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PVP Changes to Classic Mode

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:29 PM #21


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You can allready abuse the System if you want just kill ppl with void and there is your 1m instant classic  cash . Just sayn.

But you have to pay to get the void back too right ? Either way you end up taking a loss if u let urself be killed

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:31 PM #22


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But you have to pay to get the void back too right ? Either way you end up taking a loss if u let urself be killed

yeah but if the other account is a normie you 4x'ed you money.

Well he pretty much explained what i was gona say..

We just want something similar to yours, nothing superior. how is that unfair ?

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:32 PM #23

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But you have to pay to get the void back too right ? Either way you end up taking a loss if u let urself be killed

Yes but buying Elite void back on normie costs like 4m or smth . Then you get 2m classic which is 8m if u swap so u see the point right ?

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:32 PM #24


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yeah but if the other account is a normie you 4x'ed you money.

We just want something similar to yours, nothing superior. how is that unfair ?

Time to nerf classic loots x4 LOL

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:33 PM #25

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yeah but if the other account is a normie you 4x'ed you money.

We just want something similar to yours, nothing superior. how is that unfair ?

Ur asking for omicron in this case dan to create a hole different system...you didn't meant anything about us... as dishonest said...that's unfair in a way.

If u want to pk , make a normal account and satisfy that need.

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:35 PM #26


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Time to nerf classic loots x4 LOL


You get the same cash he would spend, but because our money is worth 4x more you are making a lot of money, so if abusing is an issue considering this suggestion , think that there will always be a way to abuse it. Plus we, as classics, don't want anything better than normies.... we just don't want to get shit lol

Ur asking for omicron in this case dan to create a hole different system...you didn't meant anything about us... as dishonest said...that's unfair in a way.

If u want to pk , make a normal account and satisfy that need.

 i want to pk to progress the account i work hard for in a way i'm having fun, just like you guys do, the only difference is that you dont spend a lot of time leveling up.

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:36 PM #27


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You get the same cash he would spend, but because our money is worth 4x more you are making a lot of money, so if abusing is an issue considering this suggestion , think that there will always be a way to abuse it. Plus we, as classics, don't want anything better than normies.... we just don't want to get shit lol

It won't be a problem anymore if you lower the classic loot amount for untradeables. You kinda shot yourself to the leg with this thread :D

Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:37 PM #28

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It won't be a problem anymore if you lower the classic loot amount for untradeables. You kinda shot yourself to the leg with this thread :D


Its not allowed to do that if u abused that u shot yourself in the leg ;)

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:37 PM #29


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It won't be a problem anymore if you lower the classic loot amount for untradeables. You kinda shot yourself to the leg with this thread :D


 the rewards are get from pking are not relevant at all, he can delete them if he wants, wont make a difference because i don't look for voiders when i pk at all :/

KP | One | Horus



Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:39 PM #30

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 the rewards are get from pking are not relevant at all, he can delete them if he wants, wont make a difference because i don't look for voiders when i pk at all :/

Ya i love to pk against d bow + void rushers with max gearn pjing me , best feeling ever .

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 04:39 PM #31


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Ya i love to pk against d bow + void rushers with max gearn pjing me , best feeling ever .

Oh most certainly, and if you manage to pk them you wont  get that stuff, you get some cash to buy some lobsters. Fair enough.

KP | One | Horus



Posted 30 November 2017 - 06:22 PM #32


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100% supporting this THREAD!

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Posted 30 November 2017 - 06:41 PM #33



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I definitely support the idea of making some changes for classics to have more of a incentive to do some PVP. The only thing is how to make sure it would be balanced and not something that could be taken advantage of like other people have stated with PKing farming void sets for untradeable cash.


A quick suggestion I could think of could be the cash/items whatever it would be will be based on what the other player is risking for example the bounty hunter skull in the wild shown below



So basically on what tier it is would be decide how much the classic PKing gets, both classic and other player has to be skulled. I don't see how this would be an advantage for classic mode as the items a classic pker gets off a normal acc gets wiped out the game for a 200k-1m cash drop.


This was just something I quickly thought up maybe someone would be able to expand on it or get another idea that could work but I do believe a change in PVP for classics would be great.

Posted 01 December 2017 - 03:40 AM #34

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I definitely support the idea of making some changes for classics to have more of a incentive to do some PVP. The only thing is how to make sure it would be balanced and not something that could be taken advantage of like other people have stated with PKing farming void sets for untradeable cash.


A quick suggestion I could think of could be the cash/items whatever it would be will be based on what the other player is risking for example the bounty hunter skull in the wild shown below



So basically on what tier it is would be decide how much the classic PKing gets, both classic and other player has to be skulled. I don't see how this would be an advantage for classic mode as the items a classic pker gets off a normal acc gets wiped out the game for a 200k-1m cash drop.


This was just something I quickly thought up maybe someone would be able to expand on it or get another idea that could work but I do believe a change in PVP for classics would be great.

ya i think smth like that would be awesome . Not the real drops but maybe cash equal to the risk or smth like based on high alch value etc . 

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Posted 02 December 2017 - 05:11 PM #35


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I completely support this idea.. It would be a nice idea to give a quality of life update for the classic pkers :D

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Posted 03 December 2017 - 12:04 AM #36

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I definitely support the idea of making some changes for classics to have more of a incentive to do some PVP. The only thing is how to make sure it would be balanced and not something that could be taken advantage of like other people have stated with PKing farming void sets for untradeable cash.


A quick suggestion I could think of could be the cash/items whatever it would be will be based on what the other player is risking for example the bounty hunter skull in the wild shown below



So basically on what tier it is would be decide how much the classic PKing gets, both classic and other player has to be skulled. I don't see how this would be an advantage for classic mode as the items a classic pker gets off a normal acc gets wiped out the game for a 200k-1m cash drop.


This was just something I quickly thought up maybe someone would be able to expand on it or get another idea that could work but I do believe a change in PVP for classics would be great.

As someone who has both Normie accounts and a Classic account, I think something similar to this would be the best solution, I don't think Classic's should be able to receive regular member's items or anything to that degree. It's this or like someone else said, Classic V. Classic only, Normie V. Normie only. (Plus that's a fine way to piss of the Normie's which sounds like a fun win to me :lol:)


Posted 03 December 2017 - 12:38 PM #37

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This ^


If its against the Spirit of different Game mode make it that normal Accounts can only attack each other as iron only can go against irons and classics vs classic.


I guess u guys will not like this idea because u cant kill ppl from diffrent modes anymore wich are much less geared then normal accounts since they really have to work for the items they wear and are afraid to lose them against a normal account wich doesnt even know how much it is even worth .


Just sayn . I pvp on Classic with Normal ppl even its shit drops just because its fun and i dont bother making me a normal Account for that  . I worked for my ACC and i want to use it thats what its used to .


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Posted 08 December 2017 - 01:29 PM #38

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Posted 10 December 2017 - 01:17 PM #39


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Okay so I don't hold much weight in this topic seeing as I don't player kill, let alone npc kill but with the way pking is set up to only cater to the normal account players is highly unfair. In a way to kind of sets the classic players to only be a pvm gamemode. Most, not all, of us only chose this because we liked the feeling of grinding and love this server and since we can't really participate in certain activities, some of us can feel isolated and demotivated to play. Of course with classic, there are only 2(?) accounts whom are maxed so there is always something to do but some people would like to take a break from the constant grinding and some people do that with a means of pking. I know of some people who would rather pk on other servers, taking away from this servers playerbase. Pking as a whole needs to be revitalized but classic pking needs some changes done to it so more people can enjoy it.

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Posted 10 December 2017 - 01:51 PM #40


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Okay so I don't hold much weight in this topic seeing as I don't player kill, let alone npc kill but with the way pking is set up to only cater to the normal account players is highly unfair. In a way to kind of sets the classic players to only be a pvm gamemode. Most, not all, of us only chose this because we liked the feeling of grinding and love this server and since we can't really participate in certain activities, some of us can feel isolated and demotivated to play. Of course with classic, there are only 2(?) accounts whom are maxed so there is always something to do but some people would like to take a break from the constant grinding and some people do that with a means of pking. I know of some people who would rather pk on other servers, taking away from this servers playerbase. Pking as a whole needs to be revitalized but classic pking needs some changes done to it so more people can enjoy it.

Excellent  input!

KP | One | Horus



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