thank you for viewing a suggestion thats been talked about by a few people.
group ironman mode?
a new game mode with the ability to choose up to 3 friends (4 people total) to join you embark on a new adventure in alora, all the normal ironman restrictions.
what to expect in the group ironman mode?
a very lot of fun competing with other group ironmen for the race to rank 1 high-scores or even just to race to show off your achievements.
a new highscores for group ironmen so the highscores main page be sorted by the groups total. so if the rank 1 team was 2 people both 2000 total, then the "Total Level" for that group would be 4000.
once you create your account and choose group ironman mode you will be prompted to join or create a clan chat which will be your group with a maximum of 4 people. your clan chat name will be your name on the high-scores.
your bank is still your own but a shared chest located somewhere in edgeville where you can share duplicated items or resources you no longer need from getting 99 stats.
experience rates would be x8 skilling x8 combat (can be discussed)
in your clan chat you have the ability to kick people from your group for whatever reason necessary, you have up to 2 weeks to decide on your team before its permanently locked and once you kick somebody you cannot get a 2nd, 3rd, 4th person in.
why would people in alora want this to happen?
it brings more challenges to alora, it would bring a very fun and exciting game mode even though ironman isnt for everybody. group ironman is something for everybody, those who hate the solo challenges, those who hate to solo pvm, solo skill. your friends will always be there wanting to put effort in to get your team to the top.
this thread is open to suggestions, so please feel free to comment what you think!
thanks @Flipper for the suggestion.
(i am aware of all the grammatical errors and will be working on them shortly)