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PVP Improvements?

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Posted 18 September 2017 - 11:40 AM #1

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I'm among the top 25 pkers, and have hundreds of hours invested into PVP. It doesn't take someone like me to see the the wilderness is not very active. Now, players that don't pk come up with many reasons why they don't PK. After asking around it seems quite obvious people commonly believe PVP is just not financially worth it. Some say it's too expensive to do it, others say rewards aren't large enough.

So with that said, I'd like to suggest or ask if it is possible to drop the prices of entry level PVP supplies and items such as: rune platelegs, dragon scimitar, sharks and prayer potions.

I understand this would decrease the value of these items and supplies in the Trading Post, but I believe it would help expand the PVP community. 


Alongside this, I'm not sure if it is possible to do given coding restrictions and difficulty, but I believe somehow changing the Emblem Trader's store's item value to be based on actual item value. That seems confusing, so I will explain it like this. Take the Dragon Claws, just north of 23,000 PKP. The same item' current value in the Trading Post is approximately 115m. When the Dragon Claws were added to the shop, their value was north of 190m in the Trading Post. If you could set it so the items PKP value would be automatically based on that items TP value through a preset point to GP value such as 1PKP = 6500GP.

This would adjust the theoretical value of Dragon Claws to almost 140m. Adversely, this would put the theoretical value of AGS to 68m, a Dharok set to 42.2m, Anglerfish to 58k each, and so on and so forth. This is where the point requirement would need to adjust to actual TP value. Perhaps there is a large stock of Anglerfish in the TP, so to match the TP value, the point requirement would need to drop from 449 to 175.

Not only would this benefit the PVP community, but it would also help the the economy!

Posted 18 September 2017 - 12:21 PM #2


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I don't see this helping the eco, rather helping people who have multiple PK items so when they do go up in price they can dump them for profit, Thus making them go down in price again anyway.





Posted 18 September 2017 - 12:33 PM #3


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Updates and some research on PvP would be heavily appreciated by many people I've talked with. J, we've discussed some good things and some bad things that Alora PvP has.
Pros: Large number of players for events.
Bounty hunter is enabled and emblem upgrading is profitable
Most styles work well at the moment.

Cons: Alora is highly commended for PvM, most of the playerbase participates there. (Simply a con for the thread, not a bad thing overall)
NH swaps have unequal tick timing compared to PARA.
There are large regions of inactivity in edge wildy, and in some ways, promotes afking there to find fights.
Lastly, server lag lately has botched fights here and there, which hopefully shouldn't exist long.

Structuring the economy is a long term goal. Fitting it to cut losses/raise incentive would increase the liklelihood of more people trying pking.

I like your ideas, thank you for pointing them out. This post is my opinion on the state of PvP as it is. If anything, I dare you all reading this to bring up ideas of how you think us Staff should improve this aspect of the server. It may not be taken in to development, but the more we bring it up, the more support ideas will gain.

Tl;Dr. I think there are good and bad things about PvP here. Please show support for ideas, It's the only way our development team knows what you want us to work on. We want you to have fun on Alora.




Posted 18 September 2017 - 12:48 PM #4


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I don't think this would be a good addition but I do like the direction you're going in. Some updates to PvP would be great so its more attractive to the players.

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Posted 18 September 2017 - 12:57 PM #5


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I think this has already been done before, a small amount, not to sure on this suggestion though.







Posted 18 September 2017 - 01:23 PM #6

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Ive already suggested numerous pking suggestions including reworking the pkp shop properly so its actually a viable moneymaker, it was reworked however prices were off and then nobody changed it to balance it out. Unfortunately since the server is 95% pvmers/ironmen, pking is simply not a priority and so gl trying to get them to work on making pking relevant.

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Posted 18 September 2017 - 01:27 PM #7

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I think the suggestion you're trying to promote doesn't make a ton of sense and really seems like a lot of work for something that sits temporary based on the current situation.

However, your comment about how pking is just financially difficult is true the problem. I too have experienced this very thing (spending a ton of time getting max gear to be able to pvm efficiently to get extra money so that I can risk dying while learning the servers mechanics). 

As is stands, pking is too expensive for any new player coming off R-L toplist.
They'll login, thieve for an hour and buy their welfare rune pking gear, then they'll die only to lose it to "COOLCLOWN999" who's got a +1 (ags/claw/elder)  and realize that if they wish to pk efficiently, they need to get torso, ddef & a +1 because the other rune pker you're going to fight is going to have one 95% of the time.

This is where the loop comes in, to pk you're forced to do it as primarily endgame content. It's not something you can just really jump into from the get-go.
To actually profit from it in a reasonable manner you need a +1. To get a +1 you'll be spending a good chunk of your time pvming to be able to obtain said +1.
Once said +1 is obtained your next challenge you're faced with is, "I have to buy dharoks/food".
Dharoks is very fairly priced imo, but the price for BIS food is obscene and the method of acquiring it is risky.

Then of course after you've dealt with all those issues your final one arises. Combat pots. Sure you can get away with Super sets while pking, but ideally when pking you want to be efficiently managing your space (Especially for hybridding/Nhing).
Combat pots are expensive and their main source of coming into the game is via skilling, which keeps them naturally at a high price. 

The only way to fix the current state of pking is to fix the financial aspect of it and a great start would be combat pots & anglers.
Having combat pots/anglers in the shop for a fair price would not only act as a gold sink, but would increase the availability to players who're not on the server trying to get a max cape.

It also boils down to perspective.
In my opinion an RSPS should promote pking/pvm as their primary focus.
Skilling should mainly be for the rewarding max cape.

I could speak about this for days, so perhaps I'll take some time one of these evenings to create a giant thread regarding it.

Posted 18 September 2017 - 01:36 PM #8



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Quiet a few valid points through out this thread, and I can see how this suggestion could be somewhat beneficial. But you have to take into consideration how much this could damage the eco, like others have stated. Now don't mind me, i'm all for wilderness suggestions due to the fact as everyone is aware, the wilderness lacks players, but I honestly don't see this suggestions affecting the wilderness activity whatsoever.


How ever, others may disagree. Let's see where this goes.



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Posted 21 September 2017 - 04:53 AM #9

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There's too many variables to determine a correct pkp to gp ratio w/ items considering they're always changing. It was also readjusted fairly recently as well.


You do have a point with entry level pk costs being to high. I'm pretty sure things like neitiznot helmet and other things are far too expensive. I'll add something in the main suggestion thread along the lines of decrease basic pking supplies cost

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