Hey guys, A new hero is back again! I pitched an idea the community seemed to like about doing out of the box challenges. And it got me thinking, what if we could add into the game the ability to see (whether it's mods+ only who could see, or globally available) what was the lowest level account that killed bosses.
This idea stems from me being a competitive player, and loving to push myself to achieve new things. i think it would be fun to be able to say "i managed to beat zulrah at level 15" and have my name somewhere showing it was killed by xxx at level xx. And of course, i'd love to see other players push the limit and see what crazy off the wall stuff people were able to achieve!
maybe it's just a stupid idea? but I'd like to think there's others out there who wouldn't mind trying to push a few envelopes of 'what's possible' and get them name on a hall of fame (how ever temporary that name may be there ).