order to retrieve it. When he offers to teleport you to the guild, say no as it is time to gear up!
16). Teleport Home and go to the bank and gear up. Refer to Section 2 for recommended gear setups.
17). Once you are geared up, use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to the Myth's Guild. Once there, pass the barrier to the South and talk to Freja.

18). She will tell you that Jossik has had problems killing the dragons and will tell you how to defeat them. Once the conversation is over, click on the statue in the center of the circle Freja stands in and select the 2nd option to teleport to the dragons.

19). Run slightly North and pass one of the barriers (Western is Adamant dragons, Eastern is Rune dragons). Kill dragons until you receive the last piece of the key as a drop.

20). Teleport Home and get all of the pieces of the key out of your bank. Use two of the pieces together and you will make the key.
21). Return to The Wise Old Man and talk to him (refer to Step 5 for how to get to him). You will hand him the key and he will enchant it, turning it into a locator. He will then offer to teleport you to the boss. Say no and teleport Home to gear up for the fight against Vorkath.
22). Once you are geared and ready, use the Teleport Wizard to teleport to Vorkath. Run North and climb over the wall, then click on Vorkath to begin the fight. Once you have killed Vorkath, the quest will automatically be completed.
You can read my Vorkath guide here.

Thank you for taking the time to read my guide! :)
Positive feedback and constructive criticism are highly appreciated.