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Help CC Suggestion

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Posted 19 November 2017 - 11:36 AM #1


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  Hello frands, there's been something that's been on my mind for a while now and I've finally amassed enough energy to post about it. Specifically, it has to do with 15b in the rules.




It's obvious who wrote the rule because of the fancy wording (Kappa), but the rule really boils down to one thing: Help CC is only for help. I absolutely understand the intent behind the rule, but it's one of the worst things you could do to the clan.


First of all, many people including myself find entertainment in talking to other players whilst helping whenever possible. The rule assumes that we're all headasses that wouldn't be able to answer any questions if there's another conversation going on and that's just dumb. If you're a staff member or a player that helps a lot, I don't really understand how bad you must be if you can't answer questions while another conversation is going on. Before the rule was implemented, people helped each other pretty easily and I don't see why the status quo had to change at all.


Secondly, Help CC is more boring than my AP Statistics class. Recently, I've literally experienced a ~5 minute lull in which nobody said anything because NOBODY HAS QUESTIONS SOMETIMES. Once somebody did ask a question, nobody answers for a while because WHO WOULD PAY ATTENTION TO A BORING ASS CHAT. The system implemented makes it more difficult for everybody and it's literally because of this rule that makes all small talk and conversation illegal. 


Last point, you encourage new players to join Help CC so they can ask questions, but in doing so you alienate them from the community. Who even goes to Help CC when there are infinitely many better clans that aren't Help focused. By repealing this rule, you can make Help CC Great Again (HCGA). 


Now I'm going to address some points that will probably be brought up.


"You can always go to Alora clan chat". Sure, when it's not always full. 400+ players on at once and most flock to Alora, not viable most of the time.

"Help cc is only for help!" That takes all the fun out of it and where else am I supposed to talk to and be a part of the community ^^

"It's so hard to help players when there's so much spam". Well if you're a staff member, learn to read faster and be able to comprehend questions with an IQ higher than 50. Otherwise, if players don't get answers they can pm a staff directly. 


I can't think of anything else but please repeal this stupid rule. I'm getting bored bank standing. 



UPDATE: Well not really an update, it's just that this was the cc before I started this thread.


Nobody has said anything in the time I've written this long rant. Thanks chingooz

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Posted 19 November 2017 - 11:56 AM #2


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It's not that this rule is really needed, I wouldn't mind this in my opinion, "Help" CC always was the most populated CC as I remember and it changed.

Personally I would like to see this so the CC would get more "popular" again and it's not like this would really hurt or anything, it would just make this CC more populated at first, more fun and at last still the same purpose as it was meant to be, help.


Support from me. :D







Posted 19 November 2017 - 12:05 PM #3


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I'm going to have to agree with @Sheep on this one. Help CC is dead these days. Personally, I never leave this clan chat and I only see around 50 people at most in there. I understand that Help CC (as the name implies) is meant for help only, but it's not an issue if there's a some small-talk going on. 

I support.

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Posted 19 November 2017 - 12:27 PM #4


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I can completely agree, I usually try and get into Alora CC myself mostly because I find more people ask questions there. I believe it would be better if the Help cc was a bit more populated, in terms of people who need questions answered.



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Posted 19 November 2017 - 12:41 PM #5

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I don't see any problem with small talk as others have said, but what is stopping you from just changing cc to Alora for example?

I feel like the help cc should be there to help others & not talk about non-related stuff. It's a medium for players to get help, whether it's boring or not.

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Posted 19 November 2017 - 12:47 PM #6


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I don't see any problem with small talk as others have said, but what is stopping you from just changing cc to Alora for example?

I feel like the help cc should be there to help others & not talk about non-related stuff. It's a medium for players to get help, whether it's boring or not.

Because Alora is full 90% of the time and since help cc is boring, nobody stays there. Not even staff members (Ryuu is the only active one I've seen). Bad for everybody.

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Posted 19 November 2017 - 12:59 PM #7


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I think that rule is there not to be hardasses but to give staff members the authority/jurisdiction to handle severely off-topic discussion.

Posted 19 November 2017 - 01:01 PM #8

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Because Alora is full 90% of the time and since help cc is boring, nobody stays there. Not even staff members (Ryuu is the only active one I've seen). Bad for everybody.

I still don't see your problem with the help cc.

Is having people spam help cc with advertisements & constant asking about tp prices/marketing gonna change the behavior / make people more active?

I don't see how this helps. I'd rather see improvements to the Alora chat, making it hold a higher roster or make another Alora chat in which people autojoin on login if the first one is full.

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Posted 19 November 2017 - 02:22 PM #9

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I support this idea. I feel the same way you do on these amassed issues within the Help CC. I feel like we can do better as a group both staff and players to make Help CC what it should be.


Posted 19 November 2017 - 04:11 PM #10


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He only means like fun talk, I also wouldn’t agree to allow market talk in help cc, also wouldn’t allow advertising for cc or mini games in help cc. @Salter







Posted 19 November 2017 - 04:18 PM #11

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He only means like fun talk, I also wouldn’t agree to allow market talk in help cc, also wouldn’t allow advertising for cc or mini games in help cc. @Salter

He wants to remove the rule, not change it. 

Removing the rule would give them free reign to do what they want.

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Posted 19 November 2017 - 04:44 PM #12


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He wants to remove the rule, not change it. 
Removing the rule would give them free reign to do what they want.

Sheep is right, I just want to remove the rule saying no extraneous conversations that essentially equates to nothing except help related topics in help. That's only the B part of the rule, C still makes cc advertisements illegal and I'm pretty sure another rule talks about marketing.

I want to be able to get to know other players, talk about our lives, and enjoy the game without people shouting "ONLY HELP. IN HELP". it's something that I loved doing last year and up until help cc was rendered boring by this rule. Switching to the old ways wouldn't mean anarchy...

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Posted 20 November 2017 - 06:13 AM #13


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Would definitely love to see this rule being removed, particularly the one where you don't allow players to have 'fun' or 'small' talk (which when you think about it, is absurd and pretty much unavoidable as it's a harmless, natural instinct).


Now, when players begin to advertise their clan-chats or do any sort of merchandise, that's when it should become a problem.. but I don't remember this being a problem back then either way. If anything, it made the 'HELP' clan-chat a lot more fun and interactive between players, just how it should be. Restrictions like these, to this extent, aren't needed. If staff members don't feel like getting caught up between 'small talk' in the clan-chat, simply private message the user and help them personally. I used to do this back then and it worked fine for me. I don't see why it shouldn't now.

Posted 23 November 2017 - 01:04 PM #14

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Help CC is dead and needs something done to revive it. I sit in this CC 98% of the time I am actively playing Alora, yet it is so inactive when I apply for SS the only comments I ever get are people saying I'm never in Help CC. As you've pointed out already, I can sit in help cc for 12 minutes before someone will even ask a question or make a statement, especially at night.

Help CC is dead and needs revived!! Support!!

Posted 25 November 2017 - 07:54 AM #15

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I never had any issues w/ the help cc getting discussions going - so long as they weren't completely derailing the chat when players actually needed assistance.



Posted 11 December 2017 - 07:55 AM #16

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I myself would go into the Help cc if it weren't for the fact it's so damn dead 90% of the time, so I stay in the Alora cc to help members there. That and new members are automatically added to the Alora chat so I get a few more questions from members in there rather than in Help. Plus the fact we can continue to have fluid conversations because we're not bound by some rule implying that we're all too mentally deficient to multi-task/prioritize. 

Full support from me.



Posted 11 December 2017 - 08:12 AM #17


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After spending a long time in the help CC the past week or so, it definitely does get quiet or dead when people aren't asking questions; however, some of the "fun talk" becomes Alora CC meme'ing and trash talk which needs handled. As long as it is in moderation, I support.

Posted 13 December 2017 - 12:51 PM #18


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The help cc should be open for conversation #Support. Aslo, I think it's hilarious that the help cc specifically has such concrete rules when people literally spam ::yell as much as they can for fucking EVERYTHING. 

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Posted 13 December 2017 - 01:01 PM #19


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From when I've been on it's been active with questions quite a bit, but other than that I agree.

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