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New Donor Rank BENEFITS

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Posted 04 September 2017 - 04:29 PM #1

2 swords

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Disclaimer: These are simply suggestions, not confirmed updates
I suggest reading this post in its entirety, as I believe there's some awesome stuff here!
The current donor benefits can be seen by clicking on the spoiler


I've been thinking for quite some time now that the donor store could use a revamp, as well as the current benefits being given. Many of the suggestions I'm going to list have come up repeatedly by the community, and I thought why not include some of them within the donations realm. 
You can find the full list of compiled suggestions here http://www.alora.io/...cs/#entry114983
Ironmen and classic accounts are limited to just a ring of wealth imbued currently (non cosmetic items), and their other tokens are completely wasted These items will help to alleviate such issues, as well as give regular accounts the same great items.
The current ironman/classic donator shop can be seen by clicking the spoiler link
The donor store is quite lacking in regards to items that can only be used by donors. These items will be purchasable in the donation store for tokens 
​I would like to see the Pyromancer set, Shayzien set, and lumberjack set taken out of the achievement shop, and added to the donor only collection and given their osrs abilities.
Soul bearer 
The soul bearer will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 250 tokens, and will automatically bank ensouled heads when a player uses an ensouled head on it.
Strung rabbit foot 
The strung rabbit foot will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 100 tokens, increasing a user's chance at bird's nests (osrs has it only increasing chance to obtain eggs however)
Gricoller's can
The gricoller's can will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 50 tokens, it holds 1000 charges instead of the 8 from a regular watering can
The ectophial will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 100 tokens, it will teleport you to port phasmatys and allow for easy access to a new herb patch
Magic secateurs
The magic secateurs will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 200 tokens. When worn the secateurs will increase the crop yield of herbs and other allotments by 10% 
Goldsmith gauntlets
The goldsmith gauntlets will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 100 tokens. When worn they will increase the experience gained from smelting gold ore 
Explorer's ring 4

The explorer's ring will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 100 tokens, it will teleport the user to the cabbage patch near the Falador farm

osrs link - http://oldschoolrune...plorer's_ring_4


Falador shield 4 


The falador shield 4 will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 200 tokens. The Giant Mole drops noted mole skins/claws once the shield is purchased from the store (these can be turned in for birds nests on alora)

A very helpful Mole Locator will give provided

osrs link - http://oldschoolrune...alador_shield_4


Desert amulet 4


The desert amulet 4 will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 150 tokens. Teleports you to the npc "Zahur" who will create unfinished potions from herbs for a cost

osrs link - http://oldschoolrune...Desert_amulet_4


Morytania legs 4


The morytania legs 4 will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 100 tokens. Teleports you to an herb and allotment patch located on Harmony Island

osrs link - http://oldschoolrune...orytania_legs_4


Fremennik sea boots 4


I would like to see the fremennik sea boots 4 taken out of the sir loyal t shop

The Fremennik sea boots 4 will be available for purchase within the donor shop for 200 tokens. Killing the daganoth kings will provide noted daganoth bones

osrs link - http://oldschoolrune...nik_sea_boots_4




Revamped Donor Zone + Donor Slayer Cave

credits to casual

Original topic thread http://www.alora.io/...w-donator-zone/


This donor zone will be available for super donors + by typing ;;dz2


The new donor zone will be placed in Shilo Village



  • Access to mahogany and teak trees for construction
  • Access to the long awaited gem mines
  • Access to entirely new farming patches (herb/trees/etc)
  • Access to 200 anglerfish to be caught a day
  • Access to 100 black chins to be caught a day
  • Access to every mineable ore on alora
  • New Slayer master (increased slayer points!)
  • An all new world boss spawned only inside this area once every 3 hours, team up with your fellow friends to take him down!
  • Cooking range w/ increased successful cook rates (less chance of burning)
  • All new thieving stall, requires level 99 thieving 
  • Increased experience rate inside the donor zone (10% increase)



---- World Boss ---

Super donor+ only


Giant Roc


osrs link - http://oldschoolrune.../wiki/Giant_Roc

 (located only on the new donor zone)

Credits to F 8 for the world boss suggestion

Original topic http://www.alora.io/...one-world-boss/


In order to access the room for the boss when spawned, the donor account must sacrifice 100 black chins, or 200 anglerfish (this will create a need for people skilling in wildy, or obtaining their daily max amount in donor zone - and keep the prices for them up)


Rewards (F 8's list)





New Donor Perks - 


  • Custom profile music on your forums account
  • Coin caskets from skilling
  • Ensouled head notification 
  • Paying to have clue scrolls completed
  • Lower cooldown for the donor regeneration pool the higher your donor rank
  • Second level wyverns expansion
  • More items in the sir loyal t shop
  • Ability to pay for extended slayer tasks
  • Ability to pay for specific slayer task(s)
  • Blocking more slayer tasks with higher donor ranks
  • Gear loadouts
  • Access to Motherload mine
  • Access to ZMI runecrafting
  • Increased slayer points from the new slayer master in the new donor zone
  • Free access to the resource area in wildy

Main Account - Syntax

Posted 04 September 2017 - 04:37 PM #2

Iron Dejay

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Very well laid out thread. Definitely support the majority of these changes/add ons.


Definitely agree with allowing don+/super+ to extend slayer tasks and pay (whether it be points or GP) for specific tasks.


I do feel that the ironman store is very bland and could be revamped as well.

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Posted 04 September 2017 - 04:39 PM #3


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Some of these would be great to add in general - not just for donors.

Posted 04 September 2017 - 04:57 PM #4

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Love the super+ and up new zone, some great suggestions here i hope they will be added.


especially the nardah one.



Great thread.

No longer playing 'ill max soon' my focus is on maxing my Classic.


Classic Account Name = ClassicMax








44Sw9Lj.png svteAVj.png







Posted 04 September 2017 - 05:12 PM #5

2 swords

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Thanks for the feedback, if you guys have any other additions or alterations you feel would be worth while please post!

Main Account - Syntax

Posted 04 September 2017 - 05:23 PM #6

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I would be so hyped for the new world boss!

This is going to be epic! I'm looking so forward to extended slayer tasks!

It's gonna be 10/10 if all this get added

[url=""%20title="External%20link"]Posted Image[/url]

Posted 04 September 2017 - 05:25 PM #7

2 swords

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I would be so hyped for the new world boss!

This is going to be epic! I'm looking so forward to extended slayer tasks!

It's gonna be 10/10 if all this get added

Nothings confirmed in any way, simply suggestions! haha


I would be hyped too though!

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Posted 04 September 2017 - 05:35 PM #8

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no support....just cuz


Posted 04 September 2017 - 06:01 PM #9


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if omicron check this would be great

Posted 04 September 2017 - 07:03 PM #10

Fe Brew
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I really like this, would be pretty cool to have ardy patch fixed on cloak tbh, faster runs. (not for donors but in general)

Posted 04 September 2017 - 07:52 PM #11

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I hands down agree to all these suggestions; suggested already or not - I will support these ideas as they're a great idea an would be a great revamp for the community.

There's a lot of things needing a revamp; and yeah they might be small, but they will all make a great change for the future of Alora.

Posted 04 September 2017 - 07:52 PM #12

Iron Restart
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you put so much good info and ideas omi can just pick and choose what he wants and we would still get a great update

Posted 04 September 2017 - 09:23 PM #13


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Yes please.

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Posted 04 September 2017 - 09:30 PM #14

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I really would like more of the achievement items in game, And agree with all these suggestions, Being able to buy the current ones from the achievement shop is really cool and would love to see all of them in game with benefits


And i agree with all these suggestions as well! Nothing too overpowered but nice convenience and benefits

Posted 05 September 2017 - 12:19 AM #15


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Really like the donor zone suggestions! Seems very thought out, and isnt incredibly op, which is a good thing.

As for the skilling/utility items, I wouldn't mind seeing them on the donor store, but I would also like them added to the loyalty store.

Even if this means the price of them would be incredibly high, I don't like the idea of a QoL feature being locked behind a paywall.

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Posted 05 September 2017 - 01:11 AM #16



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Overall, I like most of the ideas presented here, but I have some concerns:


1. Gem rocks being Donator-only in Shilo Village restricts normal players from obtaining gems this way. Of course, there are other ways to obtain gems, and players could obtain bonds in-game to access the zone so it isn't completely restricted.


2. Those "limited-use" items, such as the 1000 charge watering can, do they simply disappear after the 1000 uses? If not, how are they recharged?


3. I feel that the requirements to fight the Giant Roc (sacrifice 100 black chins, or 200 anglerfish) are a bit unrelated to the boss overall and don't make much sense. Which "room" would the boss be in, anyway? In my opinion, a world boss should probably have a few different spawn points.


4. The new donator zone suggestion has some cool features, but I am worried that it will replace Edgeville as the server home (having shops, skilling areas with enhanced loot, basically everything you'll ever need) and make home look empty. This is dissuading to newer players as they don't see as many players online when they first login, and I'm not sure how we'd combat this.



Aside from that, I agree with most of the suggestions presented here :)

Posted 05 September 2017 - 01:55 AM #17


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I agree with all of this, apart from the boss (for reasons Omicron stated) and the placing of the achievement rewards in the donor shop. After completing every achievement, I have loads of points left over without anything good to buy. The achievement shop would need to be improved as well if you were going to start moving items that should be in there, to the donor shop. The items that you've suggested for the donor shop should go in the achievement shop, in my opinion.

Posted 05 September 2017 - 02:52 AM #18


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I support most of this.

Not a fan of the items on the donor store. I thinks it's a little absurd to be paying 20$ for an extra herb patch. Loyalty or Achievement stores would be a better location for those IMO.

Also agree with what Dan said about the boss and the features of the new zone. I think if we stripped it down a little it would be a great idea though.
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Posted 05 September 2017 - 04:46 AM #19

2 swords

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I support most of this.

Not a fan of the items on the donor store. I thinks it's a little absurd to be paying 20$ for an extra herb patch. Loyalty or Achievement stores would be a better location for those IMO.

Also agree with what Dan said about the boss and the features of the new zone. I think if we stripped it down a little it would be a great idea though.

The token amount was for mostly ironmen/classics having something to spend their tokens on, especially since we don't allow players to transfer tokens from ironmen/classics if they didn't donate irl $ for the tokens. People pay $10 for a ring of wealth imbued, when it's only 2.5k slayer points


Most ironmen/classics transfer $50 worth in bonds for super donor rank (slayer task cancels)

Overall, I like most of the ideas presented here, but I have some concerns:


1. Gem rocks being Donator-only in Shilo Village restricts normal players from obtaining gems this way. Of course, there are other ways to obtain gems, and players could obtain bonds in-game to access the zone so it isn't completely restricted.


2. Those "limited-use" items, such as the 1000 charge watering can, do they simply disappear after the 1000 uses? If not, how are they recharged?


3. I feel that the requirements to fight the Giant Roc (sacrifice 100 black chins, or 200 anglerfish) are a bit unrelated to the boss overall and don't make much sense. Which "room" would the boss be in, anyway? In my opinion, a world boss should probably have a few different spawn points.


4. The new donator zone suggestion has some cool features, but I am worried that it will replace Edgeville as the server home (having shops, skilling areas with enhanced loot, basically everything you'll ever need) and make home look empty. This is dissuading to newer players as they don't see as many players online when they first login, and I'm not sure how we'd combat this.



Aside from that, I agree with most of the suggestions presented here :)

1.) The gems being donor only is exactly what I was intending for, add some in other areas for non donors (but much less)  - the good spots to mine it would be in the new ;;dz2


2.) I only said 1k charges because that's what osrs has (you could make it unlimited, or make a money sink to recharge)


3.) The requirements to fight the giant roc were simply a stepping stone for others to brainstorm (the goal here is to make players pvm/skill to gain access to fight the giant roc, similar to how players gather totems/shards to better fight skotizo efficiently


4.)  When a new player creates an account, they go through dialogue and learn about alora. You can force the new accounts to spectate the donor zone(s) and they can see the benefits and the players running around/skilling. As far as "basically everything you'll ever need" - If things are too broken or overpowered they can always be removed to try and alleviate such issues


-- I do understand the importance of having an active edge area, but I'm sure other solutions could occur to prevent the new donor zone becoming too popular. 

I agree with all of this, apart from the boss (for reasons Omicron stated) and the placing of the achievement rewards in the donor shop. After completing every achievement, I have loads of points left over without anything good to buy. The achievement shop would need to be improved as well if you were going to start moving items that should be in there, to the donor shop. The items that you've suggested for the donor shop should go in the achievement shop, in my opinion.

I avoided putting the items in the achievement shop simply because if we're moving the pyromancer set etc to fully functioning, people wouldn't have enough pts to buy everything in there. Adjusting prices, or adding new achievements would be needed. (I think you hinted at this)

Really like the donor zone suggestions! Seems very thought out, and isnt incredibly op, which is a good thing.

As for the skilling/utility items, I wouldn't mind seeing them on the donor store, but I would also like them added to the loyalty store.

Even if this means the price of them would be incredibly high, I don't like the idea of a QoL feature being locked behind a paywall.

Yeah, I just want ironmen/classics to have something other than a ring of wealth imbued to purchase. The row (i) is available in both the donor shop and in game, so both could be done (donor shop / loyalty shop / achievement shop)




Could also give non donors 1 hr of access per day, or something like that

Main Account - Syntax

Posted 05 September 2017 - 05:28 AM #20


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The token amount was for mostly ironmen/classics having something to spend their tokens on, especially since we don't allow players to transfer tokens from ironmen/classics if they didn't donate irl $ for the tokens. People pay $10 for a ring of wealth imbued, when it's only 2.5k slayer points


Most ironmen/classics transfer $50 worth in bonds for super donor rank (slayer task cancels)

1.) The gems being donor only is exactly what I was intending for, add some in other areas for non donors (but much less)  - the good spots to mine it would be in the new ;;dz2


2.) I only said 1k charges because that's what osrs has (you could make it unlimited, or make a money sink to recharge)


3.) The requirements to fight the giant roc were simply a stepping stone for others to brainstorm (the goal here is to make players pvm/skill to gain access to fight the giant roc, similar to how players gather totems/shards to better fight skotizo efficiently


4.)  When a new player creates an account, they go through dialogue and learn about alora. You can force the new accounts to spectate the donor zone(s) and they can see the benefits and the players running around/skilling. As far as "basically everything you'll ever need" - If things are too broken or overpowered they can always be removed to try and alleviate such issues


-- I do understand the importance of having an active edge area, but I'm sure other solutions could occur to prevent the new donor zone becoming too popular. 

I avoided putting the items in the achievement shop simply because if we're moving the pyromancer set etc to fully functioning, people wouldn't have enough pts to buy everything in there. Adjusting prices, or adding new achievements would be needed. (I think you hinted at this)

Yeah, I just want ironmen/classics to have something other than a ring of wealth imbued to purchase. The row (i) is available in both the donor shop and in game, so both could be done (donor shop / loyalty shop / achievement shop)




Could also give non donors 1 hr of access per day, or something like that

Prices should be adjusted so that you can buy everything in the achievement shop when you've completed every achievement. I wasn't even aware that you couldn't, currently. @Omicron

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