I believe this should be moved to handled/approved suggestions;
"Mr Popular" - can be obtained be reaching 250 like's on the forums.
"Posting Enthusiast" - can be obtained by reaching 500 post count on the forums.
"Award winner" - can be obtained by winning a community award. Being nominated does not count.[/quote]
Post Addict Achievement sums up for Posting Enthusiast
Quality Approved for Mr Popular
Member of the Month and Event Champion cover the Award Winner
"Completionist" - can be obtained by unlocking the completionist monkey.
"Featured media" - can be obtained by being chosen to have a YouTube video featured on the home-page.
"Highscore maniac" - can be obtained by being placed at the #1 ranking for having 1 combat and 1 non combat skill on the high-scores for a certain amount of time. (7 days+)
"High contributor" - can be obtained by donating a total of 2b+ to the good-well.
"Ex staff" - can be obtained if you have obtained a staff rank here at Alora. (Users are only eligble if they have not left on bad terms/been demoted)
"Addicted" - can be obtained for reaching over 50 days spent online in-game. There's currently a forum award for time spent online but not an in-game award.[/quote]
Completionist is the Completionist award.
Youber kind of covers the Featured Media. However it doesn't fully cover the idea behind this so, could always split this thread up with what's been done/hasn't.
High Contriubutor great idea, hasn't been added so again could split this thread up.
Highscore Maniac cool idea, but unless you're a classic/hcim/uim, these spots have been filled in ways that can't be moved. Every skill on Regular member highscores has people locked at #1 with their 200m spots, held respectably by Blank, Lowkey, Seabound, Joey, Flexicution, Wasko, Unknown and of course Mewtwo's running the show at 4.6b total. All rank 1 combat skills are held by Joey, with Lowkey holding range with Flexicution for Prayer and Magic is Seabounds. Based on them needing rank 1 in a combat and skill, for 7+ days, only Blank, Lowkey, Flexicution, Wasko and Unknown. Regardless of if more peope hit 200m's in these skills as a regular player they don't really qualify.
Regular Ironmen highscores are basically run by Hex in exception to Iron maxx holds construction so he's out since Hex owns combat. Ultimate Ironmen, while there's still a few skills no one has reached 200M (or basically a guaranteed Permanent #1) Ult Vig, I give up, Nacyto and Diseased, they hold all combats with 200M exp. Vig, I give up and Nacyto are the only ones who could get this reward, until Diseased steps his game up and 200m's a skill for his permanent spot.
Anyway only way I could see this award working where everyone has a fair shot (I.E. people already having 200m's locked for combat) is either dropping the combat requirement, and making it 2-3 skills, or making this a Classic, HCIM reward only since no one can permanent 1 these slots yet current maxed for experience is 70M HCIM and 14M Classic. (But again this could be toyed with in a new suggestion.)
Ex-Staff they have their user bar which none of the above awards have aside from Veteran. if you're adamant on this could be split to a new thread.
Addicted while there is a forum award, this is also a prerequisite for Veteran.
Still 4/9 ain't that bad, 4.5/9 if you want to count Youtuber.