Hello. I am fully aware this has been suggested before, I just wanted to add a little something.
I want to shed some light again on this. (Again)
Original Thread below. I'm very curious as to why there wasn't much of a response.
Here's the original thread anyhow.
I like this concept too.
Maybe throw this little beauty in there.
Unfortunately I couldn't find any decent OSRS screenshots, these were used somewhat in both OSRS and RS3, mainly through OSBuddy I believe for OSRS? Probably the only thing that fits into both games without effecting gameplay in anyway.
I could go in to thorough detail, but I don't feel the need to as the majority, if not all of us know what an experience tracker is, I just simply want to bring this good suggestion alive again. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I'd like to highlight beforehand that someone who has a much faster experience rate may not share the same opinion as someone who plays as a Hardcore or a classic player.
Question: Should I add a poll?
Thanks for reading.