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Adding more spawns and updating spawn timer - Herblore secondaries

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 02:46 PM #1


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So first a short introduction, atm it is really hard for ironman to obtain some herblore secondaries, as you may or may not know, ironman are unable to buy herblore secondaries from the shops like normals or classic (classics can buy them right?). Because of this we have to collect herblore secondary ingridients our self. As much as i love this concept and I really don't want this to chance, I do however have some suggestion for making some secondaries for herblore less anoying and more consistent to obtain.


Note: all the averages I use are obtain by picking up 5 of each item and timing how long it would take me on average. Also some secondaries are not in this suggestion because I feel they don't really have any significance if they were added (like adding desert goats for desert goat horns would be dead content imo). Times from osrs are respawn times on fairly populated server, keep that in mind.


Snape grass

atm there are 2 decent ways of obtaining snape grass:

picking them at hobgoblins near crafting guild with a 43 sec respawn timer

Recieving them as a uncommon drop from Waterfiends (3-20 noted)


suggestion: The spawn timer for snape grass atm is way to high, on osrs the spawn timer for snape grass is approximately 13 seconds, also maybe add more snape grass spawns like on waterbirth island (would be easy to reach with dagannoth teleport).


Blue dragon scale

The only good way of obtaining blue dragon scales atm is to pick them up at blue dragons, this isn't the wordt method but I feel like the spawn timer is still a litle to high on here with a average 41 sec respawn timer


suggestion: lower the respawn time to 30 seconds (couldn't find the time for osrs anywhere) this will make them much quicker to obtain.


Wine of zamorak

There are multiple ways of obtaining Wines of zamorak:

Chaos fanatic drups them commonly 10 (noted)

Cerberus drops them commonly 15 (noted)

Kalphite queen drops them uncommonly 60 (noted)

Zammy bodyguard drop them uncommonly 3-10 (should be noted but it's bugged)

You can pick them up at chaos altar in deep wildy with a respawn timer of 40 seconds.


suggestion: I feel like wines of zamorak aren't to hard to obtain but I feel like a small tweek could be in place. I know that we have 4 spawns on here while you have only 1 on osrs but the respawn time on osrs is 24 secs, I think this would be to short for alora but i feel like 30 seconds would make it just a bit better to obtain zammy wines a little faster and make it less anoying. Also fix it so zammy bodyguards drop them noted instead of unnoted.


White berries

There are 3 decent ways of obtaining white berries:

Corporeal Beast drops them commonly 120 (noted)

Kurasks drops them uncommonly 12 (noted)

A few can be picked up at lava dragons with a respawn timer of  39 secs



I feel like white berries are more luck based then something you can grind out, you either have to kill corp alot or camp kurasks for days if you want a decent amount of white berries. On osrs white berries have a respawn time of only 4-5 seconds why is it so long on here? I feel like it would be way better, also for lower level players, if white berries had a lower respawn time of around 10 seconds so they would be easier to obtain at lava dragons.


Potato cactus

atm there is only 1 way of obtaining potato cactus and that is by killing kalphite queen which drops it commonly 100 (noted).


Suggestion: Just like osrs, add spawn points near the kalphite queen and at the kalphite soldiers in the lair, this would make it easier for low levels to obtain potato cactus and also wouldn't force you into killing kalhite queen only to obtain potato cactusses


Crushed nests (via mole skins) thanks to @Thunk for pointing out this mistake

I have made a suggestion about this before that has been added to the main suggestion list, you can see the suggestion over here: http://www.alora.io/...e/#entry117771 


Edit: Ye its me pointed out to me that I was missing some suggestions on my list so here they go:


Red Spiders' eggs

Atm red spider eggs are obtained by 2 methods:

Picking them up at venenatis

Killing Venenatis who drops them uncommonly 500 (noted)


Suggestion: Even though these methods are find for normal ironman, these methods are really risky for hardcor and ultimate ironman, This is why I'd like to suggest adding a spawn in non wildy (like karmja volcano) or adding the low level edge dungeon spawns at the red spider in lvl 3(?) wildy. This would make it way safer for UIM and HC to botain red spiders' eggs.



Atm there is no way of obtaining jangerberries as an ironman.


Suggestion: Add the spawning location at ogres near yanille with a low respawn timer because it's not that close to the bank, this would make it able for ironman to (finally) collect these.


Chocolate dust

Atm the only way to obtain chocolate dust as an ironman is to steal from cake stalls where you can get a chocolate bar at a really low chance. 


Suggestion: Make an easier way to obtaining chocolate bars, maybe make it so the cake stall only gives chocolate bars or any another method would be fine aswel.


final note: The reason I haven't added limp roots and mort myre fungus is because I feel like these 2 are kind of decently obtainable atm. even though mort myre fungy is still a bit slower then osrs itself. 



How do you think about this suggestion? leave a comment below!

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 02:53 PM #2


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I definitely support a boost in the availability of secondaries for ironmen. That's one of the main reasons why I haven't finished maxing my ironman and burnt out - Herblore supplies. Good idea.

Posted 27 November 2017 - 02:55 PM #3

Raud Kukkel

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Great suggestion! 

Staff come see this. This will not turn ironmen into easyscapemen, but it would help us a lot while bossing or doing raids or other PVMing

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 03:05 PM #4


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Definitely worth a support


Posted 27 November 2017 - 03:07 PM #5


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Hondenei , I think you've really nailed this idea down. For that, I want to thank you for the time you spent in and out of the game learning what some properties are and perhaps what the could be. I would love to  see some changes that would cater to a highly populated ironman gamemode that Alora has. While tweaking some timers, some locations, we could find a sweetspot for the population at hand.


Snape GrassThis change would be beneficial, yet wouldn't make the mission of collecting overly easy. I enjoyed your comparisons to osrs, however the timings may vary (i.e 1 world populus, world hopping for it isn't available)


Wines of ZamorakA noted drop in a room with respawning bosses makes sense. While I agree this will help ironmen collect, we also have the think about the state of Kril himself. Its very easy to come and go, or stay as long as you want. To change this current state of dropped resources, we'd have to look further into how much gets collected per interval of time.


Crushed Nests (via mole skins) Without a doubt yes. As Mole is a hard task (meaning maxed out slayer trainers will likely not be visiting too often) Mole is left as dead content. I have personally gathered more woodcutting in the time it takes for each method. A transfer rate change would be amazing to Ironmen who want to make Saradomin brews for Raids, Inferno, etc.




These are three areas I wanted to dive a little deeper into. I would love to see how this impacts the game, as these resources are currently gathered almost as fast as they spawn. 



I appreciate the time you put into this, Hondenei 




Posted 27 November 2017 - 03:09 PM #6


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added suggestions for Red spiders' eggs, janger berries and chocolate dust aswel! credits go to Ye Its Me



Hondenei , I think you've really nailed this idea down. For that, I want to thank you for the time you spent in and out of the game learning what some properties are and perhaps what the could be. I would love to  see some changes that would cater to a highly populated ironman gamemode that Alora has. While tweaking some timers, some locations, we could find a sweetspot for the population at hand.


Snape Grass - This change would be beneficial, yet wouldn't make the mission of collecting overly easy. I enjoyed your comparisons to osrs, however the timings may vary (i.e 1 world populus, world hopping for it isn't available)


Wines of Zamorak - A noted drop in a room with respawning bosses makes sense. While I agree this will help ironmen collect, we also have the think about the state of Kril himself. Its very easy to come and go, or stay as long as you want. To change this current state of dropped resources, we'd have to look further into how much gets collected per interval of time.


Crushed Nests (via mole skins) -  Without a doubt yes. As Mole is a hard task (meaning maxed out slayer trainers will likely not be visiting too often) Mole is left as dead content. I have personally gathered more woodcutting in the time it takes for each method. A transfer rate change would be amazing to Ironmen who want to make Saradomin brews for Raids, Inferno, etc.




These are three areas I wanted to dive a little deeper into. I would love to see how this impacts the game, as these resources are currently gathered almost as fast as they spawn. 



I appreciate the time you put into this, Hondenei 

I added the information about the osrs time in the notes and updates moleskins to Curshed nests, thanks for pointing this out and the positive feedback! And you're right about the zammy wines, zammy boss is kind of easy atm because he rarely hits, so maybe we should not update that but only look at the respawn timers at the chaos altar atm.


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Posted 27 November 2017 - 03:38 PM #7

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Sounds like a wonderful idea. I'd love to see Ironmen get secondaries easier.

I support this.

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 05:13 PM #8


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I've got to say it seems like you've put a lot of time and effort into this thread. I remember when I was playing as an ironman the worst thing to do was collect secondaries. 


You are very right. A lot of the timers for picking up some of the secondaries or even trying to get drops from bosses to get the secondaries is a bit long, or the amount of secondaries dropped could even be increased.


Full support for this. Keep the ironmen going.

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Posted 27 November 2017 - 06:18 PM #9

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 I'm fine with the current state of herblore and don't have any troubles collecting any secondaries except for birds nests. (buff mole ratio, add noted drops from arma). Red spider egg spawn has been in edge dungeon lvl 3-4 for a while now. 

Posted 29 November 2017 - 07:35 AM #10

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Added those that weren't to the main suggestions list, thank you :)

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