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Removal of The Rule Against Safespotting Gorillas

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Posted 29 October 2017 - 12:07 AM #1


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I would like to start a thread for people to voice their opinion on the rule against safespotting Demonic Gorillas.


I personally see nothing wrong with it. From the beginning time of Runescape, Safespotting has been allowed on all servers, and on real runescape as well. There is no unfairness as far as safespotting goes, seeing as everyone can do it. And it doesn't hurt anyone, It allows people to relax and grind while they do homework, or other real life things and at the same time enjoying the server.


There is no logical reason for it being against the rules, other then the fact that someone obviously got mad that others were doing it with ranged, and they were attacking with melee, which would mean they can't safespot. 


Rules like this are the beginning for stupid rules that will drive players away.


Now keep in mind, this is my opinion, in the eyes of the staff it means nothing, but if there are enough players out there that feel the same way then maybe the staff will do something about it. Let's find out.

Posted 29 October 2017 - 12:11 AM #2

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True true, no point in this rule being a thing.. It's fair to all players, just because some prefer to use other combat types, doesn't mean safe spotting should be jail-able, and eventually ban-able.. makes no sense. Trash rule.. please remove.


Posted 29 October 2017 - 12:17 AM #3


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Did you really just support your own topic lmao

Edit: Was so excited, I forgot to put my input. No. You tried to debate that Jagex allows safespotting which sure its true to an extent, they certainly don't allow safespotting of demonic gorillas. Being able to literally just click on a monster and tab out to go watch the next episode of Sex in the City is a bit unjust, no?

Edited by Scenery, 29 October 2017 - 12:31 AM.


Ikta is da best.

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Posted 29 October 2017 - 12:23 AM #4


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Did you really just support your own topic lmao

No, that would be my brother. But thank you for your input.

Posted 29 October 2017 - 12:25 AM #5


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There is currently a community issue being handled in OSRS involved bug abuse aka "safespotting" 


In Alora we handle this issue by asking players to stop effectively bug abusing. I don't see why this issue shouldn't be handled in such a manner. 




Posted 29 October 2017 - 12:40 AM #6


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There is currently a community issue being handled in OSRS involved bug abuse aka "safespotting" 


In Alora we handle this issue by asking players to stop effectively bug abusing. I don't see why this issue shouldn't be handled in such a manner. 

It is not a bug, for years on runescape there has been spots where you can safespot from, and they have never taken them out.

Jagex is usually pretty quick about fixing bugs, so if they considered safespotting a bug, they would have removed the ability to do so years ago.

Posted 29 October 2017 - 12:42 AM #7

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Thing is, they reduced his ban, after the community blew up about it being a bs reason, and they very quickly patched it so you can only examine the boat, and not interact with it at all.. if you're going to post a video about "bug abuse" aka safe-spotting, then you'd may aswell also link the reddit post that received thousands of upvotes, and the J-mod('s) that replied to it. *cough* safespotting gorilla's isn't as big a deal as what happened with Cerberus, it's been around a while, and no one had a problem with it. Legit people showed others how to do it when they first came to gorilla's.. It was the basic way of doing it. No one got upset about it until recently..

Thing is, they reduced his ban, after the community blew up about it being a bs reason, and they very quickly patched it so you can only examine the boat, and not interact with it at all.. if you're going to post a video about "bug abuse" aka safe-spotting, then you'd may aswell also link the reddit post that received thousands of upvotes, and the J-mod('s) that replied to it. *cough* safespotting gorilla's isn't as big a deal as what happened with Cerberus, it's been around a while, and no one had a problem with it. Legit people showed others how to do it when they first came to gorilla's.. It was the basic way of doing it. No one got upset about it until recently..

The part about the reddit post is to be dis-regarded. I hadn't seen the Reddit part until after watching it a second time, while sitting on the site.


Posted 29 October 2017 - 12:43 AM #8


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Btw Thunk, that cerb bug on osrs, is not even the same thing as normal safe spotting, sure it is similar and has some of the same qualities, but it is not safe spotting. that is different. And it was fixed almost instantly, not to mention the player that was banned on osrs had a reduced ban time after the fact.

Posted 29 October 2017 - 01:21 AM #9

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Demonics aren't even hard, no support

Posted 29 October 2017 - 01:31 AM #10

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I see no point getting rid of this rule since killing Demonic gorillas is very easy. If you wanted to relax and watch a TV show while playing Alora, you'd do some AFK skilling instead. 

Posted 29 October 2017 - 02:32 AM #11


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Whole point behind demonic gorillas is to kill them legit like on osrs, They have 3 attack styles and 3 pray styles for a reason, not to safe spot.


Your argument makes no sense, And jagex have alot of developers and bug fixers as a team, we only have omicron.


So us being there to tell you to stop doing it is the right thing to do until fixed, No one is angry about this. The only people that get angry are those who get warned or punished for doing so any not listening to warnings. aka you.





Posted 29 October 2017 - 03:35 AM #12


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oops wrong topic

Posted 29 October 2017 - 04:09 AM #13


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safespotting is kind of a touchy topic. Personally i don't think it should be allowed because of how low the drop rates for demon gorillas are, and just because of how easy it is to afl them for literally hours. i think demonic gorillas should be updates so they're similar to osrs so it's not as useful to safespot them

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Posted 29 October 2017 - 06:34 AM #14

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Safespoting should only be used with npc's without any mechanics, for example blue dragons, wyverns, black demons etc. 

No safespoting for bosses or demi-bosses (like demonic gorillas).

No support.

Posted 29 October 2017 - 06:53 AM #15

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I agree and disagree with this. No, demonic gorilla's should NOT be safespottable, way too good drops for it to be balanced. On the other hand, i feel like punishing people doing so is NOT the right approach. If we dont want people to safespot them, make it so its not possible! Why the FUCK is there even the posibility to do so? I'd call this a bug that needs fixing, but it seems like dev's dont see it this way, and rather just ban for it. weird.


TLDR: should not be safespottable, make it impossible rather than banning for it.

Posted 29 October 2017 - 07:07 AM #16


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i support this

Posted 29 October 2017 - 10:45 AM #17

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If you're going to make safespotting demonic gorilla's jailable or banable then you have to reword the rules because it only states that safespotting bosses is prohibited, gorilla's are monsters.

Posted 29 October 2017 - 01:07 PM #18


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Whole point behind demonic gorillas is to kill them legit like on osrs, They have 3 attack styles and 3 pray styles for a reason, not to safe spot.


Your argument makes no sense, And jagex have alot of developers and bug fixers as a team, we only have omicron.


So us being there to tell you to stop doing it is the right thing to do until fixed, No one is angry about this. The only people that get angry are those who get warned or punished for doing so any not listening to warnings. aka you.

So my Argument makes no sense, thats funny because yours actually makes no sense by stating that Jagex has a team of devs and bug fixers. They fix all BUGS asap. But yet safe spotting has been around since the beginning of runescape. So you're gunna tell me that safe spotting is a bug? You're wrong. So next time you try posting on my thread saying its a "BUG", get your facts right.

Posted 29 October 2017 - 01:48 PM #19


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So my Argument makes no sense, thats funny because yours actually makes no sense by stating that Jagex has a team of devs and bug fixers. They fix all BUGS asap. But yet safe spotting has been around since the beginning of runescape. So you're gunna tell me that safe spotting is a bug? You're wrong. So next time you try posting on my thread saying its a "BUG", get your facts right.

ehm, they do have a team of devs... & actually they have bugs for a while, if you've played osrs you'd know that somethings go unseen for along time.




The fact you tried to support your own topic just shows how much you actually know.





Posted 29 October 2017 - 01:58 PM #20


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ehm, they do have a team of devs... & actually they have bugs for a while, if you've played osrs you'd know that somethings go unseen for along time.




The fact you tried to support your own topic just shows how much you actually know.

how much i know, sure bud. I think i've been in the runescape scene longer then you, not trying to offend you, not that i really care. but osrs is basically a private server tbh, and as far as jagex goes, they allow safespotting. the one cerbeus bug wasn't even a big deal, the only reason the guy got banned was because he was doing it to protect his hcim status. Other then that, no one has ever been banned for safe spotting on any runescape platform. not to mention, the rules here for Alora, clearly state that safespotting on bosses is not allowed, Demonic Gorillas, is categorized as a monster teleport, not boss, so maybe that should be changed if you want your rule to be legit.

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