Clue Scroll Guide
Note: If you do not see your clue here, visit this link.
General Info:
If you have a bugged clue step it is likely due to you using HD mode.
To fix the issue for now, just disable HD so you are able to view the clue step.
Runelite is now implemented and has a Clue Scroll plugin, would highly recommend enabling this for clues.
Map Info:
Orange Circle = Start/Teleport spot
Red Star = Clue position
Average Clue Attempts:
1-3 Easy
3-6 Medium
4-6 Hard
5-7 Elite
8-10 Master
Required Gear:
Blue Wizard Hat - Sold from Betty's Magic shop in Port Sarim or Regath's Wares in Arceuus White Apron x2 - Spawns in the Fishing Shop in Port Sarim Villager Sandals - Can be purchased from the Sir Loyale T in Edgeville Leather Chaps Leather Body Leather Gloves x2 - Spawns just south of edge bank Leather Boots Sapphire Necklace Emerald Amulet Emerald Ring Normal Shortbow Staff - Sold by Zaff in Varrock square Coif x3 Bronze Platelegs Iron Med Helm Iron Platebody Iron Platelegs Iron Chainbody Iron Pickaxe Iron Scimitar Steel Plateskirt Studded Leather Body - Can be crafted by using studs (Steel Bar > Anvil) on a leather body Adamant Full Helm Adamant Platebody Adamant Platelegs Silver Sickle (blessed) - Can be purchased from the Vote Shop Master Clues Only: Arclight - Daily Task Shop or a drop from Skotizo Amulet of the Damned - Slayer Reward Shop or received from Crystal Demons (1/300~) Torag's Hammers Dharok's Greataxe Dragon Defender/Avernic Defender Full graceful outfit Prospector kit Lumberjack outfit Rune med helm Rune darts Anti-venom potion Flared Trousers Ancient Staff Rune Boots Dragon Pickaxe Dragon Battleaxe Dragon 2h-Sword Obsidian Cape Bandos Boots Helm of Neitiznot Slayer Helmet (of any kind) Zamorak Godsword Dragon defender/(or)/Avernic defender
Falo the Bard Items:
Dragon scimitar/(or)
God book - Jossik / Eblis
Crystal bow/Bow of faerdhinen
Infernal axe
Mark of grace
Lava dragon bones
Armadyl helmet
Warrior guild token
Barrelchest anchor
Tzhaar-ket-om (obby maul)
Fighter Torso -Pest control or Vote shop
Barrows gloves - Rfd completion
Cooking gauntlets - Vote / Daily shop
Rune platebody
Blisterwood flail - Received from pyramid plunder
Recommended Items:
Ardougne Cloak - Ardougne Easy diary+ Digsite Pendant - Can be made by enchanting a Ruby Necklace Explorer's Ring - Lumbridge Medium diary Necklace of Passage - Can be made by enchanting a Jade Necklace Seed Pod - Can be obtained from Sir Loyale T or the PKP Shop Xeric's Talisman - Can be obtained as a drop from Lizardmen
Achievement diary cape - All diaries completed
Amulet of Glory - Can be made by enchanting a Dragonstone Amulet
Dramen Staff/Lunar Staff - Lumbridge Medium diary/Lunar diplomacy completion
Slayer ring (eternal) - Received from Superior slayer monsters
Farmer's Blessing - 300 tokens on store
Kandarin Headgear 4 - Kandarin elite (Masters)
Kharedst Memoirs - Kourend Medium diary
Music cape - 140~ music tracks unlocked (buy from Mac)
Quest cape - All quests done
Ring of the elements - Gotr shop reward
Player Owned House recommendations:
Spiritual Fairy ring
Ornate Jewelry Box - Mining Guild, Champions' Guild, PvP Arena
Portal Nexus - Senntisten and Draynor Manor teleports
(optional) - Mounted Digsite Pendant / Xeric's Talisman
Keep La Faye *42 Construction Req.
Iron Platebody
Leather Gloves
Wizard 's Tower Causeway *27 Construction Req.
Iron Med Helm
Emerald Ring
White Apron
Duel Arena Ticket Office *27 Construction Req.
Iron Chainbody
Leather Chaps
Catherby Range Shop *27 Construction Req.
Leather Boots
Leather Body
Silver Sickle (blessed)
Druid Circle *27 Construction Req.
Wizard Hat
Iron Scimitar
Exam Room *42 Construction Req.
White Apron
Villager Sandals
Leather Gloves
Shayzien Arena *42 Construction Req.
Adamant Full Helm
Adamant Platebody
Adamant Platelegs
Ardougne Zoo *27 Construction Req.
Studded Leather Body
Bronze Platelegs
Legends Guild *27 Construction Req.
Iron Platelegs
Emerald Amulet
Port Sarim Docks near Monks *27 Construction Req.
Steel Plateskirt
Sapphire Necklace
Kharedst memoirs - History and hearsay / Fair ring DJR
Varrock Teleport
Jewelry Box - Mining guild / Falador Teleport - run east
Kharedst memoirs - Fisher's Flute / ;;cox minecart - piscarilius - run north
Achievement cape - 5/ Camelot tele and run south
Teleport Wizard - Skilling - Dense essence mine
Kharedst memoirs - Fisher's Flute / ;;cox minecart - run north
Xeric's Talisman - Xeric's Lookout / ;;cox - minecart - shayzien run southwest / Kharedst memoirs - HIstory and hearsay.
Kharedst memoirs - HIstory and Hearsay / Xeric's Talisman - Xeric's lookout BKP Fairy Ring - Run West 02 degrees 48 minutes north, 22 degrees 30 minutes east Teleport Wizard > Cities > Lumbridge / Farmers Blessing - 8 Run West towards Draynor village till you reach the trapdoor to H.A.M's 05 degrees 43 minutes north, 23 degrees 05 minutes east Teleport Wizard > Cities > Lumbridge / Draynor Manor Teleport Run directly on the northern path from Lumbridge until you reach the cow farm and go past that to the gated area / run south to leave then east 11 degrees 05 minutes north 00 degrees 45 minutes west Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Gnome Agility Course Run North West til you reach the swamp or Seed Pod Teleport > Run northwest to the swamp 02 degrees 50 minutes north, 06 degrees 20 minutes east Ardougne cape > Monastery > run northeast or Ardougne City Teleport, run directly south and follow the coastline until you reach this spot. 16 degrees 43 minutes north, 30 degrees 01 minutes east Teleport Wizard > Monster Teleports > Lizardman Brutes 21 degrees 37 minutes north, 21 degrees 13 minutes east Teleport Wizard > Skilling Teleports > Dense Essence Mine > Hop over agility shortcut / follow the South-East path until you reach the dense runestones. 08 degrees 11 minutes north, 12 degrees 30 minutes east Teleport Wizard -> Boss Teleports > Cerberus > Run West to ladder 24 degrees 22 minutes north 27 degrees 00 minutes east Teleport Wizard -> Boss teleports -> Chaos Elemental -> run around the eastern side of the castle 18 degrees 26 minutes north, 37 degrees 15 minutes west ;;Fg -> Requires 45 farming, go inside and dig near the Fountain. 03 degrees 00 minutes north/south 02 degrees 00 minutes east/west Teleport wizard -> Chaos Fanatic -> run South westish 24 degrees 00 minutes north, 29 degrees 22 minutes east Teleport wizard --> PvP teleports --> Fountain of Rune --> run north east through gate as shown in image Cryptic Clues Impossible to make angry Speak to Abbot Langley. Edgeville Teleport > Run west to the monastery west of Edgeville / Jewelry Box - Edge Monastery Search the boxes in one of the tents in Al Kharid Search the crates in the tent east of the Silk Trader. Teleport Wizard > Cities > Al Kharid > Run northeast to the tent near east of the Silk Trader and south of Ali Morrisane / Glory - Al kharid A crate found in the tower of a church is your next location Climb the ladder and search the crates on the first floor in the church in East Ardougne. Ardougne Teleport > Run west to the church (altar symbol) > Climb the ladder on the west side of the church > Search the crates A town with a different sort of night-life is your destination. Search some crates in one of the houses. Search the crate inside of the clothes shop in Canifis. Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleport > Canifis > Run northeast to the clothes shop One of the sailors in Port Sarim is your next destination. Speak to Captain Tobias on the docks of Port Sarim. Explorer's Ring Teleport to the Falador farming patch > Run southwest to the docks just east of the Port Sarim fishing shop Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Draynor Village or Amulet of Glory Teleport to Draynor Village > Run west then south to the docks just east of the Port Sarim fishing shop Speak to Arhein in Catherby. Arhein is just south of the Catherby bank. Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleport > Catherby > Run south to the beginning of the dock I would make a chemistry joke, but I’m afraid I wouldn’t get a reaction. Talk to Chemist in Rimmington. Teleport Wizard > Crafting Guild > Run south to the Chemist in the building just west of the POH Portal. Search a wardrobe in Draynor. Go to Aggie's house and search the wardrobe on the northern wall. Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Draynor Village or Amulet of Glory teleport to Draynor Village > Run northeast to Aggie's house. Look in the ground floor crates of houses in Falador. The house east of Falador East Bank. Falador Teleport > Run east to the building just east of the Falador East Bank Speak to Hajedy. Hajedyis found by the cart, located just south of the Brimhaven docks. Teleport Wizard > Dungeon Teleports > Brimhaven Dungeon > Exit the dungeon east > Run north to the fruit tree patch then east to the transportation symbol. Speak to Kangai Mau. Kangai Mau is found in the Shrimp and Parrot in Brimhaven. Teleport Wizard > Dungeon Teleports > Brimhaven Dungeon > Exit the dungeon east > Run north to the POH Portal then east to the Shrimp and the Parrot. (Building with the food shop symbol) Dig in the centre of a great kingdom of 5 cities. Dig in front of the large statue in the centre of Great Kourend. Teleport Wizard > Dungeon Teleports > Kourend Catacombs > Climb the ladder near the Dark Altar or Xeric Talisman teleport to Xeric Heart Dig where only the skilled, the wealthy, or the brave can choose not to visit again. Dig at the Lumbridge spawn. (teleport area) Lumbridge Teleport > Dig near the steps Search a bookcase in Lumbridge Swamp. Located in Father Urhney's house. Ring of the elements - water altar / Dark Mage outside ;;thieve - water altar, leave portal Find a crate close to the monks that like to paaarty! The crate is in the east side of the Kandarin Monastery, which is south of Ardougne and where Brother Omad is found. Ardougne Cloak Teleport to the Kandarin Monastery > Search the crate on the southern wall in the east room or DJP Fairy ring Search chests found in the upstairs of shops in Port Sarim. Search the chest in the upstairs of Wydin's Food Store, on the east wall. Explorer's Ring Teleport to the Falador farming patch > Run southwest to Wydin's Food Store or Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Draynor Village > Run west then south to Wydin's Food Store The treasure is buried in a small building full of bones. Here is a hint: it’s not near a graveyard. It's in the western building at the Rag and Bone Man's site near the limestone quarry east of Varrock. Dig south of the box of bones in the smaller building. Ring of the Elements - Earth altar - run east / Dark Mage outside ;;thieve - Earth altar - leave portal In a town where everyone has perfect vision, seek some drawers in a house that sits opposite a workshop. The drawers are in Seer's Village, in the house south of the Elemental Workshop Entrance. Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Seer's Village > Run west to the building with the quest symbol and cooking range Speak to Gaius in Taverley. Gaius is found at the north-west corner in Taverly. Teleport Wizard > Dungeon Teleports > Taverly Dungeon > Climb up the ladder to exit the dungeon > Run north near the building with the sword symbol Dig near some giant mushrooms behind The Grand Tree. Dig near the red mushrooms north-west of the Grand Tree. Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Tree Gnome Stronghold > Run north to the mushrooms just north-west of King Narode and the Grand Tree. or Seed Pod teleport > Run norwest behind the giant mushrooms Speak to Ulizius. Ulizius is the monk who guards the gate into Mort Myre Swamp. Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Canifis > Run southwest to the entrance of Mort Myre Swamp I wonder how many bronze swords he has handed out. Talk to Vannaka. He can be found in Edgeville Dungeon. Edgeville Teleport > Run south to the trapdoor to enter Edgeville Dungeon > Follow the dungeon north then east to the slayer master symbol. Search a bookcase in the Wizards Tower. The bookcase located on the ground floor. or Search the crates in a house in Yanille that has a piano. The house is located north-west of the bank. Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Yanille > Run northwest to the building with a piano just north of the Wizard's Guild. Thanks, Grandma! Anger Abbot Langley Speak to Abbot Langley while you have a negative prayer bonus (Currently only possible with anicent staff) Combat bracelet - Edge Monastery Ghommal Wishes to be impressed by how strong your equipment is Speak to Ghommal with a total melee strength bonus of over 100. ;;Wg -> Speak to Ghommal My life was spared but these voices remain, now guarding these iron gates in my bane. Speak to the Key master in Cerberus' Lair Teleport wizard -> Boss teleports -> Cerberus Show this to Sherlock Sherlock can be found south of Seers' Village Faint sounds of arr, fire giants found deep, the eastern tip of a lake, are the rewards you could reap. Dig south of the pillar at the end of the deep wilderness dungeon. Note; Having the Medium wilderness diarys done allows you to use the short cut in the dungeon rather than having to go all the way around. A chisel and hammer reside in his home, strange for one of magic. Impress him with your magical equipment. Wizard Cromperty at the north-east corner of East Ardougne. Speak to him while wearing equipment adding up to at least +100 in magical attack bonus. Dig Sites and Maps Farmer's Blessing - M [Wilderness] Teleport Wizard > PVP > Dark castle Run east Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Crafting Guild Run directly south until you reach the building by the river Type ::Gamble Run south of the Castle Wars bridge then just northeast of it you will find this spot. Teleport Wizard > Cities > Falador Run north to the statue. Teleport Wizard > Cities > Ardougne Run west to the Zoo, then take the southwestern path from the zoo to the clock tower or Ardougne Cloak teleport > Run northwest to the western side of the clock tower Achievement diary cape - D Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Draynor Village > Run southwest or Amulet of Glory teleport > Draynor Village > Run southwest Falador Teleport > Run north outside the city gates > Run east along the wall until you see the standing stones Teleport Wizard > Skilling Teleports > Ourania Altar (ZMI) > Follow the path southwest to the Chaos Altar Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Miscellania > Run east near the Evergreen tree ;;train Teleport > Run south outside of the Relleka city gates > Follow the light brown path southwest towards the broken bridge > Cross the broken bridge and continue southwest Ardougne Cloak Teleport to the Kandarin Monastery > Run east to the Tower of Life or Ardougne Teleport > Run south to the Tower of Life or Fairy ring - DIS or or Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Draynor Village > Run south behind the Wizard's Tower Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Yanille > Run southeast to the corner south of the building with a Smithing icon Teleport Wizard > Skilling Teleports > Wilderness Agility Course > Open the gate to exit the course > Run east to the 3 small volcano pools Teleport Wizard > Skilling Teleports > Crafting Guild > Run south around the crafting guild > Run northwest up the peninsula. Music cape Jewelry Box - Ranging Guild Emotes Bow in the ticket office of the Duel Arena Equip an iron chainbody, leather chaps, and a coif Bow outside the entrance to the Legends' Guild. Equip Iron platelegs, an emerald amulet and a shortbow. Bow upstairs in the Monastery or Beckon in the digsite, near the eastern winch. Equip an Iron Pickaxe. Digsite Teleport scroll Cheer at the Druids' Circle. Equip a Wizard Hat and Iron Scimitar. or Teleport Wizard > Cities > Falador Run North West toward Taverly then head directly north after going through the gate to the circle. Blow raspberries outside the entrance to Keep Le Faye. Equip a coif, an iron platebody, and leather gloves. Kandarin Headgear Cheer for the monks at Port Sarim. Equip a coif, steel plateskirt, and a sapphire necklace. Spirit tree / Farmer's Blessing - K or Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Draynor Village > Run west then south to the monks on the docks Clap in the main exam room in the Exam Centre. Equip a white apron, villager sandals and leather gloves. Senntisten Teleport - run east or Varrock Teleport > Run east outside the city gates through the gates toward the Digsite > Run south from the gnome glider until you reach the Exam Center Clap on the causeway to the Wizards' Tower. Equip an iron med helm, emerald ring, and a white apron. Achievement diary cape - D - run south Necklace of Passage Wizards Tower Teleport Beckon in the combat ring of Shayzien. Equip an adamant platebody, adamant full helm and adamant platelegs. ;;Cox - run south to minecart - East Shayzien - run west or Teleport Wizard > Dungeon Teleports > Chasm of Fire > Run southeast past the Shayzien Bank Cry in the Catherby Ranging shop. Bow before you talk to me. Equip leather boots, a leather body, and a silver sickle. (Blessed) Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Catherby > Run east to the ranging shop Blow a raspberry at the monkey cage in Ardougne Zoo. Equip a studded leather body, bronze platelegs and a normal staff with no orb. Ardougne Cloak Teleport to Monastery > Run north to the Ardougne Zoo Blow a raspberry at the bank of the Warrior's guild. Beware of double Agents! Equip a dragon battleaxe, a slayer helm of any kind, and an avernic or dragon defender. ;;Wg -> Run to the bank on the first floor. Spin in front of the Soul Altar. Equip a dragon pickaxe, helm of neitiznot and a pair of rune boots Teleport wizard -> Dense essence mine, Follow the path to the Soul altar. Clap in the magic axe hut. Equip only flared trousers ;;Home -> South to lever, run to the gated area a crossed from Resource area. (Lock pick required) Sherlock Smith a Rune dart (Hammer, Rune bar, Feathers) (89 Smithing, 81 Fletching) Burn a redwood log (Tinder box, Redwood log) (90 Woodcutting and Firemaking) Equip an Abyssal whip in front of the Abyssal demons in the basement of the Slayer tower. (Abyssal whip (frozen/Volcanic/Tentical whip all work) (85 Slayer) Make a blood rune (77 Runecrafting) Possible Rewards: Easy Clue Scrolls Trimmed Armour: Jester cape Shoulder parrot Bear slippers Frog slippers Demon slippers Mole slippers God ornament kits (Saradomin, Guthix, Zamorak) for rune scimitar Sandwich lady outfit (hat, top, and bottom) Monk robes (t) (top and bottom) Amulet of defence (t) Power Amulet (t) Rain bow Ham joint Staff of Bob the Cat Leather body and chaps (g) Black heraldic platebodies (h1, h2, h3, h4 and h5) Medium Clue Scrolls Trimmed Armour: Wolf mask and Wolf cloak Climbing boots (g) Spiked manacles Adamant heraldic platebodies (h1, h2, h3, h4 and h5) Hard Clue Scrolls Red Cavalier Dual sai (very rare) Thieving bag (very rare) 3rd age plateskirt (very rare) Gilded rune defender kit Obby maul ornament kit Berserker necklace ornament kit Blessed d'hide shields (Ancient, Armadyl, Bandos, Guthix, Saradomin, and Zamorak) Rune heraldic platebodies (h1, h2, h3, h4 and h5) Elite Clue Scrolls Fury Ornament Kit 3rd druidic staff, top, legs, and cloak (extremely rare) Tormented bracelet ornament kit 3rd age plateskirt Gilded dragonhide (top, legs vambraces, and coif) Gilded axe and pickaxe Gilded spade Uri's hat Rangers tights Fremennik kilt Master Clue Scrolls Standard table Dragon dagger Dragon mace Dragon longsword Dragon Scimatar Dragon battleaxe Dragon halberd Nature runes Death runes Blood runes Soul runes Onyx bolts (e) Manta rays (Raw and cooked) Wines of zamorak Limpwurt roots Grimy Ranaar Grimy Toadflax Grimy Snapdragon Runite ore Runite bar Black dragonhide Tooth half of key Loop half of key Palm tree seeds Yew seed Magic seed All items in the Shared items table (Standard drops from Easy, Mediums, Hards, and Elites) Uniques Robes of darkness set (Hood of darkness, Robe top of darkness, Gloves of darkness, Robe bottoms of darkness, Boots of Darkness) Godsword Ornament kits ( Armadyl, Bandos, Saradomin, Zarmorak) Demon masks (Minus Black demon mask) Fancy Tiara Obsidian cape ® Kourend hoods (Arceuus, Hosidius, Lovakengi, Piscarilius, Shayzien) Half-moon specs Bowl wig Dragon platebody Ornament kit Twisted relic hunter T3 Twisted cane Twisted banner Twisted blueprints Swift blade Guthixian Icon Armadyl/Bandos/Seren/Ancient/Brassica Halos Merfolk trident Mega rare table Wise old mans staff Crystal Grail 3rd age Ring Bow-sword Rain bow Shaman mask All 3rd age items (Ultra rare to receive Druidic third age pieces) Additional Rewards: You can purchase the Clue Scroll Sack after completing 150 clue scrolls of any type from the skillcape shop by speaking with the Wise Old Man for 1,000,000 GP. Completing 300 Hard Clue Scrolls unlocks Uri's Transform Emote.
12 45 , 20 09 - Air Obelisk
Run through edge dungeon wildy section untill you reach black demons, climb up the ladder north of them.
Graveyard of Heroes in west Shayzien
03 degrees 07 minutes south, 03 degrees 41 minutes west
A I Q 0 4 4 0
Fairy ring - AIQ
C I S 0 0 0 9
Speak to Lovada by the entrance to the blast mine in Lovakengj.
Xeric's Talisman - Xeric's Inferno / Teleport Wizard - Minigame -Blast mine
Monk's residence in the far west. See robe storage device.
Max cape Hosidious POH Teleports / Farmer's Blessing - C / Xeric's Talisman -Xeric's Glade
Dig by the fire beside Ket'sal K'uk in the westernmost part of Kebos Swamp.
Farming guild and run south then west.
D I P 8 5 1 1
Fairy ring - DIP
C K P 0 2 2 4
Fairy ring - CKP
A I R 2 3 3 1
Fairy ring - AIR
Spirit tree / Farmer's Blessing - K
Max cape - Rimmington POH teleport / Farmer's Blessing - L
Jewelry Box - Mining Guild
Spirit tree / Farmer's Blessing - 3
Max cape - Brimhave POH Teleport
Spirit tree / Farmer's Blessing - K
Max cape - Taverly POH Teleport
Achievement diary cape - 9 / Fairy ring CKS
Slayer ring (eternal) NEEDS TO BE EQUIPPED - right click - Master - 3
Fairy ring DIS
Necklace of Passage Teleport to the Wizards Tower > Run south to the bookcases on the ground floor of the tower
Jewelry Box - Edge Monastery
Edgeville Monastery - ;;shops run west
Fastest teleport is used through Kandarin Headgear
Jewelry Box - Champions' Guild
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Varrock
Run south to Champions' Guild and then directly west to the single tree
Ring of the Elements - Fire altar - run northwest / Dark Mage outside of ;;thieve - Fire altar - leave portal - run northwest
Max cape Rimmington POH Teleport / Farmer's Blessing - L
Lumberyard teleport scroll / Ring of the elements - Earth altar / Dark Mage - Earth altar - leave portal
Farmer's Blessing - 4
ALP Fairy ring - run east
Senntisten Teleport - run north
Varrock Teleport > Run east outside of the city gates > Run south near the mining area
Necklace of Passage Teleport to Wizard's Tower > Run south behind the Wizard's Tower
Fairy ring - CJR
Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Seer's Village > Run west path McGrubor's Wood > Run north of the building west of the Wood
Equip Zamorak godsword in the garden behind varrock castle
Quest cape / Fairy ring - BLR
Jewelry Box - Edge Monastery
Teleport Home, Run west to the Monastery and climb up the ladder
Digsite Pendant teleport to the Digsite
Earth altar through Ring of the Elements/Dark mage and run south
Farmer's Blessing - 9
Max cape Taverly POH Teleport
Fairy ring - BLR
Explorer's Ring Teleport > Run south to the monks on the docks
Digsite Pendant teleport to the Digsite > Run south all the way to the hedges near the Exam Center then east
Teleport Wizard > Cities Teleports > Draynor Village > Run south onto the bridge to Wizards Tower or
Xeric's Talisman teleport to Xeric's Look Out > Run north
Gold Trimmed Monk Robes
Gilded Armour
Bronze items
Magic Shortbow
Bronze-Rune pickaxes
Amulet of glory
Amulet of strength
God robes
Blue wizard (t) and (g)
Black Wizard (g)
Heraldic Items (kite shields and helms)
Highwayman Mask
Elegant Robes
Bob Shirts
Coins 1-30k
Golden Apron
Golden Chef's Hat
Wooden Shield (g)
Prayer pots
God Stoles
Purple Sweets
Powdered Wig
Low-Level Uncut Gems
Low-Level Ores
Magic Staffs
White Firelights
Rune Arrows
Team Cape (i)
Black Cane
Sleeping cap
Team Cape (zero)
Bandos and Armadyl Mitre
Studded Chaps (g)
Imp Mask
Goblin Mask
Gilded Armour:
Mithril weapons/armor
Adamant weapons/armor
Rune weapons/armor
Holy Sandals
Crier Hat
Rune armour
Gnomish Firelighter
Heraldic Helms and Shields
Crier Bell
White Firelighter
Black Leprechaun Hat
Green Leprechaun Hat
Medium Level Ores
Raw Fish
Medium-High Noted Logs
Medium-High Uncut Gems
Cabbage Round Shield
Cat Mask
Penguin Mask
Colored Headbands
Clueless Scroll
Ranger boots
White/Black Unicorn Mask
Adamant Cane
Elegant pieces
Godwars Robes
God hide armour (chaps, body, vambraces)
Clue Hunter cosmetic gear
God Armour (Saradomin, Guthix, Zamorak)
3rd age (Melee, Ranged, Mage)
Ancient d'hde armour
Gilded Armour
Ranger Boots
God d'hide Gear
God Crozers
Lots of skilling supplies (Runes, ores, fish)
Dragonhide armour (trimmed and gilded)
Pirate's Hat
Dragon Masks
Explorer Backpack
Robin hood Hat
Enchanted robes
Strange Device
Trimmed Amulets
Rune Items
Rune Cane
Cyclops Head
Zombie Head
Pith Helmet
Musketeer Tabard
Musketeer Pants
LOTS of supplies (ores, raw fish, runes, logs)
Black Cavalier
Ranger Gloves
Heraldic Helms
3rd Age (melee,range,mage)
3rd Age Cloak, Longsword, and Bow
Royal Gown Bottom
Royal Sceptre
Enchanted Robes
White Cavalier
Hosidius House Scarf
Light Tuxedo Shoes
Metal Dragon Masks
Dragon sq shield Ornament Kit
God Armour (Zamorak, Guthix, Sardomin)
Piscarilus House Scarf
Dragon full helm ornament Kit
Clue Hunter Clothes
Black d'hide trimmed/gold
Lava Dragon Mask
Rangers Tunic
Top Hat
Holy Wraps
Sagacious Spectacles
Edited by Logann, 18 February 2024 - 03:40 AM.
18/2/2024 - Hadn't been updated since Runelite release, added new pictures, optimal item additions, and more.