Hello ladies and gentlemen,
It has come to our attention that some users have been still getting hacked in the past weeks. This thread already have been done a few times but I believe it's time for another heads up to the new players.
The main reason of it happening is other RSPS that had their database compromised and now once again we're HIGHLY recommending users change their passwords to a UNIQUE one and enable 2FA if you haven't already, we encourage you to activate 2FA so you have the highest level of protection on your account. If your account is hacked there will be nothing we can do as we have offered you security for your account.
Do not click on any links people send to you via PM on forums offering rewards for finding bugs or anything else, just report to any staff member ASAP.
AND if you have any questions, don't hesitate to PM myself or any of our Staff Members that are online at the time OR make a thread in this section so we can help you further on it:
For players that don't know how to change their password, you can find it in your User CP settings.
Once you go on your settings, you go to 'Email & Password'. From there you can change your password, and your email if you wish to.
It's very important to the community spread the word in-game because is not everyone that use the forums.
The Alora Administration Team