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January Suggestions [14/01/2018]

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Posted 13 January 2018 - 09:15 PM #1


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I haven't made a suggestion thread in quite a while and as I've been active in-game recently I thought it'd be best to put that activity to some use and create something constructive. What better time to write a thread up than 3am. I've compiled a list of things that I'd like to see implemented in Alora, so please listen to one of my favourite songs right now whilst reading this thread.
Proceed with caution.
Gambling Activity
Gambling is typically a very important aspect of a server as it attracts a lot of attention and it's something that everyone loves in the RSPS community. The majority of popular servers have/had a very active gambling scene and it was one of the many reasons why players joined the server. On Alora, however, the gambling scene is very different. It's very inactive and frankly it's sad to see. Personally, I love gambling and I think it's a great attraction for players. Even though Alora doesn't really need more players, I think gambling needs a little focus to try and increase it's activity. I could only think of a couple of things to suggest to increase the scene's activity so if you guys have other things that you think will help please leave them in the comment section.
Firstly, I think the dice bag and mithril seeds should be made cheaper and purchasable from a shop (perhaps the Gambler NPC who roams the area for X amount of coins). This would ultimately mean that more people would gamble on the server, but there are most definitely both positives and negatives. I'll do my best to provide a list of the two.
  • The gambling scene activity would gradually increase
  • The revamp may attract more players, clans or content creators
  • This would lead to the creation of more gambling clans
  • Perhaps this could lead to more videos around the gambling scene being created
  • Those who have purchased the dice bag from the store may feel cheated out of their money/tokens. A solution to this could be to refund said player their tokens (for example)
  • As anyone would be able to use the dice bag it may lead to more scams on the server
Secondly, perhaps uTorrent, Scenery or any other member of staff could host more events around the gambling scene. I don't imagine that this would have a huge impact on the scene's activity but maybe a little bit as they'd be hosted more frequently.
Classic Title
This hurts my eyes. Please change the colour of this title over yell. This would make Flowers happy.
Staff Messages
I've reported this issue in the past more than once I believe but nothing has happened. When members of staff send you private messages in-game, they show in each option even though they should only appear "private" and "all". This may be intentional as it only happens with staff members but it's very annoying for me. Alls I'm tryna do is look at the clan chat conversations yet I'm being spammed by Hot Cakes reminding me of how hot I look irl, distracting me from helping my fellow Alorains have a better server experience.
Another thing regarding staff messages would be that I think icons should show. This is for self explanatory reasons and I think it'd be neat to implement. I don't really see a reason not to.
Inappropriate Usernames
I've reported this issue in the past more than once I believe but nothing has happened. I think it's ridiculous to see the usernames that some people have and they're just allowed to keep them. From what I understand you disallow people to use the word "nig**r" in their usernames, so why don't you enforce this for other usernames? The last time I suggested something like this you said that there was nothing that can be done as it requires for said player's character file to be deleted or something? I don't know if I'm recalling correctly but there must be something that you can do. When Chase and I were talking about this issue he mentioned/suggested to add a word filter for when players try to register new accounts. This filter would disallow the player to create said account if they tried to use offensive or inappropriate words.
• c. Account names containing inappropriate, slanderous and/or disrespectful language towards another's race, belief system, ethics, or sexual orientation are not tolerated. Failure to comply with this will result in a permanent ban of the account.
This rule needs to be expanded. "Fuck off cunt" isn't against the rules according to the thread as the username has nothing to do with another's race, belief system, ethics or sexual orientation.
Fossil Island
Fossil Island is a largely requested thing as I've seen on the server and I have to agree that it'd be unique to have. It's pretty much a donator zone if you think about it as it offers a lot of things. I think it'd be a great idea to implement this then advertise it on the toplists so players are aware that Alora has unique content. If you wish to read up on Fossil Island to see what it's about then click this unnecessarily long hyperlinked sentence.
Veteran Rank
Personally, I think that the Veteran Rank requirements are... okay. However, there's an issue that I see with this. If someone just afks their time in-game and on the Forums, does that mean they're eligible for the rank? Yes, as they meet the requirements. Not only do I see that as an issue, but what if, in this scenario, this player had absolutely no positive impact in the community, or perhaps this person negatively impacts the community? The point I'm trying to make is I think that people should be deserving of the rank, otherwise next year y'all gonna have 1,094 veterans running around and it'll make the server look tacky.
Another concern that I see with the requirements are that they're not actually followed. By this I mean that people have had the Veteran rank given to them without them meeting the requirements. Since then, their rank has been removed however there's still one individual who has the rank even though they don't meet the requirements. The requirements thread clearly states that:
  • Your account must be older than one year
  • Your time online on the Forums must be 50+ days
  • Your in-game time played must be 50+ days
  • You must have less than 3 infractions on the Forums
  • You must have less than 3 punishments In-game
Collerkar76 doesn't meet these requirements. I'm unsure of his in-game playtime (I presume it's more than 50 days) but his account isn't one year old, nor is his time online the forums more than 50 days. Collerkar76 has had the Veteran rank since his resignation (however long ago that was) but he registered his account on the 19th of January. He needs 5 more days before he meets this requirement. His time online on the Forums is 39 days and 2 hours. He needs an additional 10 days and 22 hours before he meets this requirement.
I understand that Collerkar76 was a very respected person and an exception to this rank as he put a lot of effort into Alora but you could at least put this in the thread, saying something along the lines of "The Veteran Rank can be given to anyone if the staff team see fit". I joined months before Collerkar76, neither of us fully meet the requirements yet he has the rank. This makes Flowers sad as he wants it.
Member of the Month
This community event should allow members of the community to vote for candidates they wish to see nominated. A member of staff can then create a poll with said nominees and allow the community to vote for who they wish to be the Member of the Month. Whichever candidate has the most votes by the end of X should be the final say. The staff members shouldn't be the ones to have the final say as it's a community thing. Last month's Member of the Month was a little weird, as the candidate with the most votes (Savitr) had the most community votes, however Extremedanny was the one who won as the staff team decided to give it to him. In my opinion I think that this shouldn't happen.
The Moderating Team
Please put this list in a rank order. It's really hurting my eyes and I'd quite like to die continue living.
Discord Ownership Transfer
If I recall correctly, Blank had an argument with Administrators/staff members in public and they were kicked/banned/they left the server. This is a community Discord and I think every staff member should be in there so members of the community can ask them questions/DM them directly if needed. What if Blank has arguments with every staff member and they all get kicked? (I know this will never happen but I'm just expressing a point). If Blank didn't kick/ban any staff members from the Discord then disregard the title, don't however disregard the point I'm trying to make.
Also, some members of staff who are in the Discord don't have their rank and should be given them asap (unless they don't want it?).
Discord staff
When browsing Discord, I noticed that the majority of staff members don't have the Discord Staff rank. I think they should have this rank for obvious reasons. Also give Flowers Discord Staff.
My Wealth
Please give me items. I'm very poor but I'd like to be rich. Please.
Thanks for reading. If you'd like to donate to me in-game, please add me "Flowers".

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Posted 13 January 2018 - 09:29 PM #2

Try Brid

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This is very well put together and incredibly neat. Wow. I agree with most of your suggestions, however I do not agree with putting the dice bag accessible for gp in a store. Mithril seeds, yes. But the dice bag being accessible for gp will create a lot of people purchasing them with an already crashing player base involved with gamble. And yes it would also cause an uproar for those who already purchased one and feel cheated. Overall I concur on the rest of the changes =) thank you for your input.


Posted 13 January 2018 - 09:49 PM #3


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I agree with almost all of these, except for the dice bag. Mithril seeds I think should cost about 250K gp per seed, this means each game of flower poker destroys 2.5M gp from the economy. Very well put together suggestion as well, good work.

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The beautiful art above was done by @Endeavor
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Posted 13 January 2018 - 10:30 PM #4


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Don't really have any complaints against cheaper mithril seeds but dice bag cheaper I don't agree. I think it's at a pretty fair price since its at a price where only people who can afford to host can get it. I don't think having more hosts and having to deal with more scammers is worth while. honestly there's quite a few hosts just some are less active since there isn't any Gamblers I think if there were more those hosts would spend more time hosting. Also you say this would lead to more gambling clans do you mean besides gamble? Cause I think having everyone all in one clan chat that's got ranks given out and monitored by staff is better then done random giving them it randomly to friends who will try to use the ranks to scam. I'm all for things that could make gambling more active but if it's not as safe less people will come around.

Likely posting for post count tbh can't get veteran with out it for some reason...

Posted 14 January 2018 - 01:24 AM #5


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To start things off, I wanted to say excellent choice when it comes to the music for this staff application suggestion thread.


Now to kick things off, I wanted to mention that this is a great list of suggestions, and wanted to highlight some of the suggestions that stuck out the most to me.



Classic Title
This hurts my eyes. Please change the colour of this title over yell. This would make Flowers happy.
Veteran Rank
Personally, I think that the Veteran Rank requirements are... okay. However, there's an issue that I see with this. If someone just afks their time in-game and on the Forums, does that mean they're eligible for the rank? Yes, as they meet the requirements. Not only do I see that as an issue, but what if, in this scenario, this player had absolutely no positive impact in the community, or perhaps this person negatively impacts the community? The point I'm trying to make is I think that people should be deserving of the rank, otherwise next year y'all gonna have 1,094 veterans running around and it'll make the server look tacky.
The Moderating Team
Please put this list in a rank order. It's really hurting my eyes and I'd quite like to die continue living.
Discord Ownership Transfer
If I recall correctly, Blank had an argument with Administrators/staff members in public and they were kicked/banned/they left the server. This is a community Discord and I think every staff member should be in there so members of the community can ask them questions/DM them directly if needed. What if Blank has arguments with every staff member and they all get kicked? (I know this will never happen but I'm just expressing a point). If Blank didn't kick/ban any staff members from the Discord then disregard the title, don't however disregard the point I'm trying to make.
My Wealth
Please give me items. I'm very poor but I'd like to be rich. Please.


For the Classic Title, I would also like to see a change of color so my eyes don't hurt when reading names. If it was a sharper color it would be great -- Along with the Veteran color too.



I like the idea of a veteran rank, but I don't think it should be something given out like you mentioned in your thread. I personally think there should be a rank that isn't something applied for after the needed requirements, something more appointed would be cool. I would say something like 'Respected' but that just an example, not exactly what I would call it.



I think this should be done. It's not right for Casual to be on top.




For the Discord Ownership Transfer, I agree.



All in all, thanks for the great list of suggestions and I think they're all quality, some may need a bit of tweaking but I don't have any complaints with any suggestions in particular.


PM me in-game for some geepee.

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Posted 14 January 2018 - 02:03 AM #6


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I like the idea of a veteran rank, but I don't think it should be something given out like you mentioned in your thread. I personally think there should be a rank that isn't something applied for after the needed requirements, something more appointed would be cool. I would say something like 'Respected' but that just an example, not exactly what I would call it.


I think a "Respected" title would be perfect, given to those who dedicated hours to the server and have since moved on or decreased their playtime. Would be nice to see for sure. Good idea.

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The beautiful art above was done by @Endeavor
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Posted 14 January 2018 - 03:48 AM #7

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I agree with the stated suggestions above, the only one I don't agree with is lowering the cost of the Dicing bag, but instead raise the price for the Mithirl Seeds. 

Thank-you for taking the time to post this @Flowers very well thought-out & structured thread :) 

Posted 14 January 2018 - 06:11 AM #8


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Great list of suggestions. I think everything in this topic should be added/edited.

Posted 14 January 2018 - 07:27 AM #9

Austin Post

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A very nice list of suggestions, very well laid out and written, thanks for sharing. I support them all.

Posted 14 January 2018 - 07:37 AM #10


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Definitely would be nice to see the classic title in game be changed as it can be difficult to see at times.

As for the rest of the suggestions I would still support although they don't specifically apply to me, are still good ideas.

Posted 14 January 2018 - 09:33 AM #11


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Classic Title
This hurts my eyes. Please change the colour of this title over yell. This would make Flowers happy.

This x1000





Posted 14 January 2018 - 07:50 PM #12

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I thoroughly enjoyed that read ^_^

I agree with most of the things you're stating.


Veteran rank

I would love to see some revisions done to the Veteran rank. I think it's too hard to obtain.

Someone mentioned a "respected" rank. But we kind of already have that, the "Star" award is given to those respected & known within the community.

I think it should stay like this. Loads of ranks = Clutter & confusion.



 Member of the Month 

I think it's very hard to be completely unbiased when doing community stuff, like the "MOTM" thing. No matter if you're staff or not.

Ultimately if it's their decision, people are gonna choose sides. Maybe they picked the winner when Extremedanny was in the lead? Who knows  ^_^




I'm sure it's not that big of a deal. But it might become in the future, who knows.

If stuff like what you stated would happen, it's not that hard to create a new Discord.


suggestion list Flowers :)


Thanks for reading.

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Posted 14 January 2018 - 08:42 PM #13


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Agree on most of them. Nice to see that someone put so much effort in to a suggestion post

Looking for a signature

Posted 15 January 2018 - 06:46 PM #14


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Agree with all of these apart from Fossil Island.

Posted 16 January 2018 - 06:20 AM #15


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Gonna disagree with the dice bag and Fossil Island suggestions. Other than that, good list.

Posted 16 January 2018 - 07:44 AM #16

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Was fun reading this, some suggestions I can agree with.

Posted 18 January 2018 - 07:54 AM #17

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Half agree half disagree (gamble suggestion)


agree because:

-More activity at the gambling community within Alora

-Not a few people (the gamble hosts) gets all the Alora wealth  ;)  ;)  ;)



-Just what you mentioned: the people who bought it would be a great loss

-Maybe more cheaters/scammers??? maybe a harder procedure to become a trusted gamble host?




Iron Bier

Posted 18 January 2018 - 09:56 AM #18


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I agree with most of these suggestions, the only thing I woudn't like to see updated is the Gamble suggestion.


Nonetheless, Thank you for putting so much effort in making these posts. Nothing but quality!



+2 support.

c0c80e414bee1758c77c15276d008b2a.pngI'm also known as Yuichi. c0c80e414bee1758c77c15276d008b2a.png

Posted 19 January 2018 - 01:54 PM #19


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Fossil Island support

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A.K.A Pacwhale Solo EIM

Posted 24 January 2018 - 07:45 PM #20

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The Moderating Team
Please put this list in a rank order. It's really hurting my eyes and I'd quite like to die continue living.
This part has been implemented. 

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