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The thing I keep telling myself daily; 'I'm not a weeb, I'm not a weeb, I'm not a weeb!', only just to notice I might actually be a weeb..
The darkest night makes for the brightest stars.
Weeb nation going through....believe me i have taste in music but...weeb music is good af too...specially if you sing along
Promoted to Server Support - 8/02/2018
Promoted to Server Moderator 8/03/2018
Promoted to Global Moderator 30/05/2018
Community awards - March
Most Active Ingame
Community awards - April Most Active Ingame Best Hybrid
Community Awards - May
Best hybrid
When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.
Jean-Paul Satre
*disclaimer I'm not depressed, just a song I enjoy*
-weeb alert-
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