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Bird Nests, Raids, and Karambwans

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Posted 18 August 2017 - 01:36 AM #1

Iron Johnny
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Hello people of Alora,

Raid drops rates are sooo bad, we have wasted countless hours doing them and have seen one drop in the last 3 days!!!!

Also, can you please make the karambwan update since it is an achievement?

And, make nests easier to get, there is only 1 callisto and it drops nests at a 3% rate. Plus, people are only getting 50-75 nests an hour at mole. It takes around 10-15 brews per raid, and that's pretty tough for ironmen. 


Iron Johnny

Posted 18 August 2017 - 01:41 AM #2



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@Iron Johnny


I'll look into the Raids rate and see what I can do. It's based on points way more than before so low point players who don't participate much will have a hard time getting anything, while active players with high points will have an easier time getting rewards.


The Karambwan update is tricky since simply making them stackable makes Karambwan way easier to fish, and if we were to add it as a fishing method and remove it from the shop.. well, as you can probably guess many people have already stacked them up in their bank in anticipation of this change. No guarantees yet.


Your bird nest suggestion is slightly lacking, though. Do you mean that they should be more common from Woodcutting, or that there should be more methods to obtain them?

Posted 18 August 2017 - 01:44 AM #3

Iron Johnny
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@Iron Johnny


I'll look into the Raids rate and see what I can do. It's based on points way more than before so low point players who don't participate much will have a hard time getting anything, while active players with high points will have an easier time getting rewards.


The Karambwan update is tricky since simply making them stackable makes Karambwan way easier to fish, and if we were to add it as a fishing method and remove it from the shop.. well, as you can probably guess many people have already stacked them up in their bank in anticipation of this change. No guarantees yet.


Your bird nest suggestion is slightly lacking, though. Do you mean that they should be more common from Woodcutting, or that there should be more methods to obtain them?

I think there should be more methods to obtain bird nests. Ex: Crystal keys, slayer points, woodcutting, etc)


For raids, It just seems like it's impossible to get a drop. I have done solo raids, duo, 7-man etc. I have yet to even see any drops. Something just doesn't seem right.

Posted 18 August 2017 - 01:51 AM #4


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@Iron Johnny


I'll look into the Raids rate and see what I can do. It's based on points way more than before so low point players who don't participate much will have a hard time getting anything, while active players with high points will have an easier time getting rewards.


The Karambwan update is tricky since simply making them stackable makes Karambwan way easier to fish, and if we were to add it as a fishing method and remove it from the shop.. well, as you can probably guess many people have already stacked them up in their bank in anticipation of this change. No guarantees yet.


Your bird nest suggestion is slightly lacking, though. Do you mean that they should be more common from Woodcutting, or that there should be more methods to obtain them?


With my personal First-Hand experience with raids, the system seems to have flaws. In most cases players who drop 5k OR MORE points in a raid actually get less item quantities (such as uncuts, herbs, runes) than players in the 3-4k point range. I also had tested the points with point farming raids, and even then we did not see a single drop within the 10+ point farming raids we did. Just low quantities of loots, and it is true, there has only been one drop since the update has taken place and I have been doing 20-40 raids a day >_>

Posted 18 August 2017 - 02:07 AM #5


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With my personal First-Hand experience with raids, the system seems to have flaws. In most cases players who drop 5k OR MORE points in a raid actually get less item quantities (such as uncuts, herbs, runes) than players in the 3-4k point range. I also had tested the points with point farming raids, and even then we did not see a single drop within the 10+ point farming raids we did. Just low quantities of loots, and it is true, there has only been one drop since the update has taken place and I have been doing 20-40 raids a day >_>

Ive gotten 2 drops since the update soo there has been more then 1 lol. Quanity wise I feel like it's the same as before just feels like less noobs get something.

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Posted 18 August 2017 - 02:17 AM #6

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iam 165 raids dry....dont see me crying about it... weak ppl..


Posted 18 August 2017 - 03:27 AM #7


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Crushed nests are easy enough to obtain, their drops definitely shouldn't be changed. @Omicron

OP is right about raids, though. There have been hardly any drops since the update, so something obviously needs to get changed. I preferred the previous system.

Posted 18 August 2017 - 03:47 AM #8

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Agreed about the newest raids update... my friends and I have been doing raids and it's clear the droprates have been nerfed... because of the points being important now. I feel like we need to find another way around it, so we don't have to go dry as a desert for any of the drops.


Seen a couple people get some drops, though it definitely feels different.

Before the update of points wasn't better either... speaking from my own experience, I could managed to get b2b drops and it would be getting quite crazy seeing so.


So yeah, we need to find the golden mean... so it's still worth to grind the points meanwhile the drops do not start pouring.


For the other suggestions... support on karambwan update, feel like it's happening soon anyway.

Bird nests are fine. You can get a lot of them from woodcutting as well. I feel like egg bird nests rate has to be buffed, but that's a completely new suggestion... Thanks for your time. :)

Posted 18 August 2017 - 04:54 AM #9

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stop crying about raid drops, its fine as it is

Crushed nests are easy enough to obtain, their drops definitely shouldn't be changed. @Omicron

OP is right about raids, though. There have been hardly any drops since the update, so something obviously needs to get changed. I preferred the previous system.

I prefer this, cos a random can just get twisted bow 1kc on the previous system which is bs

I think there should be more methods to obtain bird nests. Ex: Crystal keys, slayer points, woodcutting, etc)


For raids, It just seems like it's impossible to get a drop. I have done solo raids, duo, 7-man etc. I have yet to even see any drops. Something just doesn't seem right.


ive seen like 6 drops since update from raids, system works pretty good


Posted 18 August 2017 - 08:11 AM #10


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stop crying about raid drops, its fine as it is

I prefer this, cos a random can just get twisted bow 1kc on the previous system which is bs


ive seen like 6 drops since update from raids, system works pretty good

People can get sigils on 1 KC as well, yeah it's annoying, doesn't mean that the drop rate needs to be changed though. The change I wanted to see, was to stop allowing people to get unique drops if they have under 1000 pts.

Posted 18 August 2017 - 08:36 AM #11

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People can get sigils on 1 KC as well, yeah it's annoying, doesn't mean that the drop rate needs to be changed though. The change I wanted to see, was to stop allowing people to get unique drops if they have under 1000 pts.


tbh corp can take 2-5min to kill and raids takes 15 mins + so I wudnt be mad seein ppl get sigils tbh


Posted 18 August 2017 - 11:21 AM #12


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I feel like raid drops are good as it is however bird nests could be taken a look at, you can get them from woodcutting too and you could improve the chance on getting on by being a higher donator, also drops.

Don't really have an opinion on the karamshdbdans







Posted 21 August 2017 - 11:04 AM #13

Fe Cora

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I also think there should be another method for obtaining nests. Crystal Chest sounds good to me.

Posted 01 September 2017 - 03:48 PM #14

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