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January Suggestions [30/01/2018]

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 12:21 PM #1


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So it's been a couple weeks or so since I posted a suggestion thread, and as some things have been brought to my attention I think it's time for another thread. Sit back and enjoy this read of a bunch of small suggestions whilst listening to this song.


Credits to Elvemage jr for some suggestions!






Player Look-up

I think it would be cool to have a right-click option added to players called "Look up" or "Search". This would either redirect the user to X's highscore page or to X's profile on the Forums. This additional option would make it easier and quicker to view the stats of other players in the game.



Teleport Cooldowns (Wilderness)

I think there should be a cooldown with teleporting into the wilderness. There should be something like a 90 second restriction when teleporting anywhere in the wilderness. This is to prevent ragging (to an extent).



Attack Requirement (Wilderness)

It should be made so players in the wilderness need to have either at least three items or must be risking above X amount of money in order to attack other players. This could also prevent ragging to an certain extent.



Teleport Wizard

As of right now, there's only one Teleport Wizard in Alora and that at home (Edgeville). I think there should be an additional wizard at the donator zone(s).



Daily Tasks

I think it would be a good idea to introduce daily tasks. There would be a reward (either loyalty points or even coins) for completing X task. This could potentially increase the activity in whatever field it may concern. For example, if the daily task were to be "Kill 20 bosses" there would be an increase in PvMing. The same goes for PKing, if the daily task were to be "Kill 5 players" then perhaps the wilderness would gain more attention.



Lottery Bot

This is something that I've suggested in the past as I thought it was a good idea, however it has never been addressed. I think there should be a Lottery Bot NPC/Booth. This could potentially be a good money sink as 10% of the money donated could get emptied and the other 90% will go to a randomly selected winner. It's pretty self explanatory so I won't talk about this further.



Yell Announcements

Sometimes yell doesn't announce things that should be announced. For example, upon achieving 99 Hunter no one is informed as yell doesn't address this via an announcement. In addition to this, yell should announce anything that's worth mentioning (e.g. completing 100% of the achievement diary).



Hard Tasks

As of right now, there are only Easy and Medium tasks. We don't necessarily need to add additional tasks but I think it would be worth adding a "Hard" list and moving some tasks over to that. There are some tasks that could be considered as hard but are listed under Medium.



Duel Arena

There are a couple of thing that I'd like to address with this. It's quite broken and can get very annoying.

  • The "Load" and "Save" presets should work
  • The "Load last duel" option should work
  • When toggling the rules, if both players are spamming 'em it'll bug out
  • The forfeit trap door doesn't work (or at least one of them, I don't know maybe it just bugs out sometimes)




When attempting to perform an action whilst resting, it'll bug out. An example of this would be trying to accept a trade whilst resting. The trade screen will show up on the other person's side but not yours.



Bonus Skill

Upon clicking on "Bonus skill" in the game panel, I think an interface should pop up that shows the schedule of bonus skills. This is pretty self explanatory and I think it would be beneficial as it would stop players from asking around or looking on the Forums.



XP Counter

There's only a small section of the XP counter button that toggles your total experience, the majority of the button's area makes you look north. I'm sure this is a known issue.



Construction House Viewer

As Endeavor has suggested, I think it would be cool to implement this into Alora. This copypasta is from a RuneScape Forums Post.




Thanks for reading,


Flowers .

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 12:33 PM #2

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I definently agree with almost every single one of those except with the teleport cooldown.... imagine yourself dying to kbd for example..i don't want to wait 90 seconds to go back and loot stuff my back.



But for the rest... 100% support lovely ideas.

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 12:43 PM #3


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I agree with all of the above and would like to see them implemented, great work @ Flowers



Credit to Dumbshit for the great signature :)

Posted 30 January 2018 - 12:57 PM #4

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The player look-up feature would be very nice - that's a feature from the OSBuddy client, right? Would love daily tasks to be in Alora as well. Always enjoyed doing them upon logging in for the first time of the day on RuneScape Private Servers. All great suggestions, which I would love to see in-game. Thanks for sharing, Flowers and Elvemage Jr.!

Posted 30 January 2018 - 01:32 PM #5

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All of these sound like fantastic suggestions. What's wrong with using ;;hs "name" to look someone up? ^_^

[url=""%20title="External%20link"]Posted Image[/url]

Posted 30 January 2018 - 01:49 PM #6


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what about skillcape perks?

like cons for ironmen instead of house tabs....

Posted 30 January 2018 - 02:07 PM #7


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Some great suggestions as always Jake! here are my thoughts on them:

Player Look-up

I like the idea of there being a :: command for this, I think adding this as a right click option will float the amound of right click option in the game and might seem confusing to new players.



Teleport Cooldowns (Wilderness)

Al thought I like how you are trying to find a solution to ragging, I don't feel like this would be it. Some methods for boss killing is by suiciding to them, this would also kill this method. 


Attack Requirement (Wilderness)

Ye sure, why noy


Teleport Wizard

If a teleport wizard is added to donator zone, most people will start using donator zone as a new home. This would make the actual home feel kind of empty. This can have a really bad impact on new players which could prevent them from joining all together.



Daily Tasks




Lottery Bot

Seeing as how big off a succes lotterys hosted by the staff have been in the past, support!



Yell Announcements

Bug fixes and newly added announcements like comp cape, support.



Hard Tasks




Duel Arena








Bonus Skill




XP Counter




Construction House Viewer




Thanks for the great suggestions!

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Posted 30 January 2018 - 02:39 PM #8

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Support to everything except the teleport cooldown.


Posted 30 January 2018 - 05:06 PM #9

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No Support : Player Look-up.
I think the highscores / forums commands are just fine the way they are at this moment.

Support : Teleport Cooldowns (Wilderness).
This would be an amazing fix for pvmers that have to walk to KBD, or for those who want to pick up some items on death.

No Support : Attack Requirement (Wilderness).
I don’t think this would be beneficial, players will find loopholes to this “Fix”

Support : Teleport Wizard.
Simple support, I can’t think of any reason to not support it.

Support : Daily Tasks.
This would be a nice addition to the already awesome Alora content.

No Support : Lottery Bot.
I love the gambling system on alora in its current state. I think it would be a cliché to add this feature.

No Support : Yell Announcements.
To be fair, I’m not a big fan about the Yell Announcements.
I think it should be nerfed, Turn off global announcements for 99’s and drops under 10m.
I’d rather see a Global Announcement for a maxed player.

Support : Hard Tasks.
Yeah, Some should be loved, as they can get quite ’tedious’ to complete.
I would also love to see a vew more tasks in general.

Support : Duel Arena.
Should be an easy fix I guess!

Support : Resting.
I think this ‘suggestion’ would have a better fit in the bug report section.

Support : Bonus Skill.
This should be an easy fix, also very beneficial for those who don’t know the topic id.

Support : XP Counter.
I think this ‘suggestion’ would also have a better fit in the bug report section

Neutral : Construction House Viewer.
I’d support this if this woudn’t take more then 15 mintutes to add.
I don’t think it would be used a lot, because there is only a small group of players with a high tier house.

Great list of suggestions Flowers , I hope some will make it!


Posted 30 January 2018 - 07:18 PM #10


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lottery bot would be rigged so nthx support rest

Posted 31 January 2018 - 05:33 AM #11

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Your monthly suggestion lists are literally the bomb @ Flowers


I've made a suggestion for Lottery bot years ago, it'd indeed be a great moneysink & fun to try your luck in it. Support on the minor fixes too.

Posted 31 January 2018 - 05:52 AM #12


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So it's been a couple weeks or so since I posted a suggestion thread, and as some things have been brought to my attention I think it's time for another thread. Sit back and enjoy this read of a bunch of small suggestions whilst listening to this song.


Credits to Elvemage jr for some suggestions!






Player Look-up

I think it would be cool to have a right-click option added to players called "Look up" or "Search". This would either redirect the user to X's highscore page or to X's profile on the Forums. This additional option would make it easier and quicker to view the stats of other players in the game.



Teleport Cooldowns (Wilderness)

I think there should be a cooldown with teleporting into the wilderness. There should be something like a 90 second restriction when teleporting anywhere in the wilderness. This is to prevent ragging (to an extent).



Attack Requirement (Wilderness)

It should be made so players in the wilderness need to have either at least three items or must be risking above X amount of money in order to attack other players. This could also prevent ragging to an certain extent.



Teleport Wizard

As of right now, there's only one Teleport Wizard in Alora and that at home (Edgeville). I think there should be an additional wizard at the donator zone(s).



Daily Tasks

I think it would be a good idea to introduce daily tasks. There would be a reward (either loyalty points or even coins) for completing X task. This could potentially increase the activity in whatever field it may concern. For example, if the daily task were to be "Kill 20 bosses" there would be an increase in PvMing. The same goes for PKing, if the daily task were to be "Kill 5 players" then perhaps the wilderness would gain more attention.



Lottery Bot

This is something that I've suggested in the past as I thought it was a good idea, however it has never been addressed. I think there should be a Lottery Bot NPC/Booth. This could potentially be a good money sink as 10% of the money donated could get emptied and the other 90% will go to a randomly selected winner. It's pretty self explanatory so I won't talk about this further.



Yell Announcements

Sometimes yell doesn't announce things that should be announced. For example, upon achieving 99 Hunter no one is informed as yell doesn't address this via an announcement. In addition to this, yell should announce anything that's worth mentioning (e.g. completing 100% of the achievement diary).



Hard Tasks

As of right now, there are only Easy and Medium tasks. We don't necessarily need to add additional tasks but I think it would be worth adding a "Hard" list and moving some tasks over to that. There are some tasks that could be considered as hard but are listed under Medium.



Duel Arena

There are a couple of thing that I'd like to address with this. It's quite broken and can get very annoying.

  • The "Load" and "Save" presets should work
  • The "Load last duel" option should work
  • When toggling the rules, if both players are spamming 'em it'll bug out
  • The forfeit trap door doesn't work (or at least one of them, I don't know maybe it just bugs out sometimes)




When attempting to perform an action whilst resting, it'll bug out. An example of this would be trying to accept a trade whilst resting. The trade screen will show up on the other person's side but not yours.



Bonus Skill

Upon clicking on "Bonus skill" in the game panel, I think an interface should pop up that shows the schedule of bonus skills. This is pretty self explanatory and I think it would be beneficial as it would stop players from asking around or looking on the Forums.



XP Counter

There's only a small section of the XP counter button that toggles your total experience, the majority of the button's area makes you look north. I'm sure this is a known issue.



Construction House Viewer

As Endeavor has suggested, I think it would be cool to implement this into Alora. This copypasta is from a RuneScape Forums Post.




Thanks for reading,


Flowers .

Great list of suggestions as always, my response to each:


1) Do people actually look up each other's stats on here? It's not like 07, and the majority of people are 126 combat. Seems like a waste of a spot.

2) I'd agree to a shorter teleport restriction to the same area. Perhaps 30 seconds between teleporting to black chins and then teleporting back to black chins. It wouldn't make sense to delay people from teleporting to say, Venenatis and then Vet'ion.

3) Could see this as a possibility.

4) Won't happen. Everything is consolidated in Edgeville so that it is seen as the "central hub" and newer players can see an active server. Putting a Wizard @ Donator Zone would reduce this.

5) I've played on plenty of servers with this, really no opinion.

6) Yell is already annoying enough with all the 99s and such, I'm against adding anything else.

7) Been suggested to add more achievements, agree.

8) Agreed.

9) More of a bug than a suggestion, I know what you mean though.

10) Could be added as a command, fine by me.

11) Yeah the hitbox is too big for the compass.

12) Construction actually needs finished before we can push out QOL updates like this.

Posted 31 January 2018 - 07:04 AM #13

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I've suggested almost every single one of these on your list, this is by far your best suggestions topic so far. Each topic you make usually has some rather intricate and highly descriptive and reaching suggestions, however this one is simple and to the point. 


I agree w/ pretty much all of them except for the teleport wilderness cooldown, and the wizard at the donor zone.


I agree we need methods of preventing people from ragging but I'm not sure the wilderness cooldown is the option (I too suggested the same thing in the past - a better solution is if a player dies x amount of times by the same player they enter a cooldown period where they can't attack said player unless they are attacked by them (annoying to code though and maybe not a good solution)). The wizard should remain at home for population reasons for new players (I get that people want it but I don't support it)


I'd rather the donors of the server be slightly inconvenienced and have thousands of new players stunned by the activity at home, largely due to the teleport wizard and tradepost.

Posted 02 February 2018 - 11:10 AM #14

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Hell Yeah a daily challange would Be awesome i support that one!!

Posted 02 February 2018 - 03:13 PM #15


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Teleport Cooldowns (Wilderness)

I think there should be a cooldown with teleporting into the wilderness. There should be something like a 90 second restriction when teleporting anywhere in the wilderness. This is to prevent ragging (to an extent).



Attack Requirement (Wilderness)

It should be made so players in the wilderness need to have either at least three items or must be risking above X amount of money in order to attack other players. This could also prevent ragging to an certain extent.

Both of these ideas are terrible imo. 

Tele cooldowns is terrible because as a member of a clan, the ancient spellbook teleports already don't work. leaving the ::grave ::wests ::easts commands and the TP wizard as the only option to teleport into the wilderness. If a clanmate is working a kill at chins & the victim is trying to run down to spiders/zombies to get a box, but I've already glory teleported home to bank & spec restore after dumping specs, I'm fucked because I have to now wait 80~ seconds to help my team secure that kill. The only place I've seen this implemented in a half good way is spawn PK servers where you can instantly gear with one click using presets, and even then it's usually for 30 seconds only after dying, not glory TP'ing out. If the ancient spellbook teleports were added as an alternative without a cooldown I'd support it, as the law runes are already a loss of an inventory space which could be a brew or an extra sanfew, but with the current system it's a no from me.


The three items idea isn't a bad one, but the having a base value to attack ANY players is a bad idea. I forsee that this idea could only hurt the pure community. Sure some pures could bring an ACB, Kodai, Occult, Fury, Mages Book, Elder Robes & Claws, but a pure of the same combat could bring a water staff, runes. rcb, a team cape, chaps, DDS & four potions. One risks upwards of 190m, the other risks maybe 100k. Even though the pure clanning scene is dead ATM on Alora, this update would ensure that it never returns due to the fact in PKRI's most pures are going to bring that second setup rather than the first. 

Ragging is already a bannable offense, even in multi. If someone is being ragged it's a simple video & a message to a Mod or an Admin and it's taken care of. I can't remember the last time I've seen someone running around naked with a ZGS or a crystal bow since it became a bannable offense in multi anyways. 

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 10:07 PM #16


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Player Look-up

This is something that has been added as a 3rd-party client feature and don't think it should be added to Alora.



Teleport Cooldowns (Wilderness)

There are not that many people in the Wilderness already, and I don't think this would benefit the PKers as well as the people who would for example finish a run at a wilderness boss.



Attack Requirement (Wilderness)

Players have to risk a certain amount to fight people in the wilderness. 



Teleport Wizard

This has been suggested and declined previously because it looks good to have a lot of players using home as their hub.



Daily Tasks

This has been previously suggested and added to the list.



Lottery Bot

This has been previously suggested and added to the list.


Yell Announcements

The Hunter part is more of a bug than a suggestion and will be reported, as for the Achievement part that has been previously suggested and added to the list.



Hard Tasks

There are Hard Tasks.



Duel Arena

All of these have been suggested and added to the list, but for the forfeit trap both of them work from when I have tested it.




This is more a bug than a suggestion. I will take a note of this.



Bonus Skill

This has been previously suggested and added to the list.


XP Counter

This is more a bug than a suggestion. I will take a note of this.


Construction House Viewer

This has been added to the game.

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