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Posted 24 November 2017 - 08:52 PM #1


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im still new and i was getting ready to start slayer for money making, what should i use for armor/wep ect.. what all should i have with me to start slayer, also is there a guide i cant seem to find one thanks all.

Posted 24 November 2017 - 09:30 PM #2


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Hello there and welcome!

Firstly, it depends how much money you have. A simple way to make some starting money is by going to ::thieve. Once you have got enough money, I would suggest buying a whip. I would then recommend you buy either of the following depending on leftover money:

- Food and potions from rasalo (Edge general store)

- Bandos boots (Cheap) Dragon boots (5m)
- Glory (Cheap) Fury (7m)
- Ring of wealth (50k) Just to slightly help with rare drop table items


For gloves, I'd recommend you do recipe for disaster quest, granting you with barrows gloves.
For armour, I'd recommend that you spend a couple hours at pest control, collecting void (melee) so you can start using it with slayer. Otherwise, get rune armour and go to ::barrows and try your luck at getting some armour, if you get pieces you don't want you can even sell it for money! If you want a slayer helm, I'd recommend you killing cave horror's, as I don't think you'll have enough money saved over from thieve. 

For guides, type ::guides in game or find the 'Guides' section on the forums. Under MISC guides, their is a guide that lists every guide, giving you a quick fast shortcut to any guide you may need.


If you need any further help, either PM me or join 'Help' CC.

Posted 25 November 2017 - 02:05 AM #3


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All you need for slayer is some sort of melee to get started out with. You should aim towards getting a black mask asap since you can combine it with a spiny helmet for a slayer helm which gives really good bonus dmg for slayer task mobs. You can start out with rune set and dscimmy. If you feel like ya wanna step up then hit the barrows for some good legs, pest control for fighters torso and warrior guild for a dragon defender. After you've got some money from the slayer buy a whip, fury and dboots and you've got yourself a decent set :)

Posted 02 December 2017 - 02:33 PM #4


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You can get some good starter supplies at rasolo. 


Buy full rune, neitiznot helm, glory, a shield of some sort and a dragon scimitar

Buy potions for the skill you are training.

Buy sharks as food.


Talk to Nieve or Steve for a slayer task, slayer should get you some starter money, from Caskets e.t.c.


Good luck!

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