Sounds like a cool idea. Not sure how this would actually work.
I feel like this goes away quite a lot from OSRS and where the server seems to be headed.
I'm gonna stay neutral and see what other people think about it.
I think what people have said is very true.
Right now on Alora there's not much interest in the pvp scene.
Revenant caves brought some action back to the server
but I don't see how this would work when most people are Ironmen.
People also managed to hit the nail on the fact that there's gonna be an admin
that updates people ranks every day after this release.
As to why this strays from OSRS,
Maybe the fact that there's no such thing as "official osrs clans" that have special benefits in-game.
I'm changing it to a No support. I'm sure this would be cool but I don't see how it could work on Alora.
Edited by Salter, 05 December 2017 - 05:36 AM.