Hello Everyone!
Today, I'll be releasing the Locations Guide.
This Guide is finaly finished, after spending approximately 50 hours.
Please show off the support by giving the Topic a like if you've found it helpful!
Feedback is appreciated at any time..
Have fun Reading!
Best regards,
Iro n
Donator Zone (::dz)
Net & Harpoon spots
Sea Turtle
Manta Ray
Donator Zone 2 (::dz2)
Net & Harpoon spots
Sea Turtle
Manta Ray
Fishing Guild (::fish)
Net, Bait, Lure, Cage & Harpoon spots
Resource Area (Via Teleport Wizard -> PVP -> Mage Arena)
Cage spot
Dark Crab
Items Required
Item Name
Small fishing net
Fishing rod + bait
Big net
Fly fishing rod + feathers
Cage + Dark crab bait
Karambwan vessel +
Raw karambwanji's
Puro Puro (Via Teleport Wizard -> Skilling)
Butterfly Net
Baby impling (17 Hunter)
Young impling (22 Hunter)
Gourmet impling (28 Hunter)
Earth impling (36 Hunter)
Essence impling (42 Hunter)
Eclectic impling (50 Hunter)
Nature impling (58 Hunter)
Magpie impling (65 Hunter)
Ninja impling (74 Hunter)
Dragon impling (83 Hunter)
Lucky impling (89 Hunter)
Donator Zone (::dz)
Box Trap
Grey Chinchompa (53 Hunter)
Red Chinchompa (63 Hunter)
Donator Zone 2 (::dz2)
Box Trap
Grey Chinchompa (53 Hunter)
Red Chinchompa (63 Hunter)
Feldip Hills (Via Teleport Wizard -> Skilling)
Bird Snare
Chrimson Swift (1 Hunter)
Wilderness (Via Teleport Wizard -> Skilling)
Box Trap
Black Chinchompa (73 Hunter)
Items Required
Item Name
Bird Snare
(Magic) Butterfly Net
Impling Jar
Box Trap
Allotment / Flower / Herb Patches
Port Physmatys
Teleport Wizard -> Slayer Tower -> Run North-East
Regular Spellbook -> -> Run East
Amulet of Glory -> Draynor Village -> Run North-West
Regular Spellbook -> -> Run North
Alternative: Teleport Wizard -> Skilling -> Fishing Guild -> Run East
Tree Patches
Regular Spellbook -> -> Run North-West
Regular Spellbook -> -> Run West
Regular Spellbook -> -> Run North
Regular Spellbook -> -> Run East
Teleport Wizard -> Bosses -> Giant Mole
Items Required
Item Name
Seed dibber
Watering Can
Regular Altars
Inside the Lumbridge church, south of the Lumbridge Castle.
In the Al Kharid Duel Arena lobby.
In Varrock, in the church in the north-east corner of the city.
In Varrock, in the chaos temple in the south-east corner of the city.
Inside the Varrock Palace.
In the Chaos Temple at level 12 Wilderness, south-east of the Graveyard of Shadows.
In the Chaos Temple west of the Lava Maze in level 38 Wilderness.
The Prayer Guild, upstairs in the Edgeville Monastery, just west of Edgeville.
Inside the Black Knights' Fortress
Church south-west of Port Sarim
Chaos Temple near Goblin Village
Edgeville near Surgeon General Tafani
::dz , North of the Teleport spot.
::dz2 , South of the Teleport spot.
Occult Altar
To change your Spellbook
::thieve, near the Gem stall.

- Essence Mine
Pure Essence
- Essence Mine

- Dwarven Mine - 10 rocks
- South-west Varrock mining site (bank at Varrock West Bank) - 8 rocks
- South-east Varrock mining site (bank at Varrock East Bank) - 6 rocks
- Barbarian Village Mine - 5 rocks
- Lumbridge Swamp training mine - 5 rocks
- Edgeville Dungeon Mine - 2 rocks
- Rimmington Mine - 2 rocks
- Al Kharid Mine - 1 rock
- Dwarven Mine - 11 rocks
- South-east Varrock mining site (bank at Varrock East Bank) - 9 rocks
- Lumbridge Swamp training mine - 5 rocks
- Rimmington Mine - 5 rocks
- Al Kharid Mine - 3 rocks
- Edgeville Dungeon Mine - 2 rocks
- Al Kharid Mine - 9 rocks
- Dwarven Mine - 9 rocks
- Rimmington Mine - 6 rocks
- South-east Varrock mining site - 4 rocks
- South-west Varrock mining site - 3 rocks
- Edgeville Dungeon Mine - 3 rocks
- Southern Wilderness Mine - 2 rocks
- Bandit Camp Mine - 16 rocks
- Mining Guild - 4 rocks
- Mining Guild - 37 rocks
- South-Western Wilderness Mine - 34 rocks
- Bandit Camp Mine - 20 rocks
- Dwarven Mine - 11 rocks
- North Crandor Mine - 7 rocks
- Lumbridge Swamp Southwest Mine - 7 rocks
- Edgeville Dungeon Mine - 6 rocks
- Barbarian Village Mine - 4 rocks
- Southern Wilderness Mine - 3 rocks
- South Crandor Mine - 3 rocks
- Al Kharid Mine - 3 rocks
- Crafting Guild mining site - 7 rocks
- Karamja Volcano mine - 4 rocks
- North Crandor Mine - 3 rocks
- Al Kharid mine - 2 rocks
- Dwarven Mine - 2 rocks
- Rimmington mine - 2 rocks
- Lumbridge Swamp Southwest Mine - 2 rocks
- Al Kharid Mine - 3 rocks
- Mining Guild - 7 rocks
- Al Kharid Mine - 2 rocks
- Dwarven Mine - 3 rocks
- Bandit Camp Mine - 8 rocks
- Edgeville Dungeon Mine - 2 rocks
- South Crandor Mine - 3 rocks
- Lumbridge Swamp Southwest Mine - 2 rocks
- Mining Guild - 2 rocks
- Donator Zone - 4 rocks
- Crafting Guild - 6 rocks
- Dwarven Mine - 5 rocks
- West Varrock Mine (bank at Varrock West Bank) - 3 rocks
- Rimmington Mine - 3 rocks
Items Required
Items Needed
A Pickaxe of any kind
Tree Type
Regular Tree
- Troughout the whole surface of Alora
Oak Tree
- Varrock West Bank - southwest of the bank
- Draynor Village - east of the bank
- Lumbridge
- Woods to the west of Lumbridge Castle
- Taverley
- Falador
- The crossroads above the Crafting Guild, below the south wall of Falador
- Tree Gnome Stronghold - 3 located a few steps southwest of the spirit tree
- The crossroads above Port Sarim
- On the west side of the Al Kharid gate
Willow Tree
- Draynor Village, south-west of the marketplace, 5 trees, often crowded
- Port Sarim, beside the bar, 4 trees
- Rimmington, south of the village, 10 trees
- Lumbridge, west of Farmer Fred's barn, 6 trees
- Lumbridge, east of the Lumbridge Guide, 2 trees beside the house north of the furnace.
- Varrock, east of Champions' Guild, 2 trees
- Varrock, south, in the sheep farm, 2 trees
- Edgeville, 1 tree to the east beside the River Lum
- Crafting Guild, 9 trees, to the north-west of the entrance
- Seers' Village, northwest of bank, 6 trees
- Catherby, southeast of the beehives
- Castle Wars, by the path leading to the entrance
- Witchaven, north of the village
- Barbarian Outpost, beside the entrance to Barbarian Assault, 4 trees
- Ardougne, next to the furnace and north of the town near the Moss giants
- Feldip Hills, near the ogre Rantz
- Entrana, on the north coast of the island, 10 trees
- Taverley, beside the lake
- Fishing guild, east, 9 trees
- Tree Gnome Stronghold; There are a couple of willows alongside the river, to the south side of it.
- Woodcutting Guild, there are many spread throughout the guild, a deposit box is close.
- Great Kourend, south of the docks, east of the wheat fields, 7 trees
Teak Tree
- South-west of Castle Wars (one only)
- Scattered around the Kharazi Jungle (dangerous area)
- South-east Ape Atoll (poisonous spiders and snakes in the area are always aggressive unless wearing a greegree or the player has completed Monkey Madness II)
- Mos Le'Harmless (2, each one on 2 small islands north of Mos Le'Harmless. Accessible via the 2 ladders north east inside the Mos Le'Harmless Caves. Make sure to wear a Witchwood icon and a cheap light source to drop when you're at the trees such as a Lit torch.)
- South-east Uzer (one only)
- Near Tai Bwo Wannai in the Hardwood Grove (requires 100 Trading sticks)
Maple Tree
- 11 at the Woodcutting Guild
- 4 north of Seers' Village Bank
- 5 south of Seers' Village Bank
- 6 along the west wall of the Legend's Guild
- 7 east of Quartermaster Briget's shop in Great Kourend's Shayzien House
- 2 outside of Great Kourend's Hosidius House bank, north of the spirit tree patch
- 10 on Miscellania (which provide no logs and 0.1 experience per cut)
- 24 west of Sinclair Mansion
- 42 north of McGrubor's Wood and surrounding the path leading to Rellekka
Mahogany Tree
- The Hardwood Grove at Tai Bwo Wannai - 4 trees.
- Eastern Kharazi Jungle - 3 trees.
- Small islands off the coast of Mos Le'Harmless, accessible via the caves containing the Cave horrors
- Ape Atoll - There are two trees, one outside the main town gate, and one in the south-west of the island.
Yew Tree
- 1 in the Lumbridge graveyard.
- 1 outside Varrock Church.
- 1 south of Varrock, north of a pen of sheep.
- 1 north-east of Port Sarim near the wall separating Port Sarim and Draynor Village.
- 2 in the ruins in Edgeville.
- 3 north of the Myths' Guild (requires completion of Dragon Slayer).
- 3 in the forest south of Falador.
- 3 on the lawn behind Varrock Castle. These Yews do not exist in deadman mode worlds.
- 3 east of Varrock, west of the Earth Altar.
- 4 in the forest east of Draynor and west of Lumbridge.
- 4 near Rimmington and south of Melzar's Maze.
Magic Tree
- 3 immediately north-west of the Sorcerer's Tower
- 2 at the Mage Training Arena (one on the west side and one on the east side) just north of the Duel Arena - Relatively close to a bank
- 3 scattered across the Gnome Stronghold. These Magic Trees do not exist in Deadman mode worlds.
- 3 south-west of Lletya
- 4 south of Seers' Village at the Sorcerer's Tower
- 4 east of the Arceuus House bank
- 2 directly north of Logava Gricoller's Cooking Supplies in Great Kourend's Hosidius House
- 3 in Resource Area (7500 coins entry fee, can note logs 50 coins each on Piles)
- 8 in the Woodcutting Guild (Requiring 60 woodcutting and 75% Hosidius favour to enter) - Very close to bank
- 3 south of the Woodcutting Guild in the Kourend Woodland
- 4 on the ground floor of the Myth's Guild.
Redwood Tree
- 2 south of the Woodcutting Guild in the Kourend Woodland
(Clicking the Quest will link to the guide)
Mage Arena
Mage Bank (Teleport Wizard -> PVP -> Mage Bank). Mage Arena ll
Mage Bank (Teleport Wizard -> PVP -> Mage Bank). Recipe for Disaster
Begin by speaking to the Gypsy in the Northeast corner in the ::thieve room near the bank chest. Lunar Diplomacy
Start the Quest by speaking to Oneiromancer at the Edgeville courtyard next the yew trees. She can be reached by going ::home and walking South of the bank.
Mountain Daughter
Talk to Hamal the Chieftan in Draynor Village. He can be reached via Amulet of Glory.
Desert Treasure
You can start the Quest by talking to Eblis at ::duel near the Altar. Monkey Madness
In order to start the quest, You should talk to King Narnode which is located in the Grand Tree. Simply go to the Teleport Wizard @ home, and teleport to the following location: Skilling > Gnome Agility Course.
You start the quest by talking to Jossik near Rock Crabs, ::train - run straight West is fastest method. Dragon Slayer II
Talk to Glen, located North-East of the Edgeville Bank.
Seers' Village (60 Agility)
Ardougne (90 Agility)
Gnome Agility (1 Agility)
Barbarian Agility (35 Agility)
Wilderness Agility (52 Agility)
Should shortcuts this be added to this section?
Western Varrock
Central Varrock
Eastern Varrock
Dwarven Mine
Mudskipper point
Draynor Village
Barbarian Village
Seers' Village
Port Khazard
Slayer Tower
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Smoke Devil Dungeon
Fremmenik Slayer Dungeon
Asgarian Ice Dungeon
Taverley Dungeon
Brimhaven Dungeon
Chasm of Fire
Waterbirth Island Dungeon
Ape Atoll Dungeon
Nieve's Cave
Kourend Catacombs
Area's & Monsters
- Demon's Run - North-Eastern area
- Dragon's Den - North-Western area
- Reeking Cove - South-Western area
- The Shallows - South-Eastern area
Godwars Dungeon
Area's & Monsters
- Armadyl - Southern area
- Bandos - Western area
- Saradomin - Eastern area
- Zamorak - Northern area
Ancient Cavern
Gorilla Crash Site
Type ::Gamble to teleport to Castlewars
Run south across the bridge then west of castle wars, then keep running west to coast line.
03 degrees 07 minutes south, 03 degrees 41 minutes west
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Lumbridge
Run West towards Draynor village till you reach the trapdoor to H.A.M's
02 degrees 48 minutes north, 22 degrees 30 minutes east
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Lumbridge
Run directly on the northern path from lumbridge til u reach the cowfarm and go past that to the gated area
05 degrees 43 minutes north, 23 degrees 05 minutes east
Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Gnome Agility Course
Run North West til you reach the swamp
11 degrees 05 minutes north 00 degrees 45 minutes west
02 Degrees 50 minutes north, 06 degrees 20 minutes east
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Ardougne
Run directly south and follow coastline til you reach this spot.
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Varrock
Run south to Champions' Guild and then directly west to the single tree
Teleport Wizard > PVP > West Dragons
Run North East till you reach the fortress
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Al-Kharid
Run North to the Al-Kharid Mine
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Catherby
Run West to seers village, then keep running west past the bar til you reach a gated area enter the area then search crate.
Teleport Wizard > Skilling > Crafting Guild
Run directly south till u reach the building by the river
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Varrock
Run east til you are outside varrock and take the path north til you reach the lumberyard then jump the fence
Type ::Gamble
Run south of the Castle wars bridge then just North East of it you will find this spot.
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Falador
Run North to the Statue
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Ardougne
Run West to the Zoo, then take the south western path from the zoo to the clock tower house
Bow in the ticket office of the Duel Arena
Equip an iron chainbody, leather chaps, and a coif
Bow outside the entrance to the Legends' Guild. Equip Iron platelegs, an emerald amulet and a oak longbow.
Bow upstairs in the Monastery
Teleport Home Run west to the Monastery and climb up the ladder
Beckon in the digsite, near the eastern winch. Equip a Iron Pickaxe.
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Varrock
Run directly east of varrock til you reach the Digisite
Cheer at the Druids' Circle. Equip a Wizard Hat and iron scimitar.
Teleport Wizard > Cities > Falador
Run North West toward taverly then head directly north after going through the gate to the circle.
Altough I've put alot of work into this topic myself, I used several sources for images, information and links.
For the Quest locations I used several guides. I'd like to thank the following players for making those: